View Full Version : Vu Duo 2 Tuner issue

18-04-2020, 09:26 PM
Installed new AtV image today
Set up & reinstalled all the usual stuff

I have 3 tuners & 2 dishes

Tuner C connects to the static dish at 28.2 East
Tuner A & B connect to channel master 1.2 with twin lnb

When its parked up at 28.2 East signal is fine on the 1.2 dish & on the static dish

When moving the dish say to 19.2 East I get no signal from it
The signal from the static dish is still fine

This is where it gets a problem
Ive switch off tuner c in case its causing the problem

So flick through a few transponders on 19.2 East
Some come up with signal & no picture
So do a transponder scan
In comes channels broadcast on Astra 28.2 EAst

How could this be happening?
Tuner C connected to static dish at Astra 28.2 east is off
It would be impossible for even a 1.2 metre dish to tune into a satellite 10 degrees away

Any explanations or remedies?
Ive installed settings again & tried other sats too

18-04-2020, 10:05 PM
Are you using a 36v motor, on your Channel Master 1.2M and a V-Box II?
Do you have Tuners A, and B, set up in advanced mode, with the Tuner connected to your V-Box II set as motorized, Disecq 1.2, and allocated the corresponding satellite positions to match your V-Box II settings, and the second tuner set as second cable from motorized dish?
Can you please post more detailed information, especially regarding your motor, and tuner settings.

Tuner C is a basic setup, simple, fixed dish, Astra 2, 28.2E.

As there is no way that your 1.2M dish is pointing at 19.2E, seeing as you are getting 28.2E, I'm thinking that your position settings are wrong, and you have 19.2E set as the number for 28.2E, but this is only if you are using Disecq 1.2, in your tuner settings.

18-04-2020, 10:49 PM
V box is moving the dish& actuator but its done manually
P28 corresponds with 28 East etc
Dish is moving fine which is why its bizarre

19-04-2020, 06:15 AM
Either your dish has slipped, become loose, your motor isn't counting correctly, the wire is damaged/loose, your positioner has become faulty, or just lost the positions.
It doesn't appear like the dish is moving fine, if when moving to 19.2E you're still able to get 28.2E, and not 19.2E.
Have you checked the wire, that sends the pulse, from your V-Box II, to the motor?

What happens when you move the dish to all the other stored satellite positions?

If they are working correctly then for some reason the V-Box II has lost 19.2E, which is quite easy to remedy, as you select the stored 19.2E position, on your V-Box II, select a suitable 19.2E channel, on your receiver, then use the West, right, arrow, on your V-Box II remote, or box, until you get 19.2E, then store it.

19-04-2020, 09:07 AM
You say that you can see that the dish is moving. Do you always receive 28°e channels when you move the dish to another position. That implies that the Duo2 is receiving signals from the fixed dish at all times.

I would suggest physically unplugging the LNB cable from the fixed dish from the socket on the back of the Duo2.

Then try to get the motorised dish inputs to be recognised in the Duo2 menus.

19-04-2020, 11:52 AM
Checked the dish again
Its moving fine
Checked all the dish actuator etc-that's solid no movement in play etc

19-04-2020, 11:53 AM
Going try & 26 East
France 24 on 11996H

Problem resolved
Dish/LNB/motor all fine

For some bizarre reason the tuners were not working properly
Disconnected & removed refitted
All working fine again