View Full Version : Solo 4K signal problem

19-04-2020, 05:18 PM
I have loved this box ever since I bought it here from Goldwafers, but had a tuner problem, and no download possible of horizontal stations including channel 5. However, it does now seem to have done a full download but all picture and sound have gone. I have even tried a factory reset but while all programme details, programme notes and timing details exist there is no sound or picture, except when playing from HDD. Any ideas? i have tried Lee several times but he is obviously not readily around in these challenging times.
The tuner is pretty new - about 6 months old - but I just wondered in my more confident world of the Dreambox, I might have switched something of by mistake? Any help would be gatefully received. All best - Brain[less]!

19-04-2020, 05:55 PM
I would:
start with a new image
don't load any bouquets
put a new satellites.xml file into /etc/tuxbox
go to _http://satellites-xml.org/ click on custom
select 28.2E Astra 2E/2F/2G
and download
now do a scan

take it from there

19-04-2020, 06:54 PM
What are your tuner settings?
What satellite setup, do you have, including type of LNB?
What image do you have loaded?

Even if you'd turned the receiver to radio mode you should get something, usually a background image.

What are you playing, from your HDD? Are these recordings made from when the receiver was working, or from a different receiver, or downloaded onto the plugin hard drive?

Are you getting anything on the 3.5" built in LCD screen?

19-04-2020, 07:04 PM
Thanks for all this help. The box now just simply seems not to want to turn on at all after shutdown! .Will try usual all lead out and no power overnight and see what happens tomorrow.If it does come back I will try the new image since I have been on openAtV for quite while. Can I reload saved files or shall I start afresh? Nothing on the 3.5 screen - TV just keeps the open ATV screen and the little wheel every 15'. Recordings are all on the HD and recorded from the box itself. I shall be sad if it has fully died after about 3 years - both DB's are still going wonderfully strong - about 11 and 8 years of very heavy service!! Cheers guys - thanks for your help - I will report back. Just about to enjoy seeing the Rolling Stones on BBC - old school chum - Mick Jagger. Brain

19-04-2020, 10:41 PM
take the HDD out. You can get the files off it later. (remove power lead first!)
then re-flash

20-04-2020, 01:40 PM
Thanks for all your help OF - I have spent the whole morning and followed all you said but whether I put any usb in front or back the box just turns on and shows the old Open ATV screen but nothing at all happens - spinning wheel for first minute. It is really strange - something must have died in the operating system in the box. When it is on I can access all things in the linux prog and the HD but not play them on the box since no image comes to life. Am waiting for Lee to perhaps reply to the several personal emails I have sent him in case he has an idea - but he doesnt seem to be around at all. Ah well - back to the gardening, and thanks again - Brian
PS the only thing it does do is download a yesterdays dated Transmission file onto the memory stick!!

20-04-2020, 02:21 PM
If you can get to the Splash Screen showing ATV when you boot the box then I would suggest there's nothing wrong with the boxes hardware.

Are you sure your flashing the new image correctly ?

Are you indeed pressing the Power button ( under the flap ) after you have inserted the USB and then turned it on from the switch at the back ? Pressing the Power button begins the flash.

Are you sure your using a USB that the box likes ? Many are not liked by boxes when used for flashing. As a rule of thumb cheap as chips is better, the more expensive ones simply refuse to flash the box.


20-04-2020, 02:30 PM
Hi Ian,
All that I have done - since usb's cause problems can it be done via computer like Dreamboxes? Just wondered. Thanks - Brain

20-04-2020, 02:37 PM
No is the simple answer. Sorry. The only other alternative is to flash online from within the image itself, but if the box wont boot then its a USB job I'm afraid.

Buy a 2 quid USB from the Pound Shop,the less capacity the better, 2gig at most, honestly that's the type most likely to work. I went through at least 7 USB sticks trying to find one that would flash the box and only one will work, which now I've kept on one side just for this purpose.

Is the display instructing you to press power after you flick the switch at the back ?

If not its 100% your USB at fault and the box is simply not reading it to be able to flash.

I honestly believe though that the boxes hardware is fine and its just a simple matter of you not managing to reflash.


20-04-2020, 02:56 PM
Download the HP format tool (google search and you will find it).

This will correctly format your usb stick as they can and do get corrupted with windows format from time to time.

Then put the image you want to flash onto the usb stick again (make sure the vuplus folder is in the root of the stick).

Remove all usb devices from the rear of your box, put the usb stick with the image you want to flash into the front usb port and power the box on.

Then it should tell you on the front panel to press the power button when it see's the update on the usb stick.

20-04-2020, 03:47 PM
Happy to try each small suggestion I havent - at this point all this help is greatly appreciated. Thanks Brain

20-04-2020, 09:18 PM
I'm assuming U followed


21-04-2020, 12:33 PM
Hi all,
Well - thanks OF I did of course check it, but several times nothing appeared on screen. Following advice re usb's didnt seem to work, but was only using Fat-Dos or exfat. Found a very old usb still fat-32 - nothing at first then third attempt very quickly pressing on/off at front and all started - perhaps I took too long pressing or what. Directions finally up and all now working except channels. No channels playing but all loaded down as single sat. Have tuners A-J noted, but only AB,EF,IJ showing on choice. There is only the one aerial on 28e atm. Service scan shows all being loaded in but none have played so far - more to do or perhaps I am being a clothhead on tuner choice? Yes I am - First have only two tuners open and use the second tuner for those non-obtainable!!Thanks for all your patient help - it is quite a time since I had to start from scratch with this box. Dreamboxes are so much easier - perhaps age is really catching up with me!!! Thanks again all. Brain[less]

21-04-2020, 02:26 PM
Have you got a unicable LNB, or an older LNB?

If you have an older LNB you might want to check your settings.

21-04-2020, 05:45 PM
menu|Setup|enter|Tuners & Scanning|enter|Tuner setup|enter|Tuner A|enter

screen says:
Setup Tuner A: Vuplus DVB-S NIM(736 FBC)(DVB-S2)
Configuration mode = simple
Mode = simple
Satellite = 28.2 Astra 2E/2F/2G
send DiSEqC = no
Force legacy signal stats = no

if you zap to a channel that was scanned (say ITV) the signal strength (press OK twice) is shown at the bottom of the screen.
That should indicate the channel is being received.

21-04-2020, 05:55 PM
If you use Winblows, you can clear a USB
shove it in yr computer
go to the 'Type here to search' bit bottom left
type 'cmd'
a window will open with 'Command Prompt' in it.
right click on it and select 'run as administrator'
you now have an 'elevated command prompt'
type diskpart
at the DISKPART> prompt, type list disk
it will list what disks are present
select the number which corresponds to yr USB, type select disk 3 [for example]
type clean
type create partition primary
you can now format from the desktop


21-04-2020, 08:02 PM
Hi Both,
I havent been that active for quite a while with the box since I tend to use it a lot for casual watching and the Great IPTV set-up so I have a bit slipped behind. Mickha, what you say has made me think since I do think the 4 way lnb I have got does need reassessing, and OF while I can do the tuner bit correct now, after some confusion over the number running, the second section about command I have never used and will certainly enjoy giving it a try. Thank you both for such support - very much appreciated and just the sort of thing I find Satpimps is so good at doing when it is really needed. Thanks again - Brain

21-04-2020, 11:04 PM
u r welcome