View Full Version : no files section yet

25-11-2006, 11:11 PM
are we going to get one ??

25-11-2006, 11:14 PM
lets get this board going first m8 , then we can look at other things :)

25-11-2006, 11:15 PM
fookinell m8 give em a chance ffs

25-11-2006, 11:21 PM
Guys, have you read the new rules?

"Please note that Satpimps.com is a discussion forum for all things related to Digital Satellite TV. We do not host files on this site to decode Pay-TV."


25-11-2006, 11:34 PM
there will be no files ,2 choices board with no files or no board at all.

25-11-2006, 11:58 PM
there will be no files ,2 choices board with no files or no board at all.

what about board with no files ,,, BUT lots off **** :rolleyes: sorry i allways get a bit randy at this time off night :D

26-11-2006, 12:00 AM
best you head for the **** section then,:D

26-11-2006, 12:04 AM
best you head for the **** section then,:D

been there done it back again lol

26-11-2006, 12:25 AM
please point me to **** section for strictly study purposes only? lol

26-11-2006, 12:26 AM
done it back again lol

hope you washed yer hands first Roy m8ey :p :D

:rolleyes: sticky keys :eek:

26-11-2006, 02:50 AM
there will be no files ,2 choices board with no files or no board at all.

But with no files there won,t be a board anyway
PPL will come look and see nothing to stay for, as there are loads of boards just for discussion!!
Unless you can shed some light on what this board is going to be for:eek:

26-11-2006, 03:29 AM
We are not alowed to host files
back in the day we used to talk to one another help solve problems that we ran into not just grab files and run if your looking for files there are loads of places out there you can get them from if you want help with you satellite equipment then there are people here who have had the same problem and have a soultion how to fix it or what you need to do if your not interested in helping other people then this board aint for you

26-11-2006, 08:16 AM
No files is OK by me there are loads of file sites out there.

Some are good ......some are bad.........

I am all for a discussion board only that is all we really need surely !

26-11-2006, 09:13 AM
as i understand we are not allowed to attach files...thats fine, but are we allowed to link to a file we uploaded to a site like yousendit, rapidshare etc.. that way no files will be hosted on the board?

26-11-2006, 09:24 AM
But with no files there won,t be a board anyway
PPL will come look and see nothing to stay for, as there are loads of boards just for discussion!!
Unless you can shed some light on what this board is going to be for:eek:

By the amount of posts since the board started last night, clearly members will still come on here. If member's motivation is purely to find files and go, then that is not the type of members we want to attract. We don't like smash and grab, also known as leechers. The greatest asset of Dudez (and hopefully Pimps), is the community spirit / sharing of information.


26-11-2006, 09:26 AM
as i understand we are not allowed to attach files...thats fine, but are we allowed to link to a file we uploaded to a site like yousendit, rapidshare etc.. that way no files will be hosted on the board?

I suggest you go back and read the rules:-

Satpimps Forum Rules

Please note that Satpimps.com is a discussion forum for all things related to Digital Satellite TV. We do not host files on this site to decode Pay-TV.

No links are to be posted to other commercial satellite retailers other than our site sponsors.
No live links to any other sites.
No links to file sites or upload centers.
[we have no way of knowing if files on other sites are safe for our members]
No links to items listed on auction sites
No links of any variety to be displayed in signatures or profiles.


26-11-2006, 09:30 AM
I did read that and assumed they were links to sat file upload centers with files that has been uploaded by other people and not tested. But i guess any other file upload centers that you have uploaded a working file to are not allowed as well. fair enough then. thank you

26-11-2006, 11:12 AM
is someone putting the squeeze on

26-11-2006, 01:35 PM
By the amount of posts since the board started last night, clearly members will still come on here. If member's motivation is purely to find files and go, then that is not the type of members we want to attract. We don't like smash and grab, also known as leechers. The greatest asset of Dudez (and hopefully Pimps), is the community spirit / sharing of information.


Yes but are they only coming just to look @ moment, and I for one do not smash and grab files, but used to come on here to get files because i knew they were safe and tested ie no viruses or malicious plug ins, I also stay after getting files to confirm they work in my setup, and help others not so experienced or having difficulty setting up their files!!

You may be right in 1 thing though and that is that this board may not be for me now, the reason:- I will now have to go to other file sites first and risk the files that are out there then come back here to discuss them, but even if they are safe and working I cant advise other members where to get them.
And Im not going to mention which one but there is another major board which does provide this for me now, never thought id say this but will have to defect to the dark side, and I think you will all know to where i mean.

