View Full Version : Mount VUsosl4k into a Dreambox 8000

16-05-2021, 02:25 PM
Hi guys,
Never had much problem with this, but latest try has failed totally. DM on Openpli and 4k on Blackhole.
Used to be autofs/enable/CIFS share/ipaddress/Host - blank/Harddisk/yes/rw,/user name guest - no password.
Have tried time and again with various small changes but no success. Is there something I have overlooked please>
Many thanks for any help - Brain

16-05-2021, 04:36 PM
think your recrs HAVE to have passwords now,or no go for connections and transfers

16-05-2021, 10:43 PM
Thanks Joe - hadnt thought of that - will give it a go and report back. Cheers - Brain