View Full Version : solo 4K oddity

31-12-2018, 01:02 PM
Hi Guys,
Hope you have all had a great xmas! really odd - I run a DB 8000 and a solo4K from the same aerial with a 4 waylnb. I can system search the DB on 28.2e with no probs but even with the Db off I can search the same sat with the 4K but some channels - eg channel 5 show 00.0 signal. It is only a few channels - also E4 - but why should this happen? Tkanks for any help - as usual greatly appreciated. Happy new year to you all - Brain

31-12-2018, 04:21 PM
Which frequencies? HD or Standard?
What image do you have loaded and have you checked your satellites.xml file?

31-12-2018, 05:07 PM
a lot of C4 channels changed frequency recently, so maybe you need to do a manual scan on the affected transponders like I did recently on my solo2 and then delete the old dead channels and move the new ones into place

try doing the same trick with the affected C5 channels too

ps:- I have moved your thread into the 4k forum, from the non-4k forum

31-12-2018, 05:26 PM
Are they blind searches in each case.

I ask because, if not, my second suggestion is that the transponder table (usually satellites.xml on a linux box) may be different on the 4k.

31-12-2018, 05:51 PM
Hi Mickha,
Thanks for the reply. I have always been aware of some conflict when one box is on and using the other, but never this. Both SD and HD channels but only a few like Channel 5 and a few others. All channel 5 for example just show signal as 00.0
Open ATV 6.2 latest update.. Other showing same include CNN. Not to be confused with blank channels though - some always have a signal.Almost all other channels are there in one form or another - a range therefore of H and V.
Really puzzled - many thanks for any help - Brain

31-12-2018, 06:17 PM
may well be the satellites.xml file, you never said if they were using the same one or not or if its the latest file or not

you also did not mention if its C5HD or C5sd, big difference

it could be a cable fault like wet or damaged cable affecting the 4k box, so try the 4k box on the same feed that the dreambox was/is using

the f connector connections may need checking or sorting out

the main thing here is to determine if its a box issue , or a channel list issue, or a satellites.xml issue, or the coaxial cable that has a fault etc

and ensure that the same transponder details are being used on both boxes, by checking the ones on the dreambox first, then checking the same ones are in use on the 4k

I would be doing blind searches either, first thing I would do is check the dreambox works on all channels, then swap that coax cable onto the 4k and check again , rinse and repeat for each coax cable , to see if its one coax cable at fault due to damage or water ingress etc

I would also try testing both boxes on a direct feed from a sky dish that works on a sly box, for comparison (or similar box)

31-12-2018, 06:32 PM
Hi Echelon,
Many thanks for all your help.
It really does seem to be just a couple of sets of stations, including C5 HD/SD. I have checked the single transponder and it finds nothing. Almost all others find their stations. Cable must be fine since all others are received by the Solo box and reception signals are 16- 19 overall.Ignorance on my part re satellites.xml file - I have never looked for it so where would it be on the DB and/or VU+Solo please?
DB works on all and that is where I have taken the transponder details from. The Solo does not move the dish only the DB, but I tried it both with and without Diseq too. Thanks for all the help - Have a great New Year

31-12-2018, 06:48 PM
If you use Filezilla, to connect to your receiver, then navigate to the etc folder, tuxbox sub folder, you should find the satellites.xml file, if you right click on this, and select the view/edit option, you can tell which frequencies are listed on 28.2E.

Have you tried what echelon posted and done a manual scan, for the missing channels?

31-12-2018, 07:30 PM
thanks Mickha,
I have done the manual scan and used the transponder numbers from the DB which get the channels on the DB.Since the Solo gets 95%+ of other stations I donw think the lead is at fault so will try your advice for the satellites.xml - thanks for the directions to it! Happy New year and thanks again. Brain

31-12-2018, 07:35 PM
Have tried the satellites.xml and the transponder is there. Back to work!! Brain

31-12-2018, 08:01 PM
Another trick is when diong a manual scan where you input all parameters (Freq, Symbol rate , FEC, Polarity etc) is to try it with the known frequency (you have probably done that) but then try again with the Freq set 5MHz higher and then again with the Freq set 5MHz lower. That may sound daft but there could be s a slight offset in the STB tuner and the +/- 5MHz may confirm it.

Also LNB local oscillators can be slightly off but I don't think it is the LNB because it works OK on one box.

31-12-2018, 08:51 PM
i have a solo and uno4k box,are you putting in 10964h 22000 5/6 for 5hd?

31-12-2018, 09:25 PM
Thanks Mr-T - that I have done. I will have to try the very last thing now then - the changed frequency by 5!! cheers - Brain

01-01-2019, 01:36 PM
If still having problems have you tried catseye settings.his settings work well on my 4k boxes

02-01-2019, 05:44 PM
If still having problems have you tried catseye settings.his settings work well on my 4k boxes

Hi Mister -T - if I open these on my VU 4k will it wipe out all the channels lists I have or just update them? Thanks very much for your help. Brain

02-01-2019, 06:12 PM
it would totally replace your current list with a new one if you install the catseye list

so back up your current list with dreamboxedit or dreamset to your PC before installing the catseye list

that way you can revert back to the old list of yours if you wish to do so