View Full Version : Forum Rules

25-11-2006, 01:22 PM
Satpimps Forum Rules

Please note that satpimps.co.uk is a discussion forum for all things related to Digital Satellite TV.

We ask all new members to post an introduction post first before using our forums

Posting Etiquette.

A). Do not post questions or discussions in the dedicated File sections.
These sections are strictly for file uploads only.

B). When starting a new thread please make the subject title as relevant as possible.
Subjects like "Help I've f00ked up" won't get good responses.
Subjects like "How do I setup USALS on my SpiderBox 9000HD" are much clearer and will get a faster response to your query.

C). When asking for help try to include as much detail as possible about the equipment you require help with.

D) members are reminded to stay on topic and to open new threads when a topic deviates and to continue the new topic in the new discussion thread (we do not agree with a topic being "h*jacked")

No links are to be posted to other commercial retailers other than our site sponsors.(respect our forum sponsor)
No http links to any other sites.
No http links to any other satellite forums.
No http links to file sites or upload centers.
[we have no way of knowing if files on other sites are safe for our members]
No links or referrals to items listed on @uction sites (that also includes item numbers)
No http links of any variety to be displayed in signatures or profiles.

No personal adverts or dealer adverts what so ever.(respect our forum sponsor)
No requests asking for or paying for other members to set up your equipment for you apart from motors and dishes

No references to other satellite forums or retailers
No defamatory or libellous remarks about other forums or retailers. (see rule 15 too)
For example if you were banned on another forum that’s between you and the forum in question. Please do not bring your grievances about other forums or retailers or their services here as these kind of threads lead to board wars and will not be tolerated. no mention of any ongoing trading standards investigations or court cases between any members either here or elsewhere with another retailer or shop or @uction site , or of any ongoing legal proceedings

This is an English speaking forum, please post in English.

Please don't post keys in plain text on the forum. use txt or zip or rar formats only

Unacceptable Files
Please don't post files for OS Smartcards here.
Please do not include links to other sites or unwanted or outdated keys in any other files here.

No Flaming
Flaming will not be tolerated. Members agree to conduct themselves in an appropriate and friendly manner when using the forum.(see rule 15 too)

Copyrighted Material
All board users agree not to post any material that is protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner(s) of said copyright, trademark or other proprietary right. Especially portraying such work as your own. This is otherwise known as, "RIPPING". Rippers are not permitted here, and if you are caught stealing others work you will be banned. No warnings!

By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, hateful, abusive , threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws (especially rule 15).

To ALL forum members , please do not SPAM the forum with THANKS or THNX posts , Please use the THANKS button.
the Thanks button is the THANKS sign at the bottom left below the user name of any post on the forum.

The admins / moderators of this forum reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.

Additional clarification...

1) NO PRIVATE ADVERTS = this means no sales adverts of any kind , and also means no WANTED adverts of any kind , especially when referring to sat gear (including programming boxes or setting them up for pay tv channels (subscription channels), sat motors , sat receivers , games console`s etc (respect our forum sponsor)
no part exchanges of any sort allowed either !!!

2) no posting of OP keys on the open forums.

3) no discussion of any SKY TV or VI*S*T hacks or servers or the VideoG**** or N*S encryptions and we also ask members to refrain from asking questions about using SKY cards to decode pay-tv channels on 3rd party boxes (channels that you have to subscribe to) , or similar cable tv hacks or servers or their actual encryption currently employed , or any cable equipment whatsoever like VIRGIN or YOUVIEW or of any forums that have that information on them that enable the cir***venting of their contractual systems or actual contracts , including IKS or MSCAM or CS

4) no *** out partial names of other sat retailers or @uction sites etc , ie:- do not try to cir***vent the board censor , including posting emails,
those names are starred out due to the fact we have a board sponsor here.
these censored words and emails are also censored in any pm,s so that is why they dont appear there either
( its a board auto-censor )

5) you can ask what is needed to do certain jobs , like say a modchip for ps2 , BUT not where to buy them , and its also not allowed to ask for or tell others where to buy stuff like that on the open forum

6)no posting of setanta , redhot or televisionX codes on the open forums , and no links to sites containing those codes either, the freeview section has been removed

7) DO NOT hi jack other members threads , please keep any answers relevant and on-topic

8) no discussion of file sharing sites that have any illegal downloads of films , warez , games , software , music , albums , etc but you can discuss the software being used , technical problems , port forwarding etc ).
therefore do not post or ask for Compressed Movies, DivX or MKV movies , warez , cracks , serials , games, torrent sites or ftp,s etc

9a) NO card share server requests or adverts or links.

9b) Please do not post requests or adverts for card sharing servers etc. Any requests will be removed and the people involved banned.
Technical discussion on CS is ok but no discussions about SKY or Vi*sat c/s or iks or cards; or about VM c/s or iks or cards , or about similar pay server or pay services or "special gifts" like IKS and MSCAM are allowed on here, including the encryptions used like VideoG*ard and N*S by SKY and other broadcasters

10) and DO NOT send any pm,s to a MOD or ADMIN etc asking for keys or files or any keys/files sites, or any technical questions, because a refusal often offends. Use of the Private Message system to Admin/Mods/Fileguys should be limited to what cannot be posted openly on the forum AND must also be IMPORTANT !.

This would typically be about private matters or board matters only - not technical or equipment issues as some members seem to think. (its an invasion of privacy otherwise)

11) No discussion is allowed about other forums or retailers or adverts no matter what the issues may be.

12) please remember that all posts and ip,s are logged just in case of legal action by the people who may have objected to your post , so if you do not want recriminations , then do not cause problems for yourselves in the first place ! (see rule 15)

13) if you have made a post or a thread and can no longer find it or access it , it is likely that you broke the rules or laws and the post or thread has been removed, OR the OP has deleted his own thread !

14) remember that Satpimps is a friendly place open to various countries and nationalities and we do not want any xenophobic or offensive posts, so no flaming, trolling or abuse is allowed here - see rule 15 below too

to sum up , think before you post , and if the topic is of an illegal or abusive or unwarranted nature , dont post it at all , or seek clarification from a mod or admin first. try and stick to known topics allowed here which tend to have their own dedicated sections.

( so do not include any posts about politics , religion , race , creed , murder , rape , w*r crimes , war , violence , xenophobia and any other contentious issues which are likely to lead to heated discussions or offend somebody, so they do not have any sections and so should be avoided at all costs ) = see rule 15 below for clarification

15) Please make sure you do not fall foul of the following UK June 2013 legal guidelines on what constitutes breaking the law when posting comments on social media sites

_http://www.cps.gov.uk/legal/a_to_c/communications_sent_via_social_me dia/

No Political or Religious rants
This isn’t the forum to air your Political or Religious or Xenophobic views – any posts made that violate this rule will be deleted without notice even if no laws have been broken!. (see all of rule 15 for clarification)

By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are defamatory, obscene, hateful, abusive, offensive, threatening, stalking, cause harrassment , or otherwise violative of any net etiquette or actual laws - see rule 15 for clarification

16) and remember the decisions of a MOD or ADMIN are final and not open for debate !!!!!!!!!!!!

therefore, if staff members find your posts break the local rules above, they will be removed even if the actual laws have not been broken !