View Full Version : Anyone playing about with stock market shares?

27-01-2021, 07:40 PM
I've put this in Vip see how it goes , i set up 2 weeks ago after one of my customer's said he doing well , i had no idea what the hell to do but gave it a go on site called trading 212 .

i put in £300 and doubled it in about 2 weeks with no idea what was worth anything.

Anyone else use it ?

27-01-2021, 08:02 PM
Wow, well best of luck with that. I am such a sceptic about most things and usually think that anything sounding too good to be true probably is.
I can remember being told by a very enthusiastic person that he had "a computer program that told him what to buy" and he was making a fortune. I don't know whether he went bankrupt or not but I remember thinking at the time that if it were that simple everyone would be doing it.
I was employed by BT when shares were sold off, all employees could buy shares at a discount, unfortunately I didn't have any money then so could only buy a limited number. We used to be given shares as a wage top up and I bought some more as they were going up. I was too greedy and slow to sell them as I wrongly thought they would continue to rise but they eventually fell heavily and I sold for a lot less than I would have got if I had sold sooner. This completely put me off shares and I have not had any since.
You can probably tell that it is lockdown and I am sick of the crap on TV that I am bothering to tell you all this, I hope I have not bored you too much!

27-01-2021, 08:18 PM
Nah, I put some money into crypto back in 2018 and had a quick look at doing stocks markets, but seemed a bit complicated and then the arse fell out of the crypto market, so I revoked my interest in that and the stock markets lol.

I left the money in crypto and over the last week or so I am finally in profit again, but not sure if I should pull it out now, or leave it another year or 2 and see what happens.

When I sold my car the other month, I was offered payment of the value of my car in bitcoins, but as the market was down and as I sort of got bitten before I declined.

They have quadrupled in value since October 2020, I would have been laughing.

27-01-2021, 08:35 PM
there is certainly money to be made out of the state of the world at the moment, but its a long game...

rolls royce suffering, all airlines siffering, hotels suffering, cinemas suffering - so a punt on any of those is worth it in my book.

dont forget buy low sell high - NOT the other way around.

27-01-2021, 08:37 PM
Yeah its not crypto or anything similar , its the real world stock market .

ITS up and down , its what the banks invest you're money on with pensions etc and not always to the best as they not that worried about the return .

But its like lottery or horses DO NOT INVEST IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE IT ALL.

27-01-2021, 08:41 PM
there is certainly money to be made out of the state of the world at the moment, but its a long game...

rolls royce suffering, all airlines siffering, hotels suffering, cinemas suffering - so a punt on any of those is worth it in my book.

dont forget buy low sell high - NOT the other way around.

I look at it the other way , fast turn around, putting money into stuff they using for batteries and pharmaceuticals , shares go up in a few days and sell.

27-01-2021, 08:47 PM
Wow, well best of luck with that. I am such a sceptic about most things and usually think that anything sounding too good to be true probably is.
I can remember being told by a very enthusiastic person that he had "a computer program that told him what to buy" and he was making a fortune. I don't know whether he went bankrupt or not but I remember thinking at the time that if it were that simple everyone would be doing it.
I was employed by BT when shares were sold off, all employees could buy shares at a discount, unfortunately I didn't have any money then so could only buy a limited number. We used to be given shares as a wage top up and I bought some more as they were going up. I was too greedy and slow to sell them as I wrongly thought they would continue to rise but they eventually fell heavily and I sold for a lot less than I would have got if I had sold sooner. This completely put me off shares and I have not had any since.
You can probably tell that it is lockdown and I am sick of the crap on TV that I am bothering to tell you all this, I hope I have not bored you too much!

No its fine , dont think anyone can predict anything , its just better % than the banks, TOMMOROW I COULD BE CRYING , but like i stated don't invest what you cannot afford to lose .

27-01-2021, 08:52 PM
Nah, I put some money into crypto back in 2018 and had a quick look at doing stocks markets, but seemed a bit complicated and then the arse fell out of the crypto market, so I revoked my interest in that and the stock markets lol.

