View Full Version : VU Solo 4K - reading Dreambox

31-12-2019, 11:04 AM
Hi guys,
Hope you have had a great xmas. Old age catching up with me I think.
Can read all[ recordings, films etc] from my solo 4k on my dreambox, but suddenly cant read Dreambox from solo 4k. Used to be mediaplayer then all boxes came up - what I have I changed?? Epic fail on my part perhaps!! Cheers - Happy New Year guys - Brain

31-12-2019, 01:01 PM
Stupid me - sorry for my age - solved it -thanks. Brain

31-12-2019, 04:33 PM
So did you forget to mount the Dreambox on your 4k ? or what was the problem ?


02-01-2020, 07:10 PM
Hi St.O
I had turned off DHCP - though I dont think I had used it originally. I put the IP address in I thought. Another point for anyone with post 2017 macbook iDreamX is not usable[ after years of great service!] so have used Cyberduck.
Cheers - Brain