View Full Version : Disec 1.2 Postion For Thor in Hitechbox HD 9000?

tinto de verano
19-02-2022, 10:34 AM
HitechBox HB9000. Motorized Dishh. USALS.
Storms messed up my recently realigned motorized dish. Doh!!!
So NO SIGNAL appears on screen.
Although I have 87% signal I have 0% QUALITY.
I thought I might try to set the motor to zero... I did not know how (apart from going up a ladder, which I do not have, and pressing a button somewhere on the motor, I think).
So I first moved the didh to Thor (0.7)... but still no signal/QUALITY.
Then I noticed that in the motor settings I could change from USALS to Disecq 1.2 where there was a GO TO 0 option.
I tried that, the motor moved... I changed back to USALS... back to Disec 1.2... GO TO o again... still no signal.
At some point I accidentally entered "0" (ZERO) for POSITION (and I cannot remember the default number) instead of for GO TO!!!.
Does anyone know which number should I enter for Thor to leave it as it was before I messed up?
For example, the POSITION for Astra 28.2 is 11.
And now it looks as if the dish/motor is not moving anymore if I change from one channel/satelite to another channel/satelite.

19-02-2022, 11:33 AM
If changing from USALS, to Diseqc 1.2, you need to manually move your dish, using the East/West options, in the menu, to each satellite, and then store each satellite, on a different position/number.

If your dish was set up using USALS, then going to 0 might produce no signal, as when setting up a dish, using USALS, you set everything to 0, enter your Latitude, and Longitude, into your receiver, the use your receiver to send the motor/dish to a satellite, like 0.8W, and physically align your dish, on that satellite.

If your dish has moved you could try changing your Longitude position, in the menu, to attempt to compensate for the movement, until you can get to the dish and fix the problem, or use the Diseqc 1.2 option.

tinto de verano
19-02-2022, 12:38 PM
If changing from USALS, to Diseqc 1.2, you need to manually move your dish, using the East/West options, in the menu, to each satellite, and then store each satellite, on a different position/number.

If your dish was set up using USALS, then going to 0 might produce no signal, as when setting up a dish, using USALS, you set everything to 0, enter your Latitude, and Longitude, into your receiver, the use your receiver to send the motor/dish to a satellite, like 0.8W, and physically align your dish, on that satellite.

If your dish has moved you could try changing your Longitude position, in the menu, to attempt to compensate for the movement, until you can get to the dish and fix the problem, or use the Diseqc 1.2 option.


I am afraid that the motor/dish does not seem to move anymore, no matter which channel/staellite I try to select/move to (using USALS). It is stuck as in the 2 pictures I uploaded.

Oh, dear.

I guess that, once the storms have gone completely, I will need to contact someone (Tony again, hopefully) to fix it...

19-02-2022, 12:50 PM
The motor could have reached it's physically set limits.
Which satellite is your dish currently pointing at?

tinto de verano
19-02-2022, 01:28 PM
I do not know.

Lats attempt/messup was Thor... but I do not think it is pointing to Thor.

It looks to me as if it has died in dort of a skewed positin and more or lesss parallel to the house wal....

Normally, most of the time, I point it at 19.2 East.

But I tried moving it to Thor as it is close to Zero... still no signal quality... so I messed up with diseq 1.2 trying to move it to proper Zero.

But I thin it is not 0.8 nor Zero.

And it does not move anymore.

Thanks for your help.

19-02-2022, 02:28 PM
I'm guessing, by the pictures, of the dish, that it's as far East as it can go, but that's only if the bracket, on your motor, is still pointing in the correct position.

tinto de verano
19-02-2022, 02:44 PM
Thanks again.
If I look from the house towards the outside/garden, the dish looks to me a lot more to the left (East?) than usual. And the dish and arm holding the LNB seem directed downwards in an unusual way.
Dish and arm sill in one piece, not broken, but oriented downwards.
I am lost. Probably as lost as the motor.
And I guess now with more rain and wind it is pointless tro tray and move it with the Hitechbob HD9000 (if at all possible).