I left the money in crypto and over the last week or so I am finally in profit again, but not sure if I should pull it out now, or leave it another year or 2 and see what happens.

When I sold my car the other month, I was offered payment of the value of my car in bitcoins, but as the market was down and as I sort of got bitten before I declined.

They have quadrupled in value since October 2020, I would have been laughing.

I thought bitcoin was through the roof at the moment ?


27-01-2021, 09:00 PM
I thought bitcoin was through the roof at the moment ?


2 weeks ago it was about £31.5k, currently £22k

Yeh seen that article, he has no chance, the council either had it when he dumped it, or if not it won't bloody work now anyway silly c**t

27-01-2021, 09:08 PM
2 weeks ago it was about £31.5k, currently £22k

Yeh seen that article, he has no chance, the council either had it when he dumped it, or if not it won't bloody work now anyway silly c**t

Yeah no chance he will be allowed in to look for it , council would not know a hard drive from a empty can of coke once it goes in there , thinking about it they would not know the difference before it went in :D

27-01-2021, 09:25 PM
Yeah no chance he will be allowed in to look for it , council would not know a hard drive from a empty can of coke once it goes in there , thinking about it they would not know the difference before it went in :D


28-01-2021, 10:29 PM
Is something happening on the American stock market now? I ask because a couple of people I follow on you tube have recently made videos about it. Neither of them normally mention or are interested in shares. One repairs Macbooks (if Apple allow the manufacturers to sell him the parts) he is involved in the "right to repair movement" which I support. The other guy is an airline pilot who gives airline news and factually analyses crashes. His video today however is completely out of character and is entitled "The Big Short Squeeze" you may find it interesting, (or in my case annoying) as it deals with hedge funds betting on companies failure. Search for blancolirio to see what you think.
Edit the other one is called Louis Rossmann who has released a video called "Brokers manipulating markets to save hedge fund billionaires"
I think you will find this one interesting and amusing, it seems odd to me that nothing on our media about it.
Another edit, I have found an article on bbc website called "anger as trading in GameStop shares is restricted, so it was just me not keep up with the news.

28-01-2021, 11:25 PM
If you make a real killing, don't forget the taxman wants a big chunk of it (capital gains tax in the UK, I believe).

29-01-2021, 05:04 PM
Is something happening on the American stock market now? I ask because a couple of people I follow on you tube have recently made videos about it. Neither of them normally mention or are interested in shares. One repairs Macbooks (if Apple allow the manufacturers to sell him the parts) he is involved in the "right to repair movement" which I support. The other guy is an airline pilot who gives airline news and factually analyses crashes. His video today however is completely out of character and is entitled "The Big Short Squeeze" you may find it interesting, (or in my case annoying) as it deals with hedge funds betting on companies failure. Search for blancolirio to see what you think.
Edit the other one is called Louis Rossmann who has released a video called "Brokers manipulating markets to save hedge fund billionaires"
I think you will find this one interesting and amusing, it seems odd to me that nothing on our media about it.
Another edit, I have found an article on bbc website called "anger as trading in GameStop shares is restricted, so it was just me not keep up with the news.

Yeah its causing a bit of a mess at the moment lots of other shares have crashed , im down a good bit at the moment , but they will loose money as the shares have today dropped from £400 to £200 per share last time i looked.

29-01-2021, 05:04 PM
If you make a real killing, don't forget the taxman wants a big chunk of it (capital gains tax in the UK, I believe).

i don't think i will be making a killing :D

29-01-2021, 05:28 PM
but they will loose money as the shares have today dropped from £400 to £200 per share last time i looked.

I doubt it, they will be co-ordinating a time to buy (pump the price up) and a time to dump (drop the price back down), so they will all sell within a few seconds of each other, thus they sell them at a high and those that are not in the loop (the hedge fund guys for example) loose money.

