View Full Version : Trouble Trying To Wireless My Hitech.

15-02-2021, 04:10 PM
Trying to connect my Hitech box via WiFi. Got a compatible Dongal I believe and attempting set up via Menu, Network. The problem I'm having is the password I'm entering is coming back via the "Link" tab as Password Format Error. I have copied my BT wireless password from my router many times into the slot to no avail. Not sure if I'm missing something obvious, but would appreciate any ideas. Many thanks and

Best wishes from,


tinto de verano
15-02-2021, 06:48 PM
Have you tried entering the password with the onscreen keyboard, and or with the remote keys?

I think there were some issues depending on the method of entering data... maybe nt for the WiFi password, but worth trying.

Good luck.

tinto de verano

15-02-2021, 06:57 PM
Thanks for the reply tinto de verano. Entered the password via onscreen key board. Not too sure what you mean by the remote keys.

Best wishes from,


tinto de verano
15-02-2021, 07:38 PM
the screen keyboard: ussing the arrows on the remote to go to a number on screen and pressing OK, as opposed to using the remote keys as in pressing the numbers on the remote so that they appear in the password box.

Sorry, I am just guessing, I use powerline, not WiFi.

Good luck.

tinto de verano

tinto de verano
15-02-2021, 09:09 PM
Have a look here:
