View Full Version : ftp connection

14-11-2019, 06:52 PM
hi all
ive just bought this box a couple of days ago
so far ive loaded black hole 3.0.9.l with skin MXHQ10
ive got all satellites i use loaded and scanned them for channels...so alls good so far
my problem now is ftp connection
in black hole settings ftp panel is running
ive read up on how to use filezilla and also WinSCP to start connection
so far ive tried them both with no luck
i just get a message saying connection failed
is there something i need to activate on the box or could it be something to do with my laptop
ive not had a box like this before so am looking forward to the challenge
any guidance would be much appreciated
cheers to all

14-11-2019, 07:32 PM
Have you located your receivers network IP address, in the menu? This is needed to connect Filezilla.
A quick alternative is to try connecting to your receiver using the Dreambox Control Centre, as this will find all devices, and the relevant IP address, by selecting the search option.

14-11-2019, 09:51 PM
here is what im typing in on WinSCP
file protocol FTP
host name
port number 21
user name root
password just leaving that blank
fhen click on login

then it just says connection failed and keeps retrying every 10 seconds or so

14-11-2019, 10:30 PM
I assume the IP of your STB is and I assume the IP of your PC is 192.168.1.***

You also have no encryption selected in winscp ?

15-11-2019, 12:36 AM
thats correct
i was just following a basic tutorial on how to get started
im new to black hole and enigma2...never used a box like this before
bit of a dinosaur with this technology but wanting to learn
any help is much appreciated

15-11-2019, 09:31 AM
Did you manage to connect using the DDC, Dreambox Control Centre, or the VU+ Control Centre?

15-11-2019, 08:11 PM
Can you post a screen shot of your winscp connection setup and a screenshot showing your network configuration from your STB ?

16-11-2019, 11:54 AM
rockero, are you sure your box does not have a password?

16-11-2019, 12:57 PM
688466884668847688486884968849688 45
ive attempted to add pictures

tried both addresses but neither work...i dont know why browse network neighbourhood is different from network setup
also i dont know if the box has a password
sorry to be such a pain but im new to this type of box

16-11-2019, 01:57 PM
Photos show your box IP address as not 100

Also try user: root and password: vuplus-images

If that doesn't work go to wherever you downloaded your black hole 3.0.9.l image from. The page where you got the image from would normally have user (usually root) and password listed.

16-11-2019, 03:19 PM
Pictures seem to show a discrepancy in your LAN IP ( and ? )
Turn off DHCP on your 4k (Use DHCP = No) and manually set your IP to something like and save.
Then change the Hostname in winscp to the same ( and try again.

You may need to restart your router and VU to get these changes to apply.

Doesn't look like a password problem as it would ask you to enter it if it was.
So looks like it's just winscp going to the wrong place to try and connect.


16-11-2019, 04:13 PM
Did you try the DCC, Dreambox Control Centre, or the VU+ Control Centre?

24-11-2019, 12:38 PM
thanks for all your suggestions and help
i turned off dhcp and entered ip address manually...i tried this a few times with no success
apart from winscp ive now tried dreambox control centre...vucc...filezilla...smart FTP...ive not been able to connect with any of them
since then ive done a factory reset and tried everything again without any success so far
the pics show how my box is at the moment
i dont know what to try next
should i try using a different image ???
i am having fun with this box but just feeling a little frustrated
any more ideas would be much appreciated
cheers to all

24-11-2019, 01:46 PM
Yes try a different image (either openblackhole, openatv or openvix) and see if the problem persists.


24-11-2019, 01:56 PM
Is the firewall on your pc blocking it ?

24-11-2019, 05:00 PM
Do you have the Samba option in your VU+ Zero - it should be listed in the Network utilities set up menu. If yes, try to activate it. You can then see your VU+ Zero on your PC under the Network tab in the Computer menu.

It does not answer all your questions, but at least you should be able to see all the files on the VU+ Zero through your PC.

24-11-2019, 05:16 PM
Have you tried user "root" password "dreambox".

It is surprising how many images are tested on a Dreambox and adapted for other boxes but the password may not have been changed.

I get on nicely with Dreambox Control Centre although it is not favoured by all.

It has a load of options built in including an ftp app. If it doesn't connect you can do a search of all IP addresses on your LAN. Hint disconnect the stb and do a scan then connect the stb and scan again to see which IP address gets added. Accept the new address and if it is the password is incorrect it should tell you.

One other quirk of DCC is that if you get several fails it needs to be stopped and started again.

28-11-2019, 12:18 AM
thanks for your ideas
heres an update of what ive tried in past few days
ive tried 5 more images with no success
ive downloaded and tried advanced ip scanner along with mylanviewer
neither of them could detect the box
i guess im doing something wrong
is there something i need to do manually to activate ftp on the box
sorry for being such a muppet
regards to all

28-11-2019, 07:48 AM
If Dreambox Control Centre isn't picking up your VU+ then you might have something on your PC, or router, blocking you.
Looking at your images you are connected to the internet, as your receiver shows an IP Address of, via a LAN, cable, connection, in the images you've provided.
Have you checked if you can access your VU+ using openwebif? Just type your receivers IP address, into a web browser, like Firefox, and it should connect to your VU+.

28-11-2019, 12:39 PM
what is the IP address of your PC? It must be in the range
Is the IP free on your system or is it possible dhcp has allocated it to another device?
The dns address is not correct. You should have 2 correct dns addresses from your ISP. An incorrect dns can foul up the device connection. For example Virgin is and

I actually only use FlashFXP or one of the other free FTP systems for file transfer and connection because I have three boxes and it is easy to foul up boxes if dcc or a composite interconnect system connects to the wrong box and you miss the error. At least a simple ftp prog doesn't confuse connections.

28-11-2019, 04:56 PM

thanks everyone for all your help
my problem is sorted now
i have 2 routers
my laptop was connected via wifi to the other router
ive now connected to the other router via wifi which the zero4k is connected to and all seems fine
now i will do some more reading up and figure out how to add my lines
thanks again for all your help and suggestions
regards to all

28-11-2019, 08:30 PM
Glad to see you are sorted rockero but to make all of our lives a little easier it would have helped us all if you explained the complexity of your home network.

My guess is you maybe don't understand how to configure your network as there is no point in having two routers on the same IP range both using DHCP to dynamically assign IP addresses.

Remember, if you share all the information from the beginning then the help you receive will be much more accurate than wild ideas pulled out of the air.