29-01-2021, 05:51 PM
This is a fascinating story, reported quite a lot more on MSM now. I have read a piece about it on BBC website which is open for comments, most seem to be in favour of the "little guys" sticking it to the hedge funds. The general opinion of them seems to be that they are parasites who do no good for anyone apart from themselves.

29-01-2021, 07:45 PM
I doubt it, they will be co-ordinating a time to buy (pump the price up) and a time to dump (drop the price back down), so they will all sell within a few seconds of each other, thus they sell them at a high and those that are not in the loop (the hedge fund guys for example) loose money.

I'm totally new to this and only go by what people i know that have been doing it long time , but even if they co-ordinate it some will loose money , not counting the mass they say will (not online miss the message text to sell etc), we will see ive got no shares in them so im sort of safe :D

29-01-2021, 08:55 PM
I doubt it, they will be co-ordinating a time to buy (pump the price up) and a time to dump (drop the price back down), so they will all sell within a few seconds of each other, thus they sell them at a high and those that are not in the loop (the hedge fund guys for example) loose money.

i set a buy in point with crytpo, and it will either never drop to it to trigger the buy or it will tank and end up way lower. The when it does pump i will sell and it keeps on pumping, i have a knack of not buying in low enough then selling way before the peak but i guess its better to make a little profit than loose a load.

31-01-2021, 06:46 PM
This is the one they recon is going to rocket on Monday HCMC Healthier Choices Management Corp, they are at 0.0009 at the moment , I've put a few ££'s in will see what happens tomorrow.

01-02-2021, 05:55 PM
This is the one they recon is going to rocket on Monday HCMC Healthier Choices Management Corp, they are at 0.0009 at the moment , I've put a few ££'s in will see what happens tomorrow.

good call, doubled your money

09-02-2021, 10:51 AM
you still holding HCMC? see it peaked yesterday at .0046

09-02-2021, 05:46 PM
you still holding HCMC? see it peaked yesterday at .0046

I cashed out a hour before it shot up :D still made money but nowhere near as much if i had held on a little longer .

10-02-2021, 12:13 AM
I cashed out a hour before it shot up :D still made money but nowhere near as much if i had held on a little longer .

as long as you got a good chunk of the meat thats what counts, nobody can predict the top or the bottom.

Im kicking myself for not buying btc when it dropped to 3.5k last march. Now sat at 33-34k, it jumped 3 grand yesterday after Elon Musk announced he bought 1.1 billion worth in January.

10-02-2021, 06:30 PM
Had a good day yesterday £110 up on quick turn around's bought into 2 at 2.30 opening sold at early evening few hours for that money is fine i think.

Today all i have are well down so will sit on them until they go up .

10-02-2021, 08:23 PM
I also became a drug dealer today and was in profit for a few hours :D then it dropped like a stone same as most shares today :o15:

Sorry photo is rubbish from a phone screen shot.

12-02-2021, 08:30 PM
tried signing up for tradind212, must be huge demand as there back logged

12-02-2021, 08:47 PM
Yeah i tried to set up account for my kid they closed new accounts when i tried last week , would have been in mothers details so age wasn't the problem.

They work on fees buy above sell at less , think its not working too well on the new guys setting up with fast turn around's.

12-02-2021, 11:55 PM
Yeah i tried to set up account for my kid they closed new accounts when i tried last week , would have been in mothers details so age wasn't the problem.

They work on fees buy above sell at less , think its not working too well on the new guys setting up with fast turn around's.

hcmc still volatile, good if you can get in low n ride the wave, i have a habit of buying in just as the wave does **** up.

i use coinbase pro for crypto, there fees can mean its not worth buying/selling unless the margin is big enough to not lose due to there fees.

10-04-2021, 08:15 AM
anyone fancy a punt with helium mining?

check map here and see if your within range of someone else already on the network. if your about half a mile away from someone with one you could turn a tidy profit.

even if you not anywhere near one already mining maybe a family member is?


the nebra miner is 300 quid, back ordered till june, they ship from the UK though.

10-04-2021, 01:53 PM
i like a bit of a gamble will take a look later , nobody close to me on the map all a good few miles away.

