View Full Version : How to Update STB?

26-11-2006, 10:25 AM
[FAQ] How to Update STB?


NO CARDS, as it has got the codes in the box and easy to use and
update. To put the new keys into the box, the easy way of doing it is

Updateing keys

1 Goto the channel
2 Press exit and then you get hot key
3 Press list ok and then you will get a big window
4 Find the key you want to change
5 Click list ok
6 Use the arrow keys around the list ok use the down arrow first
7 Enter the code
8 When you are done goto the button OK on the screen and press list ok

9 Then you will go back too the big window and then press exit and thats it.

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Updating AES Key (Advanced Encryption Standard)

1 Press menu.
2.Press smartcard(you have to have the EMU on)
3 Goto Key manager.
4 Goto tbs AES Key.
5 Press list ok and you will get a big box on the screen
us the down arrow by the list OK enter code then click on ok.
6 Then press the yellow button to save
7 Follow step 1 to 6 for the other key.
8 Then press exit 4 times to come out.
And it should be on then
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Updateing the stb with Box loader.

To update the box, you will need a null cable. Here is how you update.

1. Plug in the stb and leave in stand by.
2. But the null cable from the computer to the stb.
3. Start up box loader.
4. Click update software
5. Find the new software you want to send to the stb.
6. Click on it and then click open.
7. Then you will see the screen on the computer of the box loader will start moveing, all so on the stb on the channel you will see it counting to 100. When it has done. Wait for 30 sec as the box needs do do more you will see it count again and at the end you will see good in the window of the stb.

8. Turn off the stb and but it back on and see what the software it say in the window of the stb and if it say the one you have loaded you are done.
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Updateing the stb with FCisUtl..

To update the box, you will need a null cable. Here is how you update.

1. Plug in the stb and leave in stand by.
2. But the null cable from the computer to the stb.
3. Start up FCisUtl..
4. Click update FCIS fireware
5. Do you want to connected say YES.
6. Click change
7. Find the new software you want to send to the stb.
8. Click on it and then click open.
9. Then you will see the screen on the computer of the box loader will start moveing, all so on the stb on the channel you will see it counting to 100. When it has done. Wait for 30 sec as the box needs do do more you will see it count again and at the end you will see good in the window of the stb.

10. Turn off the stb and but it back on and see what the software it say in the window of the stb and if it say the one you have loaded you are done.

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Turn on EMU

Power it off
and restart with tv.
Go to first menu level and key in 9999.
You might have to press 9 more times than 4 to get it to work.
This is necessary to enable the emu.
If a smartcard item appears in the first level menu then you are ready to go
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Turn off EMU

Go to first menu level and key in 0000.
And you will see the smart card go from the first menu level
You might have to press 0 more times than 4 to get it to work.
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Create Factory Data
By ncc300.

You can create your factory data file by doing the following steps

With Boxloader 1.2:

Suppose you don`t have channels in the receiver ( 0 channels )
1- switch on the receiver and connect the serial cable
2- open boxloader 1.2
3- click connect
4- click read user data - click OK (a small window will appear to save the text file), name it xxx.txt

Now you can edit this text file by notepad
scrol the page and you will see satellite names and transponders
you may insert, delete, modify or reorder desired transponders as you wish
then save

Do the same as above, but this time use the button WRITE FACTORY DATA:

1- switch on the receiver and connect the serial cable
2- open boxloader 1.2
3- click connect

Now start configurate your antenna and programs/channels. This way you have modify your factory data.


Also, FCIS UTILITY IS a very nice tool which CAN DO A LOT OF THINGS,

Read user data will save a text file to your pc which contains:
* Dish antenna setting
* ALL TP data
* All TV & Radio channels data

This means you can always save a copy of all your latest settings of your receiver and download them back to the receiver.

So, in case you have done this already
If you press RESET FACTORY DATA in the main menu,
you will find that all channels and setting are still in the receiver and they were not erased.

john spoor
26-11-2006, 05:39 PM
thanks m8