19-02-2022, 03:43 PM
It might not be the motor, as it looks like the dish brackets might have slipped, which means the dish needs physically adjusting, and the brackets tightening.
Only by physically checking, on the motor/dish, can you be certain though.

tinto de verano
19-02-2022, 03:58 PM
And again: thanks.
So I will wait for a couple of days for the weather to improve... hopefully... and then I will get someone to phisically look at it and tighten/replace what might be needed.
Thank you very much indeed.

19-02-2022, 05:49 PM
I keep looking at your photos, and in the third one, it looks like the dish is hitting the pole. If this is the case, hopefully there's no damage, it doesn't look like there is, but you can't always tell, until you can inspect it.

tinto de verano
19-02-2022, 06:45 PM
You are right.
I just looked out of one of the upstairs windows and, yes, the dish is touching the pole. Doh!
I guess I should try to movit... West, maybe?
Although I do not thiunk I can manage to move it anymore from the hitehbox.
Diseq 1.2 seemed to move it... but then it stopped... against the pole as it seems.
And thanks once again.

20-02-2022, 08:48 AM
can u not re-site the dish so that you can do the alignment yourself?

20-02-2022, 10:30 AM
Don't try to move it, not now it's against the pole.
If you've been trying to move it West, and it's got to that position, something is wrong.
I assume that you're in the UK, and that your dish was aligned to your true south, possibly near 1 West, thus when standing behind the dish, facing south, East is to your left, which looks that way in photograph 3, which I've been working from, but in picture 2 everything looks different.

I would have thought mechanical limits, in the motor, would have stopped the dish getting into that position, but without viewing it, in person, I can't tell, but whoever set it up should have a better idea.
I'm mainly going from the brackets, of the motor clamped to the pole, which appears to indicate that your true south points along your roof line, which would mean that 30 West would be over the top of your roof. which would explain why the dish is mounted above the gutter.

20-02-2022, 01:29 PM
looks like dish bracket has let elevation drop,no chance of finding any signals,dish needs lifting/angle resetting

tinto de verano
20-02-2022, 06:32 PM
looks like dish bracket has let elevation drop,no chance of finding any signals,dish needs lifting/angle resetting

OK, thanks.

tinto de verano
20-02-2022, 06:34 PM
Don't try to move it, not now it's against the pole.
If you've been trying to move it West, and it's got to that position, something is wrong.
I assume that you're in the UK, and that your dish was aligned to your true south, possibly near 1 West, thus when standing behind the dish, facing south, East is to your left, which looks that way in photograph 3, which I've been working from, but in picture 2 everything looks different.

I would have thought mechanical limits, in the motor, would have stopped the dish getting into that position, but without viewing it, in person, I can't tell, but whoever set it up should have a better idea.
I'm mainly going from the brackets, of the motor clamped to the pole, which appears to indicate that your true south points along your roof line, which would mean that 30 West would be over the top of your roof. which would explain why the dish is mounted above the gutter.

Yes, UK.

And thanks once again!

20-02-2022, 07:26 PM
Dish has slipped around the motor arm/tube with the wind that is why its lying against the pole .
Looking at motor bracket too it just might well have dropped the dish elevation too its hard to tell for sure as it may not have been secure enough quite common thing to happen in high winds ,
it does look very wrong but still saying that looks a pretty simple basic 10min fix with a ladder and sat meter there is nothing serious damage wise done that is the very good news ... looks like probably a 90cm Dish and a Technomate Disecq motor dish on a T & K Bracket ,
nothing unusual with the set up itself at all everything appears to be in decent condition so i say nothing at all to stress about at all a good sat installer can put that right for you in next to no time at all soon as the weather permits .

i am quite sure you will not be alone with dish being moved about with high winds good news is evenings are starting to get longer again and we should see some nice more modest weather conditions appear in the coming days or weeks .
good luck : )

20-02-2022, 08:43 PM
its for these reasons, i gave up on diseq motors - 36v all the way!!! dish always ends up spinning around the motor pole, or motor spins on the pole.
u cannot beat a polar mount, or direct motor plate to dish.

tinto de verano
20-02-2022, 09:54 PM
Thank you all for your expert opinions.
You guys look at the pictures and know what happened and waht is going on and give useful advice.
Thank you very much indeed.
Let's wait for the winds to go away... in a few days, they say...
tinto de verano