View Full Version : Spiderbox 6000hd owner

04-02-2019, 05:33 PM
Can anyone tell me does Vasiks still exist? According to my box I still have something like 120 days of subscription left but although i am showing as connected nothing is clearing. Also my log in details for the site dont seem to work. It is possible my subs are over as I had some problems last year and was given new credentials but that doesnt tell me why I cant access Vasiks site.
Thanks in advance

04-02-2019, 06:34 PM
Can anyone tell me does Vasiks still exist? According to my box I still have something like 120 days of subscription left but although i am showing as connected nothing is clearing. Also my log in details for the site dont seem to work. It is possible my subs are over as I had some problems last year and was given new credentials but that doesnt tell me why I cant access Vasiks site.
Thanks in advance

Certainly still exists, and opening channels, however, there is not a lot opening these days, some *****, sport, and, film channels on
13E, 19E, and 23E. Due to dish problems, I am unable to check others.
Regards Mobley2.

04-02-2019, 08:53 PM
My Sub ran-out In Dec last but there was also plenty open at 30w as well.

04-02-2019, 09:48 PM
Thanks for the reply Mobley2. My access to all from MSCam was fine until yesterday but it completely cut off earlier today, although it has now come back intermittantly.
I know there is a very limited amount available but that is still enough to just about make it worth my while.

What is worrying me is the loss of access to Vasiks forum and I cannot even sign up as a new member due to captcha V1 shutdown preventing me from signing up as a new member, to make matters even worse the contact us link at the bottom of the page is disabled.
If you or anyone else still has access to the Vasiks forum could you let the admins there know there is a major problem for anyone attempting to join as a new member due to Captcha V1 needing to be updated and the contact us link having been disabled hopefully if that is fixed when I need to renew my membership I might be able to contact them.
As it looks like I still have an active MSCam subscription at the moment I dont want to renew just yet but when my subscription expires I will have a major problem if cannot get access to the forum.

Again please accept my thanks for your earlier reply, without people like you helping, people like me would be in even more trouble than we are now :)

05-02-2019, 12:25 AM
Hi You dont need to use IKS or Mscam on the 6000...you can use other options like Cc**m which can be cheaper and more reliable in my opinion. I have not used IKS/Mscam for more than a year now..there are loads of channels still opening on many sats...in my opinion Hotbird(13 east) and Thor(1 west) are the two best satellites..Regards

06-02-2019, 01:11 AM

Thanks so much for the heads up and suggestions but to be honest like so many others in the satellite world over the years I have got lazy and dont know how or where to go to get the relevant files to do as you have and go down the c***m route. In years gone by I use to do all sorts of things to get the viewing capabilities we all wanted, I even managed to combine different files and generate new files on an old Humax 5400 receiver back in the days I helped moderate at "The Den" but now I have forgotten everything I ever knew and wouldnt have a clue where to start.

I guess health issues which took me out the game for a long time as well as getting older meant I started relying on others to do the work for me, a mistake for sure but a trap many of us fell into. The only way back now would be finding someone willing to walk me through the whole process and pointing me in the right direction to get the access that is not out in the open, sure there are tutorials that tell us the basics but that is as much as I know hence relying and paying for subs to Vasiks for the past few years ever since they started tbh first with a spiderbox 9000HD then later with the 6000hd.

Also the last thing I would want to do is put forums like this at risk by asking or saying the wrong thing that was against the rules or worse still put myself and others at risk with the authorities.

Perhaps at a later date we could continue this discussion in a more private environnent and maybe I could pick your brains a bit more and perhaps even learn, as you have about the available alternatives without taking a chance of getting on the wrong side of Echelon lol:)

Once again thanks for your reply

06-02-2019, 12:57 PM
1k$ and M$cam are still available on the site you mentioned, as said the choice is much reduced but still ok if you don't want to fiddle too much with keeping your box working at a basic level.