View Full Version : Soft cams

01-10-2020, 03:15 PM
Hi Guys -I need help in putting my cline into Zgemma box, I cannot find Softcam CCcam.cfg anywhere in plugins-down loads . As anybody any information of where to get the Softcam software and the best way to load it onto my box.

01-10-2020, 03:50 PM
Depends on what image you're running, most have the option to download, through the menu, but you will have to use a FTP program, like filezilla, for the rest.
There are videos, if you search the internet.

01-10-2020, 06:36 PM
Thanks for reply, I know how to use FTP, but my problems loading CCam onto my softcam and where to find this information

01-10-2020, 07:14 PM
Try looking in /etc

01-10-2020, 07:29 PM
On the videos, I've seen, when searching for Zgemma CCcam, they are loading it in usr, keys, on most enigma 2 receivers, like the VU+, they go in etx, tuxbox, config.
The videos, I've viewed, are quite old, and images change, but without knowing your receivers image file structure, or having access to a Zgemma, I can only go by information from an internet search.
Can the Zgemma use Oscam?

01-10-2020, 09:39 PM
It would help if the op told us which image they were using. :D

On the H9 & H7 it sits in /etc even if running ATV or Whoosh.

Irrespective, one can point to where one likes by editing the camscript.

02-10-2020, 02:51 PM
Thanks for replies-I am running ATV

02-10-2020, 07:07 PM
Need a bit more, go menu, information, about and then read off the version no, it will be like 6.2, 6.3 etc. Then we know enough, its openATV image.

I know its the H2S and I have one as a spare but I loaded an image from techkings by wilo

03-10-2020, 10:52 AM
HI I am using open to 6.1 on Zgemma 2 star

mike p
03-10-2020, 12:12 PM
Hi Guys,

Sorry to jump in but just to clarify something. Is it just the Cfg file you are unable to locate or the actual
softcam itself. If it's the latter Open ATV images do not have a built in softcam feed by default so you will
have to add feed via a ipk file on a usb stick or else via ftp such as FileZilla etc. lnfo can be found via a web search as I don't have file to hand.

Kind Regards,

03-10-2020, 02:10 PM
If you need the IPK file to install the Softcam feed for OpenATV you can download from

FTP the softcam-feed-universal_4.5-r0_all.ipk file to the /tmp folder on your Zgemma.

Your Cccam.cfg file will go in the /etc folder on your Zgemma.

To install the IPK, do the following...

Press the Blue Button on Remote.
Scroll down to Plugins.
Press the > Right navigation button on your remote.
Scroll down to IPK Installer and press OK.
Scroll down to Memory /tmp and press OK.

You should now see something like
1. Install extensions
Press OK on remote.

You will now see softcam-feed-universal_4.5-r0_all.ipk

Press OK on remote, so it shows a green tick next to softcam-feed-universal_4.5-r0_all.ipk
Now Press the Green button on remote control to install the ipk.

Once it's installed reboot the box.

Once box has rebooted, press the Green Button for Plugin Browser.
Press the Green button again to download plugins.

Select Softcams and press OK.
Select the softcam you want to install, eg cccam and Press OK.

Once your Softcam binary has been installed, you'll need to enable it.

Press Menu
Select Setup, Press OK.
Select Decryption & Parental Control, Press OK.
Select Softcam Setup, Press OK.
Select Softcam, Use the <> left or right navigation buttons on remote to select your softcam, eg cccam. and press the Green button.

03-10-2020, 02:13 PM
alan when you say softcam do you mean cccam 2.3.0 or something similar? and how did you load the softcam on version 6.1 as openatv does not have a facility to download softcams initially. When you d/l a softcam in includes the cccam.cfg and installs it in the correct location automatically. So the emu is cccam2.3.0 will be in one location and the cfg in another.

So for youC Ccam.cfg should be in root/etc but its quite likely it has not been installed. So check in root/usr for a folder called softcams and see whats in there.

report back and what are you using to ftp, if you have windows get winscp so be same as me.

hda5 has told you all the bits I can no longer remember

04-10-2020, 10:06 AM
Thank you hda5 , can you make clear for me how to FTP the soft-cam-feed. I am not sure how to do this I have opened up Filezilla and I can see the feed in the bottom box, I have open up tmp file but how do I send it there

04-10-2020, 10:42 AM
Just drag it across, with your mouse, or right mouse click, on the file, and select upload.

05-10-2020, 10:04 PM
Thank you hda5 , can you make clear for me how to FTP the soft-cam-feed. I am not sure how to do this I have opened up Filezilla and I can see the feed in the bottom box, I have open up tmp file but how do I send it there

Save the softcam-feed-universal_4.5-r0_all.ipk file to your local hard drive, example C:\

Launch Filezilla

Enter the IP address of your box in the Host box, at the top left.
Username: root
Password: Your password, if you have one set. If not, leave this blank.
Port: 21
Click Quick Connect button.

On the right hand side you'll see a box that says Remote site, in that box type the following line and then press return


This will put you in the tmp folder.

On the left you'll see Local site, in this box type C:\

This will list all your files and folders on the C drive.

Scroll down to the softcam-feed-universal_4.5-r0_all.ipk file and click on it once, so it's highlighted in blue.

Then press the right mouse button and select Upload.

Once it's uploaded, just follow my instructions again above in post #11