10-04-2021, 02:41 PM
i like a bit of a gamble will take a look later , nobody close to me on the map all a good few miles away.

any family in a good spot? You could even rent a run down property in some locations and it would still pay for its self, the rent and profit :)

11-04-2021, 02:59 PM
i like a bit of a gamble will take a look later , nobody close to me on the map all a good few miles away.

i think alot have upgraded the antennas to get more range. If you already have a satellite dish installed then its a simple install. I think i'll get an antenna installed on the chimney breast to increase the reach and hope other miners appear on the network within range.

11-04-2021, 07:47 PM
Just watched a video on you tube 1 takes 6 months to cover cost 2 only 10 days , massive difference .

Also says max range upto 10 miles , usually 3 .

11-04-2021, 09:32 PM
Just watched a video on you tube 1 takes 6 months to cover cost 2 only 10 days , massive difference .

Also says max range upto 10 miles , usually 3 .

im not even expecting the standard antenna to get 3 miles coverage unless mounted high. at eves level there are far to many other roofs in the way to degrade the signal, even with the low dbi antennas which have a short range but good building penetration. Im tempted to fit a 8-10dbi antenna above the roof peak which will clear more obstacles but lacks obstacle penetration.

atm if you can connect to 1 other miner you roi is covered with in a few weeks at current coin prices. looking at the explorer map and selecting those with no connections some still make 45-50 coins in a month while others may only make 5 or 6. connect to half a dozen miners spread over a few miles and some are making over 1000 coins a month.

waiting for my miner to arrive. Batch 1 has already slipped though so who knows if they will over come the supply issue and catch up on deliveries. worst case is i get a refund. UK company and payed via paypal.

12-05-2021, 08:14 PM
My new adventure since last night , Ethereum via windows 10 pc my pc is always on so thought i would give it a go , its not a life changing money spinner but made just over $9 in about 23 hours .

Took me about 30 min to set it up , meaning it will take others about 10 min's :D

i just leave it run as im using pc as well .

It will depend on what Gpu you have on the return.

Sorry photo at 90'

14-05-2021, 08:23 PM
My new adventure since last night , Ethereum via windows 10 pc my pc is always on so thought i would give it a go , its not a life changing money spinner but made just over $9 in about 23 hours .

Took me about 30 min to set it up , meaning it will take others about 10 min's :D

i just leave it run as im using pc as well .

It will depend on what Gpu you have on the return.

Sorry photo at 90'

ive been running my old 2080ti for the last 6 weeks on ethermine, the amount of eth payout has been dwindling but as the price of eth is rising its been a decent amount for zero effort. Soon the bitmain and innosilicon with release there ASIC miners and put a huge dent in gpu profitablity :( GPU prices are crazy atm. Impossible to get hold of at a sensible price. £250 quid mspr cards are goinf for a grand on ****** and ****.

its worth over clocking your memory to about 1200, underclocking the core to -200 and power to about 60% each card is slightly different.

Anyone thinging of trying it might want to start with nicehash

15-05-2021, 01:46 AM
if you want to start mining heres an ethermine example bat using the trex miner which is optimised for nvidia cards and will mine to the european pool. AMD miners also available (links on the ethermine site)

all you need to start is an ethereum wallet address to mine to. I mine directly to a crypto exchange so minimise fees when trading the mined coins. Coinbase and Binance are my goto's (the later for trading, the former for transfering to your bank account when you decide to cashout)

save as ethermine.bat adding your own wallet address (replace 0xA4717AeC7A5ce547E410c25b9CEE8B2 9bC6a5E7A)

t-rex.exe -a ethash -o stratum+tcp://eu1.ethermine.org:4444 -u 0xA4717AeC7A5ce547E410c25b9CEE8B2 9bC6a5E7A -p x -w rig0

validate your account using your IP address. Payouts are normally every 14 days unless you are running multiple cards in which case you can set a payout threshold. Im currently doing 61-62mh which falls withing the 14 days payout

15-05-2021, 06:18 PM
ive been running my old 2080ti for the last 6 weeks on ethermine, the amount of eth payout has been dwindling but as the price of eth is rising its been a decent amount for zero effort. Soon the bitmain and innosilicon with release there ASIC miners and put a huge dent in gpu profitablity :( GPU prices are crazy atm. Impossible to get hold of at a sensible price. £250 quid mspr cards are goinf for a grand on ****** and ****.

its worth over clocking your memory to about 1200, underclocking the core to -200 and power to about 60% each card is slightly different.

Anyone thinging of trying it might want to start with nicehash

What sort of speed are you getting on youre 2080 .
I'm running a 2070 super, i was getting about 36 mh/s adjusted a few settings on the gpu today im upto 40 mh/s .

15-05-2021, 10:59 PM
2080ti 61-62mh when not using it, when browsing it can drop to 50-56. i can squeeze abit more out of it but it needs the power increasing which wipes out the gain in electricty usage as well as being to noisey when the fan has to compensate.

Hoping trex miner can add the absolute clock feature as used in hiveOS to cut a good chunk off the power usage.
some cards allow a good memory over clock, there are a few different memory manufacturers. They say samsung is good but its a lottery, that and the thermal pads on some cards can be poor.

Notice profit is returned to the more usual rates. I still have a dedicated mining rig gathering dust from the last gpu mining boom but no cards to populate it. It makes no sense to go out and buy gpus at the current prices unless you think you can recoup the ott costs, which i dont.

16-05-2021, 06:41 PM
Yeah gpu's are stupid money at the moment and thats if you can get them shortage on most pc components , im running a water cooled gpu its not gone over 48' so no worries of fan noise .

Only just installed a platinum plus power supply the fan does not even kick in so hopefully no difference in electricity bills :D

16-05-2021, 10:28 PM
Yeah gpu's are stupid money at the moment and thats if you can get them shortage on most pc components , im running a water cooled gpu its not gone over 48' so no worries of fan noise .

Only just installed a platinum plus power supply the fan does not even kick in so hopefully no difference in electricity bills :D

oc the memory for a nice bump in mh/s with your gpu tweaking app of choice, im using MSI afterburner even though its a gigabyte gpu. its always worth dropping the power to save a few quid also. its pointless running the gpu at full tilt at 300watts for 63mh when 61mh can run at 155-160wattts. Other minable algos are not so power friendly. Looks like the gradual eth price increase to offset the difficulty increase is over and is now showing its true value :( each payout yielding less eth. fingers crossed the price bounces back soon.

some new gpu's have been mining limited, nvidia have done it on purpose to justify there mining only cards. That king of sh#t boils my p#ss

19-05-2021, 07:07 PM
eth sell off - mining reward shoots up �� it will soon bottom out. just need to hodl it until goes back up for a tidy profit

19-05-2021, 07:16 PM
Dropped like a stone today :o10:

19-05-2021, 07:27 PM
Dropped like a stone today :o10:
its good though, the amount of transactions shoot up so the mining reward goes up to cope :)

just need it to bounce. The Dow has also dropped, crypto follows

19-05-2021, 07:49 PM
its good though, the amount of transactions shoot up so the mining reward goes up to cope :)

just need it to bounce. The Dow has also dropped, crypto follows

Im sure ive lost $10 today with only a $40 pot .

19-05-2021, 08:38 PM
Im sure ive lost $10 today with only a $40 pot .

eth transaction fee's can take a big chunk out of your earnings.

19-05-2021, 11:18 PM
tesler has stopped all deals via bit coin,due to global warming caused be computer mining ,using millions of computers,bitcoin value dropping,millions of k/watts being used by the computers :biggrinjester:

20-05-2021, 12:40 AM
tesler has stopped all deals via bit coin,due to global warming caused be computer mining ,using millions of computers,bitcoin value dropping,millions of k/watts being used by the computers :biggrinjester:
that was last weeks news. the Dow is down, we have been long over due a massive correction.

shake out all the loose hands. those who bought in at the peak will be ****ting themselves.

btc may find support @ $33k or may not

26-05-2021, 05:10 PM
Picked up a tidy Pc today all new with a RTX 3070 , what i have payed for it i could put just the gpu on **** tomorrow and double my money.

