View Full Version : F1vaci E-ac

26-11-2006, 03:56 PM
I have a problem
Humax F1 VACI supermodel
Display E-AC
I tried to reprogramme and download software
but this was not possibel
I used Humax 11 exe
cable ok
SVC 20503
nothing happens
on the display always d-00
thanks for help

26-11-2006, 05:49 PM
Hello again. Don't know if you read my last post to you on Dudez but from what you said it looks like you have loader 2.05.
How do you know that - are you able to access the Humax menu?
If so are you simply trying to put into the receiver the firmware that it already has?
If you can access the menu try going to Installation/Manual Search and enter some frequencies that you know are good on say Astra19e and do a scan.
Do you get a red signal quality bar at the bottom of the screen?
E-AC is an error code --- the codes are explained here on this section by voith driver.

I'll watch this space.......

26-11-2006, 10:19 PM
I am not able to access the menu.
nothing is possible.

26-11-2006, 10:35 PM
I thought in your last post in Dudez you said you had loader L2.05?
Looks like the Flash is faulty as in the error codes.
Sorry I've no idea what to do next.

28-11-2006, 02:43 AM
I had it before... Gave it to my ex...;)

Just reprogrammed it in such a case [NULL modem cable, 2-3, 3-2, 5-5 is enough], if memory serves. All the info is on the website, plus the SW...

Then, rescan...

Good luck! :)

05-12-2006, 07:49 PM
Thanks for post that is how I have always done mine.
How are you getting on -- any good news for us?

07-12-2006, 08:28 PM
Sorry, no good news
Can someone help me, I don t understand how?

08-12-2006, 01:59 AM
Why don't you call these guys or email them, they are helpful, especially as you're NOT doing anything even vaguely "interesting"...

An email I when in similar trouble:

Dear Goran

Following our telephone conversation, I send you the download
instructions as follows:

- Connect the power cable to the IRD but ensuring that the power switch
is off.
- Connect the serial cable (see below) from the PC to the IRD.
- Start the Windn application.
- In Windn, select the Settings option from the Action menu.
- A new window will appear. From this window select the Baud Rate and
COM port using the drop down menus and then click OK.
- Now select the Connect option form the Action menu.
- A new window will appear. From this window select the HDF file you
wish to use and click Open.
- You will now see the message 'waiting'.
- Switch on you IRD (using the switch at the back of the receiver), the
downloading process will now begin.
- Please wait until you see 'End' displayed on the IRD front panel.
- Restart the IRD.

Superset models
Null Modem cable used for the upgrade requires the following Pin

Pin 2 to Pin 3
Female 9 pin Pin 3 to Pin 2 Female 9 pin
Pin 5 to Pin 5

Best Regards,

*** *** ***
Project Engineer
Humax Electronics Co. Ltd. London

25-12-2009, 11:25 PM
Any new FW for it, guys? Hopefully, with an Emu, that is... ;)

Ta! :)