View Full Version : Has my LAN hardware died?

17-02-2021, 04:16 PM
Hello friends, I am almost sure I have a LAN hardware problem, but I would like confirmation by some of you wizards. Everything was ok with my DM520HD until yesterday when I noticed I could not upload a channel list. I looked at the network configuration in settings and everything seemd ok except there was no link showing and a netwrok test failed on ip address and got these resutls:

LAN adapter LAN connection green

Local Network Disconnected red

DHCP Enabled green

IP address unconfirmed red

Nameserver unconfirmed red

Changing from DHCP to fixed ip does not solve the problem either. The lan is ok and the ethernet cable connection to the box is also ok. I have changed the cable twice and also changed the router but the problem remains. The odd thing is that sometimes the lan green and red lights flash, especially just after plugging in a lan cable, but then they go off and stay off even during a manual network test. If I go into flash/recovery mode from switch on the recovery boot screen stops on the dhcp search.

My question is: could this beheaviour be due to some software or firmware misconfiguration or can I be sure this is a hardware fault?

If it is a hardware fault I could use a wifi usb adapter. Could you suggest one that does not require any additional drivers?

Many thanks

17-02-2021, 05:28 PM
Have you tried contacting your internet service provider to see if there is a problem with their cables, and maybe they can reset your router settings, to see if that helps with your problem.

17-02-2021, 06:29 PM
DO you have other items connected to your local network (printer,,,tv,,etc) are they working on the network ? also is the recr connected direct to router or via multi switch