View Full Version : codes

26-11-2006, 10:50 AM

1) Digitare in sequence 8 2 8 2 (appears key editor of all the codifiche of all the channels) (in practical all the content of the softcam k*y that inserted)

2) Digitare in sequence: Right key dumb (up) Key exit (appears the k*y editor of the single one codifies of that channel)

3) Digitare 8280 (k*y editor for the bi*s)

4) Digitare mute+exit+text (visualizes the n*gra boxk*y)

5) yellow Digitare 8282+tasto (visualizes the n*gra boxk*y)

5) blue Digitare mute+exit+tasto (ecm pid = says to you which ecm pid it works on that channel) (a MY CONSIGLIO:LASCIARLO ON CAR)

6) Digitare 0103 Reset Pin. Resetta the Pin of emergency for the access to the several one menu of the receiver. Useful function in the case we had changed it and forgotten.

7) SYMBOLS criptato channel (symbol euro) - audio modality (stereo, selectable left right or... pressing the AUDIO key) - sottotito them (audio key) - teletext (YELLOW key) - audio dolby surround (if active you can use the present relative escape on the back of the receiver) the presence of the icone would have to inform to you less on the presence or than one of the aforesaid characteristics

8) MENU DIAGNOSTIC With the decoder in stand by (visualizes only the hour): a) to press and to maintain pressed key "CHANNEL ^" on frontalino (the left third party from in order meaning to us) b) At the same time to press the ignition push-button (the first one from left) Appears therefore "MENU DIAGNOSTIC", navigable with the remote control. To the successive one riavvio of the decoder the shielded one appears of chosen of the language but all the memorizazioni seem to be maintained. If active the menu diagnostic, they come annulled lat and long, therefore if you have the motorized one and used the USALS you must reimmetterle.

9) AS TO ACTIVATE the MULTICAS a) to go on MAIN MENU b) to go on SYSTEM FORMULATION then (to move itself to right)e to go on FORMULATIONS OF EMERGENCY c) to this point you ASKED VERRA' the PASSWORD (digita pin) that it is 0 0 0 0 (of default) d) you will appear an ulterior one shielded, gone and set up MULTICAS ON ON e) to set up the other voices to your piacimento or On a criptato channel to digitare 6969 and then still 6969 (worked alone on first firmware).

10) AS TO INSERT AES ON MULT*V*SION being on a Mult***sion channel digita on the remote control the DUMB keys [ ] [ EXIT ] and you the shielded one of edit will be opened of the Ke*s of those provider. To this point the first half of the AES you put it in the first line (K*y the 01) and second halves in the second line (K*y 11). You exit and saves.

11) AS TO INSERT the K*Y ON XPLUS and INXCT (THROUGH EDITOR B*SS) you open the editor for keys B*SS (8280) (finding to you on the channel in issue) entered within and posizionate to you on one of the lines... you write first part of the key... gone on the line under and you write the second part... riposizionate to you on before and press exit... magically the channel will be opened... oltretutto look at both logically... you will have to leave house some keys b*ss... you even remember yourselves than to leave that one of tv8... senṇ goodbye it postpones (THANKS LEOBLUES) or same procedure but For last the 8 XPLUS byte of the CW is enough while for INXTC the first only 8 save 2 live b*ss (THANKS DAVARCH)

12) MANUAL MODERNIZATION FOR P*LSAT (To follow exactly these complementary procedures or to choose one of these) a) x who did not have time problems, with 8282 posizionati on one of the channels of the bouquet"incriminato", to slide until the 7001, to replace the present index k*y with new indices 10-11-20-21 and then, to the respective lines to insert by hand with editor of the remote control the keys in use attualmente..e to save.

b) the complete and exact MANUAL procedure is that one to write the former indices novo of 7001
10 + key
11 + key
20 + key
21 + key
therefore not only operating. the this will turn out useful in future (next) not being single indices 20 and 21 susceptible ones of variation but also 10 and 11..stando to the current situation. or c) In contrary case, the softcam, change key 10 and 11 and write them equal to the 20 and 21 (thanks KEVINDMITNICK, MESCIUPIPPI)


the exited keys allow to give light to 5c****i XXX of the ***View group, and just ***View 247, ***View DP, ***View Plus, extra ***view *** view ***. These keys can be inserted also on our Clarke-tech in the menu biss. The procedure is this: a) Containing Procuratevi rows the keys in issue, as an example v_dcw of Mach1 or the Dreambox Keys modernized today afternoon. b) Syntonized (if you already do not have them) the 3 channels on 12360 H Sr27500 Hotbird 13°Est c) Andate on the channel ***View 247 and digitate 8280 in order to open the biss key editor. d) Scrivete on one line of your choice the first 8 byte, that is the first half, of the key for ***View 247. e) Dates exit and confirmed the new formulations with OK. The channel will become visible. f) Andate on ***View DP and you proceed in the same way (obviously using the appropriate key for DP and writing it on an other line regarding that you have before used FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT =") g) Andate on ***View Plus and write this LAST the 8 time byte, is worth to say the second half, of the key for SV Plus. Confirmed the formulations. h) you put also first part of the key for *** extra View and *** view *** you will see (THANKS HAUTAMEEKI, ROSS1948, WOLF)

