View Full Version : hidden test menu

26-11-2006, 10:29 AM
Back button OFF, we start the receiver and in the same moment in that the boot appears we type the following sequence with the bellboys of the frontal of the receiver:

1.-Stand by

and we are already inside.........

He/she sometimes costs a little to enter, and we have a certain time to introduce the sequence.
That it happens if we have made it bad?

A) Anything. The stb makes the normal load of the soft. (It doesn't pass anything)

it Starts up normal, but it show the message we have loaded a non appropriate soft and the typical EEEEE in the display.... In this case, we stopped the receiver, we turn off/turn on and all ok....

Once we have entered in the test menu... the only way to leave the one is with the option 0 "Load default". it will ask You you to turn off the stb and starting from there he/she makes the normal load again. If the reset without going by the option "0" it always loads you the test menu again.
Trust this will be of help to you.

there is also an other way to get in the hidden test menu.

turn receiver off with the back button,than turn on again
the receiver says: boot
wenn the receiver shows - - - - ,press rappidly on the front of your receiver the up button ontill your display shows test

to go out of this menu choose option 0.
a message will pop up:success/turn off power