View Full Version : Vpn

13-01-2021, 05:34 PM
Hi Guys,
Can anyone recommend a good free or reasonable priced VPN for the VU solo4k box please? There is one on the plugins which appears to be german based but doesnt seem at all willing to link up or be programmed - perhaps I am being a little slow?? Many thanks - Brain

13-01-2021, 07:41 PM
You could try here and see if anything takes your fancy: h**ps://www.vpnmentor.com/blog/top-really-free-vpn-services/

by the same token here is another link that you may wish to look at:


14-01-2021, 08:17 AM
If you want go the vpn router way have a look at Taratpics initial £50 includes good tp-link router + 2yr subs(plug & play) then about 12 a yr. have used for last 4 months no problem. got off ******* I know 50 is a bit steep but after trying a few free ones without success was pleased to find one that is standalone iand is simple to use

15-01-2021, 11:12 AM
I use Cyber Ghost on my VU+ Sole SE V2. I also use VPN Manager to set it up, available from Satvenus - however you can't have Satvenus and VPN Manager on the same system it seems as they clash
so I go to their depository at and download VPN Manager from there. I've written a how to do guide which I have just updated. Its at https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?178799-Complete-guide-to-installing-a-VPN-in-Blackhole-using-VPN-manager&highlight=cyberghost You can have as many different country VPN's as your VPN contract allows by just using different folders on the hard Drive. I use UK and Switzerland.

15-01-2021, 12:23 PM
Taratpics initial £50 includes good tp-link router + 2yr subs(plug & play) then about 12 a yr.

Looks a bit expensive buying a router and then having to pay a sub to use it, then theres other payments like programme services, VPN's on android and M/S are much easier and cheaper to set up.

15-01-2021, 10:35 PM

11-04-2021, 06:46 PM
Thanks for all the help here guys - much appreciated. I have now trialed Openvpn with VPN manager 1.1.4 and while carefully following the 'Complete guide to installing a vPN on openblackhole using VPN manager all seems to be fitted BUT while it can be autostarted, switched on and running, once you leave the apps page it stops if you go back and check. What have I done wrong? Should I ditch VPN and try Cyberghost? Or one of the others suggested above? Shall I try Keepsolid? If it runs while free can I then trust it? Many thanks for any help - quite frustrated on this one. Cheers guys - Brain

12-04-2021, 04:20 PM
I've used NordVPN on VPN manager on OpenBH, Pure2 and OpenATV with no problems at all.

13-04-2021, 05:35 PM
Thanks for that funtime 26 - having bought OpenVN I was trying to use it but have had trouble with VPN manager - might using 1.1.4 be too old and 1.1.6 better? When I load the OpenVPN files and start the VPn the files c.,crt/client.conf/crl.pem and password.conf they are wiped in the box and changed to pass.file/update-resolv-conf and update- resolv-conf.conf - very strange indeed. It just used to be difficult getting it to stay running. Most odd - any help? Thanks - Brain

15-04-2021, 05:00 PM
Cleared this now unless I enter VPN manager and press on either of the blue blocks on the left hand side - they then change to red and to' update resolve conf.'
I can run the VPN continuously with Open VPN panel open, but with the smaller picture. If I exit the panel the VPN goes off - any ideas? Thanks for any more help, and I will post and close the file if I get it solved. Cheers guys. Brain

16-04-2021, 12:51 PM
NordVPN best ever.

19-04-2021, 09:24 AM
All sorted now guys - a big thanks to those of you who gave so much help. Now I know why this site is such great one to belong to. Thanks again - Brain