View Full Version : BISS with OSCAM EMU \ Vix image

16-01-2020, 01:16 PM
Hi guys,

Bit confused what i need in the server.config for BISS to clear using OSCAM EMU on VIX image.

I tried entering a BISS key into a constant.cw file last night, and it didnt clear...

Can you please help.


16-01-2020, 01:29 PM
Best method is the "campag5242" method which was discussed in detail on the SU forum a year or two ago.

This puts the biss key in the SoftCam.Key file. Set up an emulator reader in oscam with Device that points to your SoftCam.Key file.

It works by finding a line in your log similar to:
F NNNNNNNN 00000000 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; 10.0E 11509V sid:0001 added: 2020-01-04 @ 15:18
- copy/paste the above line into your SoftCam.Key file

You edit in the working biss key in place of the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The advantage of this method is that the NNNNNNNN is different for each feed, and it avoids the conflict you get when two feeds have iDs that clash.

If you want to try this I can give more details - one point to note is that not all oscam versions have the emulator reader function.

16-01-2020, 01:36 PM
Best method is the "campag5242" method which was discussed in detail on the SU forum a year or two ago.

This puts the biss key in the SoftCam.Key file. Set up an emulator reader in oscam with Device that points to your SoftCam.Key file.

It works by finding a line in your log similar to:
F NNNNNNNN 00000000 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; 10.0E 11509V sid:0001 added: 2020-01-04 @ 15:18
- copy/paste the above line into your SoftCam.Key file

You edit in the working biss key in place of the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The advantage of this method is that the NNNNNNNN is different for each feed, and it avoids the conflict you get when two feeds have iDs that clash.

If you want to try this I can give more details - one point to note is that not all oscam versions have the emulator reader function.

thank you =- please do tell.... also , does this clear POWERVU also, or is that a different story?

16-01-2020, 03:21 PM
Definitely no PU - only Biss.

I suggest you set it up as I described and see how far you get.

Start with your oscam webif - add a reader - call it emulator - and select protocol: emu. If you can't do this, you need to find an oscam version with the emu. In this reader you need is to point to your SoftCam.Key file - example is Device: /etc/tuxbox/config/SoftCam.Key

If you get this far tune to a biss channel and look in the oscam log to see what it says.

16-01-2020, 07:18 PM
I've never got to grips with oscam but oscamymod seems to be easier to use.

When I couldn't clear channels on a Vu+duo that were OK on my zGemma I noticed that the CW shown by the emu was all wrong. Eventually found the Vu had an old oscam key file tucked away in etc\tuxbox\config. I don't know if ymod has the key file hard coded in it or if not, or what points to the keyfile location.

17-01-2020, 12:19 AM
ive got it working thanks to a bundle - all i needed to do, was edit server.config for my provider - and copy the latest softcam.key
amazingly simple.
biss and powervu working (although powervu channels break up although strong signal...? )

14-07-2020, 07:26 PM
ive got it working thanks to a bundle - all i needed to do, was edit server.config for my provider - and copy the latest softcam.key
amazingly simple.
biss and powervu working (although powervu channels break up although strong signal...? )
Hi Guys! I was a regular contributor to this forum a few years ago before working abroad for a long stretch. I realise I need to update my knowledge somewhat and do some reading.
A good starting point would be "How to add Biss Keys" in VU+duo or Zgemma using Oscam.emu or CCcam for example or any other method.
Can any one help please?

16-07-2020, 02:45 PM
There are different ways to do this. I outlined the manual method in the first reply to this thread, ManikM used a bundle - I don't know the details.

Another method is to use a server that automatically loads the latest biss keys. Information on that is available on the SU sat forum (do a search to find). I have never used that option, so I can't help you with the details.

If you want to try the manual method (see my post above). First you must load the latest oscam emu version - look on SU for oscam-115xx-openpli40-emu.zip. Then try loading in a current working biss key (again SU is the source) and see how far you get.

Then post here if you need more help.

16-07-2020, 03:11 PM
Here is an excellent feed to try out. It is a feed from the cricket on 28.2°E 12635 H 7200 DVB-S2 - 4:2:0 - 8PSK - the info and the key is on SU.

This feed will be live for the next 3-5 days for most of the day. The signal is easy to tune in and 3-5 days allows you plenty of time to test it and see how biss feeds work.

16-07-2020, 09:51 PM
Just install Biss Feeds Autokey Plugin is easiest way.


17-07-2020, 08:48 PM
thanks funtime26

i have since learned that all i need is softcam.key and enter keys manually

powervu and biss - no problem.