View Full Version : has anyone replaced the rivets on a triax 110cm and what did you use?

27-02-2019, 05:08 PM
My triax 110cm is showing its age, the dish face is now slightly loose and I just checked it close up and noticed the rivets holding it to the stay are loose!! They have a funny screw head like an alan key but I was wondering can I replace them and what could I use instead of?


27-02-2019, 05:47 PM
Can you supply a photo ?

27-02-2019, 06:28 PM
here is an old picture of mine with what appears to be small bolts holding the bracket to the dish in 6 places

I dont see why you cannot remove what you have and replace with 6 small nuts and bolts and suitable washers (possibly stainless steel ?) , or pop rivets if needs be

27-02-2019, 06:43 PM
Yeah flat head screws/nuts or pop rivets be fine not going to affect the signal.

27-02-2019, 11:16 PM
I'll do a pic later. Dish is now 19 years young!! And I'm a bit older:D so would like to do job in situ ie take off one rivet and replace etc. What size of pop rivet do I need as that seems a simple solution? How do I get the old buggers out?

27-02-2019, 11:42 PM
if they are rivets , drill one out , then measure the hole to see what you need to use

they wont be big ones , but the diameter and length are important, plus get the right size washers for the actual pot rivet being used

nothing wrong with your idea of doing one at once

also nothing wrong with using bolts , washers and nuts instead of pop rivets