It should make 60 mh/s plus my 40 .

i will sell on the other components to cover its cost , thats the plan but see what i get when it turns up :D :D

19-06-2021, 10:53 PM
Picked up a tidy Pc today all new with a RTX 3070 , what i have payed for it i could put just the gpu on **** tomorrow and double my money.

It should make 60 mh/s plus my 40 .

i will sell on the other components to cover its cost , thats the plan but see what i get when it turns up :D :D

people were buying laptops with nvidia gpu's to mine with, it was like you got a free laptop with gpu. Crazy. The scalper prices are slowly coming down but if not close to msrp then not worth it. eip1559 is coming which will put another dent in the profit. Miners with dozens of gpus have just stuck there heads in to sand and continue to mine. If they sold up and bought eth with the profit they would amass more than mining it but they just dont listen. They think its like the last crazy eth mining days but back then there were no ASIC's obliterating the difficulty, and proof of stake was years away. Nvidia are crippling new cards so they dont mine eth efficiently, they say they have done it to help the gamers, which is bull****. They have done it to justify the prices of there mining only cards.

Glory days are over the gpu mining reward is on its arse, even if the eth price doubled the amount of eth you would mine is still going to decrease. Worth out how much you cards are worth vs how much eth you can mine in the next 6 months, factor in electricity also.

im onto my next get rich scheme, matched betting :) helium miner should be here in a week or 2, a lot more have sprang up near me so should easily recoup the costs, unless the network collapses.

20-06-2021, 05:50 PM
people were buying laptops with nvidia gpu's to mine with, it was like you got a free laptop with gpu. Crazy. The scalper prices are slowly coming down but if not close to msrp then not worth it. eip1559 is coming which will put another dent in the profit. Miners with dozens of gpus have just stuck there heads in to sand and continue to mine. If they sold up and bought eth with the profit they would amass more than mining it but they just dont listen. They think its like the last crazy eth mining days but back then there were no ASIC's obliterating the difficulty, and proof of stake was years away. Nvidia are crippling new cards so they dont mine eth efficiently, they say they have done it to help the gamers, which is bull****. They have done it to justify the prices of there mining only cards.

Glory days are over the gpu mining reward is on its arse, even if the eth price doubled the amount of eth you would mine is still going to decrease. Worth out how much you cards are worth vs how much eth you can mine in the next 6 months, factor in electricity also.

im onto my next get rich scheme, matched betting :) helium miner should be here in a week or 2, a lot more have sprang up near me so should easily recoup the costs, unless the network collapses.

This week has almost been a waste of time , what ive mined ive lost in money value due to the drop in £££ per etherium.
i will just leave it run on the hope the value does go back up , ive not spent out much money to do it so next to nothing too loose.

Let me know how the Helium miner works out .

20-06-2021, 08:54 PM
@ 3tv what model did you order ?

22-06-2021, 10:25 PM
@ 3tv what model did you order ?

a nebra and a bobcat. Bobcat will be here within a few weeks.

eth mining reward up as everyone panic sells :) you should be doing ok, just dont sell it until its back to $4k.

you can save a bit off electricity my enabling the absolute clock in t-rex miner if thats the eth miner your using. vesion 20.4 and onward supports it. --lock-cclock 1150. I have power and core set to default in afterburner and only use that to oc the memory. t-rex now takes care of the power and core resulting in less power need for a given mh/s

25-06-2021, 06:46 PM
a nebra and a bobcat. Bobcat will be here within a few weeks.

eth mining reward up as everyone panic sells :) you should be doing ok, just dont sell it until its back to $4k.

you can save a bit off electricity my enabling the absolute clock in t-rex miner if thats the eth miner your using. vesion 20.4 and onward supports it. --lock-cclock 1150. I have power and core set to default in afterburner and only use that to oc the memory. t-rex now takes care of the power and core resulting in less power need for a given mh/s

I almost ordered a bobcat300 this week even set up coinbase to order direct. then i read they half in the quantity from aug 1st .

