View Full Version : open blackhole 4.4

25-10-2020, 06:49 PM
Hi guys just installed open blachole4.4 ,on my solo se version 2,problum was the ip address would not find dreamset edit ,also tryed it with vu control centre ,just wondering any one else had the same problum ,gone back to 4.3 no problum .

25-10-2020, 07:11 PM
You need to set a password, on your VU+, before you can use the dreambox tools, and FileZilla.
You can do this by going into your receivers menu, Setup, Network, and Password, or you can use a telnet program, like PuTTY.

25-10-2020, 08:03 PM
will give putty a try thanks.

25-10-2020, 08:43 PM
will give putty a try thanks.

It makes no difference what you try, you need to use the menu to set a password as stated by Mickha

25-10-2020, 09:54 PM
PuTTY has a telnet option, which allows you to set a password.
You start up PuTTY, login, using the receivers IP Address, choose Telnet, and Open.
You can then type in root, and once connected type passwd, you then have the option of setting a password, from your PC, without the menu option.