View Full Version : 1m Gibertini dish on 48mm pole

Red Alert2
02-01-2020, 10:26 PM
Hi all,

I am planning to put up a 1m Gibertini dish on a 2.5m pole ground mount bolted into concrete. I have been looking for ground mounts and saw one with adjustable legs so you can make the pole plum. It comes with 3 legs (45cm long) and 1m pole (48mm diameter) but it will be too short to have any line of sight. I need the pole to be 2.5m high so I can install the dish lower down on the pole and for the base of the dish to be at the 2.1 or 2.2 m line with a clear line of sight. I will need to install Stab HH100 motor on it also. My idea is to add a pole coupler and buy a 48mm scaffold pole 1.5m high (maybe 4mm wall) and attach it to the 1m pole using the coupler. The coupler is approx 30 cm long.

Do you think this set up will be strong enough to hold the dish and motor? Will it be steady in the wind? What if i add braces to it and connect it to a fence post or the concrete?

They dont make couplers for 60mm poles so I am stuck with 50mm pole. Although I know the wider the diameter the more stable the pole would be.

Your thoughts?

03-01-2020, 01:05 PM
pole coupler will never work,i had to buy 3 inch pole from the bay ,drill hole thro base of pole use 1/2 inch studding and nuts(about 12 inches long)to stop pole rotating in set concrete ,buy some inch square steel tube as long as possible to make tripod legs put studding thro base of legs (to stop legs pulling out of concrete)dig hole for pole at least 2-3 ft deep,concrete in place keeping pole true (use fast set concrete and gravel)when set dig holes for tripod legs 2/3 ft deep,cut two legs same length for sides of dish (as long as possible with out fouling bass of dish tracking) drill hole thru pole put 12INCHES of studding thru use 4 nuts(2 to secure studding to pole,two to adjust legs)drill holes tru top of legs and fit on to studding (but only fit so half way along to allow for vertical adjust AFTER concrete is fully set)another 2 nuts
cut last leg and fit at back or front and fit same way (may be longer or shorter than others depends on front or back and must not foul dish concrete in ALLOW TO SET 24 HOURS, THEN adjust/tighten nuts so pole is true,fill pole inside with concrete push down with long cane or rod let set then fit dish,long job but WELL WORTH IT,STOPS FUTURE WIND PROBLEMS ETC.legs may well be 8 ft or more long fit inch square plastic inserts to open tops of legs,all bits off e bay