View Full Version : powervu picture freezes/glitches

01-02-2020, 02:43 PM
hi all. just back in the sat game. have a vu+ ultimo 4k box running latest oscam on open pli. i have an issue where that when watching powervu channels the pictrue glitches and freezes every few seconds. everything else works fine its just powervu i have the issue with. any help would be great. thanks

01-02-2020, 06:13 PM
Maybe try another cam (Ncam perhaps) see if your oscam is the issue? 4.8E and 1W Powervu OK here on both Open Blackhole and Pure2 ,

02-02-2020, 11:06 AM
i have fixed the issue. it was in the oscam server where i found the issue.

02-02-2020, 11:18 AM
i have fixed the issue. it was in the oscam server where i found the issue.

It would maybe help others if you explained what you have changed to eliminate the glitching & freezing!

As long as it falls within the forum rules.

02-02-2020, 07:12 PM
it was a clash of cards between oscam emu and the emulator its self. they both were opening at the same time. i backed up the server settings and removed the oscam emu and the freezing stopped and now everything works perfectly fine. as am still new to oscam this was my fix. it may not work for everyone.