26-11-2006, 05:20 PM
ppl may do whatever they feel they have to

the fact is that this site will not be hosting any files , good or bad

so please get used to that fact

26-11-2006, 07:02 PM
So are you allowed to say if the squeeze has been put on the owners/admins/moderators by any outside influences?
It is an important question I think - because these new rules do seem to have appeared totally out of the blue, and have changed the very nature of this site, and I think will have a huge effect on its future.
A sad day indeed...........

26-11-2006, 08:14 PM
Some one, files had been on pimps only for about a year. a long time before was without. someone writtes the name of the upload centre where is files is located without the http and without the toplevel domain like .com and everybody will find what he needs.

26-11-2006, 09:55 PM

Satpimps disappeared out of the blue, and a new forum was created, and also new rules for this new forum were drawn up, However it would appear that you want the Rules that applied to Satpimps, to be applied here in the new forum, and that is not going to happen, as to what will happen with this new forum remains to be seen, however if the new Rules get rid of all the leechers and smash and grab merchants, so be it, and I just wonder if we will see or hear much more of you in the future in this new forum with the new set of Rules.

26-11-2006, 10:01 PM
What about settings for receivers, for instance?:)

Welcome back!!;):cool:

26-11-2006, 10:03 PM
as far as we are all aware no pressure from anyone or any ware,kink just said enough was enough,a new guy has taken over and kink has kindly passed everyone detail on he could have dumped them in the bin.

would you be prepaired to put youre name down as the host for when and if anyone did come knocking????????

anyone who is not happy with no files just pm any mod/admin and they will remove you no questions asked,:D

26-11-2006, 10:04 PM
What about settings for receivers, for instance?:)

That depends on what kind of settings you mean. If you mean encryption/EMU/keys/CS, then clearly not.


26-11-2006, 10:23 PM
From what i've read in the humax section, channel settings will be fine. Software that can't be used to modify receiver firmwares is also fine

26-11-2006, 10:24 PM
Nah, of course, as I can see where you're coming from quite clearly - from the Rulez and the explanations... ;)

I meant the channel lists etc.:)

Keep up the good work!:cool:

26-11-2006, 10:26 PM
Coz, relax, m8... Too tense means heart etc. probs... ;) :)

26-11-2006, 10:30 PM
Coz, relax, m8... Too tense means heart etc. probs... ;) :)

my tickers fine,:D

post wasent aimed at you although it was below youres,weve done our best to get a new site running but that just aint good enough for some.

26-11-2006, 10:53 PM
Good to know... We don't wanna live in exciting times, now do we... ;) :) :D

26-11-2006, 11:09 PM
@ aldo

no you wont hear much more from me in the future if replies like yours is the way this board is going :(

and cosworth - thanks for the straightforward first part of your answer. As for your next 2 sentances...I wont comment.

The reason I asked this question is that Satpimps, Toecutter(who's site i've only read about here) and Primevil owners have all left the sat scene just about on the same day for seemingly different reasons. Too much of a co-incidence I thought. So all I wanted was a straight honest answer from someone that knows what was going on - a reasonable enough request I thought. Not sarcastic, bitchy comments.

26-11-2006, 11:12 PM
@ aldo

no you wont hear much more from me in the future if replies like yours is the way this board is going :(

and cosworth - thanks for the straightforward first part of your answer. As for your next 2 sentances...I wont comment.

The reason I asked this question is that Satpimps, Toecutter(who's site i've only read about here) and Primevil owners have all left the sat scene just about on the same day for seemingly different reasons. Too much of a co-incidence I thought. So all I wanted was a straight honest answer from someone that knows what was going on - a reasonable enough request I thought. Not sarcastic, bitchy comments.

no feel free to comment.

26-11-2006, 11:12 PM
the heat is well and truely on you can read into that .

27-11-2006, 10:29 PM
Guys come on , you all know you can get files elsewhere ! lets have a real good site with good posts and discussions.
I appreciated pimps and the guys who helped me get set up.
Its clear that when a site starts to host files / keys etc it gets closed down.

27-11-2006, 10:42 PM
i have posted this in another thread

if you want files just put sat keys into google and you will get 2,460,000 hits their should be some good sites amongst them