View Full Version : Help with SIS channels on Astra 4E

07-06-2020, 07:02 PM
Hello lovely people! I need some advice regarding getting the SIS channels. As a complete newbie to this I understand that I need to have my satellite pointing in the right direction connected to a suitable receiver ie Freesat v8 Golden (?).

As SIS channels are Powervu encrypted I heard there is something called Oscam EMU or Ncam which can decode it? If anyone could offer me any advice on how to receive the SIS channels especially horse racing that would be HUGELY appreciated! I am reasonably tech savvy, just need pointing in the right direction from fellow members :)

Thank you very much for all your replies.

08-06-2020, 11:30 AM
Welcome to Satpimps forum :bravo-009:
First thing is align dish @ 4.8 East SiS freq's a 78cm size dish is ideal for max signal strength
Freq 12149 H 27500 DVB-S
Freq 12419 H 27500 DVB-S

Watch this YouTube Video explains in detail how to add/edit PowerVU key


Also be aware that PowerVU Ecm keys change every day so you must be prepared to add new ECM keys each day every day
and like everything sat related there is no 100% guarantee this will last as it will only take a new hash mode change to make everything go dark , hopefully this will not happen so soon but its a real possibility .

Good luck :respect-054:

08-06-2020, 12:08 PM
Latest Oscam and Ncam are still auto updating keys. Just checked and my sat box just auto updated powervu keys fine on BetFred TV (TTV) - Cisco 4 channel and can now watch all the SIS channels.
So yes you just need any satbox running enigma2 with Oscam or Ncam pointing dish at 4.8E.

Can't say I know the Freesat v8 Golden box. If it runs any enigma2 image with oscam or ncam should be fine.

Barney is right about hash mode change if this happens it will all be gone same as AFN powervu channels. Saying that they haven't so far! :)
Hoping I'm not encouraging you to gamble posting this! :beatdeadhorse5:


08-06-2020, 12:15 PM
i think the courtsiding days are over. There was some serious coin to be made in the early days of mobile betting when there was no delay or it was minimal

08-06-2020, 07:37 PM
thanks for this, very informative :) as i am a newbie, could you please advise me on how to install Ncam on the box? I am not sure which box you have but perhaps I could get the same one if its tried and tested? Many thanks :)

10-06-2020, 11:17 PM
FREESAT GOLDERN is NOT an e2 box,you get the software/keys download from there dedicated site