View Full Version : Lost my Mac address !

24-07-2019, 02:49 AM
H'i Folks,
As I'm new to SATPIMPS I would just like to say hello to everyone, including the satpimps team before I bore you with my problem.
My issue is I've lost my Mac address, along with my IP address, port, ID, and password. The problem arose when I tried to upload clines. I tried to do this via a usb stick, which I've done numerous times with clines before. However I haven't done this for a good few years now, and I think I might have pressed the wrong option in the usb menu. because now I have nothing in my network settings only zero's for everything, including my Mac address. There is nothing highlighted now only Auto/Manual, and Apply. So when I press on Auto, or manual, it states "invalid Mac address". I also had other clines which were working fine, but they have stopped working as well, probably because of no Mac address. I have my Mac address wrote down but I don't know where, or how to re-install it. Any help on this issue would be most appreciated as its been down now for about a week, and I really miss it. Thanks a lot.

24-07-2019, 11:27 AM
have you tried factory reset ?

24-07-2019, 03:59 PM
have you tried factory reset ?

Thanks for taking some interest in my problem. This is really getting me down now. I'm disabled, and unfortunately can't get out much, so satellite tv is a bit of a life line for me
Anyway back to my issue. No I haven't tried a factory reset yet, but it looks like a last resort, because I didn't want to go through the procedure of saving my channel list etc, but it looks likes I'm going to have to give it a try. You can't think of anything else I can try before I commit to doing this can you. Thanks.

24-07-2019, 06:55 PM
think the reset is the only option

24-07-2019, 08:05 PM
Hi Why do you need the Mac address..clines dont use mac address as far as i know. You may have lost the menu options for network..from what i can remember you need to enter a pin number to reload the menu options...i thinks its 9999 in network menu . If you live in London i may be able to help you Regards..

24-07-2019, 09:02 PM
H'i Karabang.
I'm afraid without a Mac address nothing works, its a must. I haven't lost my network options, but when I click on auto it states invalid Mac Address, and nothings high lighted in the menu. And the pin number you mentioned is: 1111.

24-07-2019, 10:39 PM
Have you tried resetting your router/modem. by unplugging all connections, power off, wait for a couple of minutes, switch the power back on, replace any leads etc.

25-07-2019, 12:39 AM
Hi Do the free channels work without a Mac address?? How are you connecting to the internet?? Is the network settings correct and in network menu do you have an option to enter clines manually?? You could always try to backup your current channels etc to USB and then reinstall a patch and see if it returns to normal. Regards

25-07-2019, 01:38 AM
Joe, I tried the factory reset. Unfortunately still exactly the same.

25-07-2019, 08:05 AM
Hi have you looked at the bottom of the box to see if mac address is there..i have my mac address on the bottom of my Spider 6000 box....Regards

25-07-2019, 03:46 PM
H'i Aldo,
Thanks for getting back to me. Yes I've tried what you suggested but no luck I'm afraid, still no Mac address. Thanks for your input.

25-07-2019, 03:55 PM
I've already done everything you suggested, but still no joy.
I already have my Mac address, which I had wrote down and kept it for times like these when I first purchased the box. What I'm trying to do is to put it back in, and I don't know how to. Thanks anyway.

25-07-2019, 07:33 PM
What firmware do you have loaded?
I haven't used my Spiderbox 9000HD for years, upgraded to a VU+ Duo 2, but once my original "gift" ran out I switched to C Lines, which I manually set up, as I found loading them by USB failed, too often, to load all the lines.
You might have to re-load your Spiderbox 9000 HD firmware, and start from the beginning.
Any chance you can post images, of your menu, and the problems you're experiencing?

25-07-2019, 08:31 PM
H'i Mickha,
Can I just say I'm not computer illiterate, but I'm no expert either, so when you say firmware, do you mean the last update, which was: March / 29 / 2012. In system information, I have Software Version which is: Ver F5.41, LDR: Ver 00.31 Then I have Hardware Version: Ver 01.20,RM PTC(ok) and lastly the last update, which is as above. I like you have been using clines for about 8 years now with out any problems until recently. I purchased some new clines which needed to be converted to Oscam, which I duly did to get the best use of
this new life time package. I entered the converted Oscam lines into usb stick and put into my spiderbox as instructed. This where I think I went wrong, In the usb menu I think I may have selected the wrong option and clicked on it. I lost quite a lot of data after that favourites etc. I had another CCcam lines package which I've had for about two years but that's also gone down too. In Network Settings IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, 1st DNS, 2nd DNS, and my MAC Address are not highlighted. The only things that are is Auto/Manual, and Apply. When I click on any of them I et a message pop up saying "Invalid MAC Address". I do have my MAC Address, I wrote it down when I first purchased this box years ago, but don't know how or where to put it back in.
Anyway Mickha that's where I'm at the moment. I do hope you can help me, it would be greatly appreciated.

25-07-2019, 09:10 PM
google spiderbox mac address restorer program....its there with instructions

25-07-2019, 09:39 PM
If JOE.MADDISON tip fails you can always try following the guides, on Satpimps, and the tools, and firmware, available:




25-07-2019, 10:22 PM
years ago i bought a spider with gift from the bay it worked for a few days then became intermittent so went on a sat forum for advice ,a day later got a pm from another member with similar problem he asked if i got the box off,and gave name of seller,i replied yes ,we contacted the seller and found he had programed up his box and the cloned the boxes he sold ,we then found the cloning gave all the boxes his mac address,he then sent us a program which allowed us
to put original box mac addresses back in and it worked

25-07-2019, 10:44 PM
Hi Dont understand why you were told to use Oscam..Spiderbox dont use Oscam..By using Oscam it probably corrupted the memory...Have you tried the following:
a)Connect an Ethernet cable from router to box
b) Make sure network connection is set toWired.
c) If you get a connection then enter one cline manually and see if it connects..
d) If you dont know how to enter clines manually then i suggest you edit your usb file and delete the Oscam details and have the file looking like this
C:cline details..
then upgrade the file via Software upgrade menu or USB option.
Hope it works. Regards

25-07-2019, 10:50 PM
he needs the MAC ADDRESS INSTALLING first

26-07-2019, 02:23 AM
H'i Joe,
I googled spiderbox Mac Address restorer program, but couldn't find anything that was specific to a spiderbox, only some kind of dongle called spider, and for windows.

26-07-2019, 09:33 PM
H'i Folks,
I would just like to say this will be my last post on this subject, as I've decided to invest in a new stb. So I thank you all for all your help and advise I've had from everyone. Thank you.

26-07-2019, 10:02 PM
Did you try loading the firmware again, from the one of the links in my previous post?
The Spiderbox 9000 HD was a cheap receiver, with 12 months gift included, so they were good value, but receivers have moved on, and there are a lot of new ones on the market.

26-07-2019, 10:39 PM
Hi Mac address is a hardware issue not software related..so reloading a firmware may not give you a mac address...If you are going to reload a firmware you will need the original as it was from day one.. and download it via a laptop and RS232 cables..same as for the 6000HD..again no guarantee it will give you a mac address but may be worth a try. or to save time think of buying a Spider 6000HD...dont cost much and gives you IPTV......Regards