View Full Version : help with usals settings.

06-05-2019, 08:07 AM
hi, if any one could help has im really baffled , i changed my image recently from open vix to open atv....and ive always used usals with out and problems but now its over shooting sat postions west ward . so im manually having to move dish east wards. i even went back to open vix but still same. what can i do id appreciate any help... my usals settings for my region is


06-05-2019, 10:20 AM
Did you remember that negative longitude readings are West and positive Longitude = East?
Double check that you have the correct Latitude, and Longitude, by using a site like dishpointer.com, or other method.
If your Latitude, and especially Longitude, entries are correct, for your location, you can try a quick fix by altering your longitude reading, as this corrects for minor dish errors.
If the problem is with your dish/motor set up, you might want to correct it, by re-aligning your dish/motor, which means getting everything set t 0, then use your receiver, with the correct Latitude, and Longitude, entered, to move to a suitable satellite, like 0.8W, then physically adjust the dish/motor, to get the strongest signal, and then check your East/West satellites, to check the signal quality readings.

06-05-2019, 11:10 AM
thanks for replying Mickha, the dish hasnt moved with winds ect. its following arc ok.. the lattitude and longitude is as it been the same for years. theres some kind of problem ..what would you reconmend i change in these values

just one more thing would i move the dish to 0.8 west the set the recivers memory to "0"


06-05-2019, 11:33 AM
Your Longitude reading is 001312 West, altering this will change how your motor calculates where to move/stop the dish. Shouldn't this be 001.312 West? So that your location is Latitude 53.62 degrees and Longitude -1.312 degrees?
Setting up a dish, using USALS, you set everything to 0, motor and LNB, so that you get the LNB skew, rotation, correct, when the dish motor moves the dish.
You then enter your Latitude, and Longitude, into your receiver, select a satellite, for your receiver to move the motor to, usually one close to your Longitude, which is your true south, and 0.8W seems closest.
Once done you physically move the dish/motor, on your pole, to get the strongest signal. from 0.8W, then fine tune your dish elevation, to get the best signal quality.
You then tighten everything up and use your receiver to send your dish to the furthest East satellite, you want, and furthest West satellite, making a not of the signal quality readings.
You then move back to 0.8W, make minor adjustments, to the motor/dish brackets, if necessary, and check East/West again.
You then keep doing this until you're satisfied that your dish is tracking the satellite arc.

06-05-2019, 11:47 AM
just added pics of the motor setting for my location, and posioner setting...im really confused a bit....what could i chang this value to 1.312, as the dish ismoving may be 5 cm to west more than it should

06-05-2019, 12:07 PM
One of the images shows the option to manually adjust your motor, the Tune and Focus menu, if you press your green button, to Auto focus, and then the button to adjust this, for all other satellites, it should do it automatically.
Otherwise you could just try altering your Longitude settings and check the results, e.g. change it 0.5 West, and if that improves things alter it slightly more, if it makes things worse try 1.8 West.

06-05-2019, 12:15 PM
change this value 001312 to 0.5, or change the 053.620.

06-05-2019, 12:34 PM
Only change your Longitude setting, which is East/West, not your Latitude setting which is North/South, so leave 053.620 as it is.
You might also want to confirm your Latitude, and Longitude, location, at dishpointer.com, just type in your postcode and it will provide the Latitude, and Longitude.

06-05-2019, 12:49 PM
these are my coordinate 53.5222, Longitude = -1.3234

06-05-2019, 12:53 PM
In your pictures you have your Longitude reading at 1.312 West, not 1.323 West.
Try entering Latitude 053.522 North and Longitude 001.323 West

06-05-2019, 01:03 PM
yes i used the the lat and longitude site you gave me to get correct coordinates... its still out im some how going to after change the 1.323 west , to some how stop the dish travelling too much west. i need it more east has its still over shooting any sat postion .

06-05-2019, 01:06 PM
Then try changing your Longitude to 001.600 West, and see if that makes it better, or worse, if better keep altering it slightly, if worse try the other way, 001.000 West

06-05-2019, 01:26 PM
Mickha ive managed it, ive changed the 1.3234 west to 009.999, its seems to work after many trail and errors but it works on all sats so itll be fine but much appreciate all help provided .

06-05-2019, 04:33 PM
in that case it would appear that your motor is misaligned by 1 or 2 degrees , hence your problem

you may not need to manually move the motor itself slightly left or right to refocus the dish correctly

if it works ok as it is , leave the motor alone

if it doesnt , you would put in your correct longitude which will overshoot the satellite, then you would physically turn the motor on the pole slightly left or right until the satellite is seen , peak the signal and lock the motor up in its new position (before doing this mark the motor and pole with a sharpie or marker pen , then mark it in the new position and you will notice its a few mm or cm away from the original marker)

06-05-2019, 04:48 PM
strange thing is it happen yesterday... theres been no high winds up here in yorkshire so im bit confused with it all.