14) MANUAL MODERNIZATION FOR D+ (To follow exactly these complementary procedures or to choose one of these) a) with 8282 posizionati on one of the channels of the bouquet"incriminato", to slide until the 4001 (that it is the same thing of 4101), to replace the present index k*y with new indices 10-11-or 20-21 (to second of the operating ones that escono)e then, to the respective lines to insert by hand with editor of the remote control the keys in use attualmente..e to save. b) the complete and exact MANUAL procedure is that one to write the former indices novo of 4001
10 + key
11 + key or
20 + key
21 + key
therefore not only operating. the this will turn out useful in future (next) not being single indices 20 and 21 susceptible ones of variation but also 10 and 11..stando to the current situation. or c) In contrary case, the softcam, change key to 10 and 11 or 20 and 21

I hope to have made appreciate what. All the info come from forum, do***ents, post and other


13-04-2007, 11:54 AM
>Clarke-Tech Tips & Tricks<


>Secret Menu Clarke-Tech <

Secret Menu:
1)Press 8282 (it will appear the editor for all encryption systems with all the ke*s)

2)Press button mute and then the button exit (it will appear the k*y editor for only the ******* your are watching)

3)Press 8280 (it will appear the B*SS k*y editor)

4)Press mute* exit and then text (it will appear the n*gra boxk*y)

5)Press 8282 and the yellow button (it will appear the n*gra boxk*y)

6)Press 0103 (Reset Pin. The Secure Pin for the menus will be reset. It will be useful if we forget it)

1)Encrypted ******* = € symbol
2)Audio Selection = (stereo* left* right) you will be able to choose one of them pressing the AUDIO button
3)Subtext = you will be able to choose them pressing the AUDIO button
4)Audio Dolby Surround = if it is active you can use the dedicated outlet behind the receiver

Diagonostic Menu:
With the receiver in Stand-By mode:
1)Press and don't leave it the "******* ^" button on the receiver
2)At the same time press the Power-On button on the receiver
It will appear the Diagnostic Menu. When you will reboot the menu it will appear the language selection menu but it seems that you won't loose the other configurations.
If you will active the Diagnostic Menu the receiver will reset the lat and log* so* if you use a rotor and USALS you have to choose the lat and long.

How to activate the Multicas:
1)Go on the Main Menu
2)Go on System Setup and then on Secure Setup
3)Insert the PIN (default PIN is: 0000)
4)You will see MULTICAS* set it on ON mode

or (with old firmwares)

Go on an encrypted ******* and press 6969 and 6969 another time

How to insert the MULT*V*SION AES:
1)Go on a multi*v*sion ******* and press the MUTE button and then EXIT button* it will appear the k*ybox editor of TP*. Insert the first half of the k*y in K*y 01 and the second half in K*y 11. Exit and save.

How to insert the ke*s for XPLUS and INXCT (with bi*s key editor)
1)Go on XPLUS or INXTC *******
2)Open the biss ke* editor (8280) and select one of the key line
3)Write the first part of the key in the line you have choosen
4)Write the second part of the key in the under line
5)Select the first key you have written and press exit.
You will see the *******s. Have fun!


The same procedure but if you want only XPLUS you can write only the last 8byte of the CW or if you want only INXTC you can write only the first 8bytes of the CW

Manual upgrade for PO*SAT:
1)Go on a PO*SAT ******* and press 8282
2)Go until the 7001 (pol*at provider) and change the ke* 10-11-20-21 with the new ones. Exit and save.

Or (the correct manual procedure):
1)You have to write also the indexes of the provider:
10 + key
11 + key
20 + key
21 + key
so not only the operatives k*ys
it will be useful in the future because not only the 20 and 21 can be changed but also the 10 and 11.


1)Change in the softcam the ke*s 10 and 11 and write them similar to 20 and 21.


How to insert k*ys for ***View Broadcast (with B*SS ke* editor):

The public keys give light to 5 *******s of ***View Broadcast; they are ***View 247* ***View DP* ***View Plus* ***View Extra and ***View ***. We can insert these keys in our Clarke-Tech with B*SS ke* editor.
1)Look for a sotfcam with the ke*s for ***View or download for example v_dcw by Mach1
2)Scan 12360H Sr27500 on HotBird 13&#176;E to find the *******s
3)Go on ***View 247 and press 8280 to open the B*SS editor
4)Write on a line the first 8bytes (the first half) of the key for ***View 247
5)Press EXIT and then confim the changes pressing OK. The ******* will be clear.
6)Go on ***View DP and do the same procedure like ***View 247 (obviously using the ke* for ***View DP and writing it on a new line)
7)Go on ***View Plus and now write in the editor the last 8bytes (the second half) of the k*y for ***View Plus. Confirm the changes.
8)Write also the first 8bytes of the k*ys of ***View Extra and ***View *** on different lines to see them.I hope it will be useful for you.


Manual upgrade for D+:
a)press 8282 and go on one of D+'s *******s* go until the 4001 provider (it's the same of 4101)* replace the ke*s with the new indexes 10-11 or 20-21 (it depends on the key* they change) save and exit.
b)the correct procedure is to rewrite the indexes newly:
so* not only the operatives..
this will be useful in the future* 'cause not only the 20 and 21 can be changed but also 10 and 11.
c)otherwise* in the softcam* change the 10 and 11 or 20 and 21 ke*s

thanks : sasa69 * angel

courtesy of kobenan on pimps

07-07-2007, 11:13 PM

02-10-2008, 05:25 PM
Thank you for your time LUCAS3