Then i read the value will go up as they half it :D

My problem there is still nobody that is real close , 2 that are within range but a mountain in between us so no idea if they will connect.

Closest relative also has the same mountain in between us :o10:

25-06-2021, 11:25 PM
I almost ordered a bobcat300 this week even set up coinbase to order direct. then i read they half in the quantity from aug 1st .

Then i read the value will go up as they half it :D

My problem there is still nobody that is real close , 2 that are within range but a mountain in between us so no idea if they will connect.

Closest relative also has the same mountain in between us :o10:

Bobcat moved there delivery goals from 8-12 weeks to 12-20. I got lucky and took a punt,there were no hotspots near me, was just going to rely on connecting to a friends hotspot, now there are about 20 which i should beable to connect to it will just depend on the antenna dbi and placement.

yeah hnt its set to halve every 2 years from august, its moot though if there are miners within range, anything from 400 meters to 3-10 miles is possible, its all down to your location/elevation in relation to the other hotspot.

anyone can apply for a free hotspot to the likes of emrit the only down side is they take 80% of the profit. Still it costs you nothing to earn 20%

when i ordered my bobcat you could only pay in crypto and they never had the coinbase direct option, its probably why there shipping window has now extended as they are easier to order. When i ordered my bobcat in april therw were 26k hotspots on the network, now there are 66k so rite there thats over double, more than halving the coins available. in 20 weeks it will be over 100k. Have a look at getting a free miner via emrit, you have nothing to lose.

26-06-2021, 07:45 PM
Bobcat moved there delivery goals from 8-12 weeks to 12-20. I got lucky and took a punt,there were no hotspots near me, was just going to rely on connecting to a friends hotspot, now there are about 20 which i should beable to connect to it will just depend on the antenna dbi and placement.

yeah hnt its set to halve every 2 years from august, its moot though if there are miners within range, anything from 400 meters to 3-10 miles is possible, its all down to your location/elevation in relation to the other hotspot.

anyone can apply for a free hotspot to the likes of emrit the only down side is they take 80% of the profit. Still it costs you nothing to earn 20%

when i ordered my bobcat you could only pay in crypto and they never had the coinbase direct option, its probably why there shipping window has now extended as they are easier to order. When i ordered my bobcat in april therw were 26k hotspots on the network, now there are 66k so rite there thats over double, more than halving the coins available. in 20 weeks it will be over 100k. Have a look at getting a free miner via emrit, you have nothing to lose.

Think i would rather pay the full price than give 80% away :D

27-06-2021, 12:08 AM
it stinks they take 80% but if they send you a miner today your making hnt in afew days. You can send it back no questions asked at any time so if you have a miner ordered your paying it off while waiting for delivery.

Bobcat has arrived and is now syncing to the network. hopefully recoup the $$$ hemoraged last year.

28-06-2021, 09:47 PM
Well ive done it i thought i would get the freebie at least i will then know if its going to be worth buying one , after reading this thou they may not even send one when they see what is around me , good thing is they may not know there are mountains in between us all :D

Emrit will review your eligibility based on your installation address. A CoolSpot that is too isolated or too close to another hotspot will severely limit your earning potential.

29-06-2021, 04:24 PM
That didn't take them long to come back with a reply :D

We want to thank you for registering for your FREE Emrit CoolSpot. At this time, we are placing you on a waiting list because there are not enough hotspots in your area or within the necessary proximity.

29-06-2021, 05:04 PM
That didn't take them long to come back with a reply :D

We want to thank you for registering for your FREE Emrit CoolSpot. At this time, we are placing you on a waiting list because there are not enough hotspots in your area or within the necessary proximity.

nothing ventured nothing gained :(

sounded like they dont have any to send out anyway :)