View Full Version : visionnet How to (PLEASE READ)

26-11-2006, 05:35 PM

Information in this post is for educational
purposes only.
You can't use it to watch pay TV without subscription.

Updated 20/7/09


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For newbes read to get you started.

Connect your VN (VISIONNET) to the TV.

Turn on your VN (VISIONNET)

Turn on EMU (Emulation)

1.Press Menu (On remote control)
2.See if you have got smart card in the menu on the TV screen at the button of the screen.
3.You have not got one press 9999.
4.The screen will change and you will see the smart card in the menu on the screen at the botton.
5. You can know get some scramble channels with the EMU.

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Updating the stb with Box loader.

To update the box, you will need a null cable. Here is how you update.


1. Plug in the stb and leave in stand by.
2. But the null cable from the computer to the stb.
3. Start up box loader.
4. Click update Boot loader.
5. Find the new software you want to send to the stb S or CIS.
6. Click on it and then click open.
7. Then you will see the screen on the computer of the box loader will start moveing, all so on
the stb on the channel you will see it counting to 100. When it has done. Wait for 30 sec as
the box needs do do more you will see it count again and at the end you will see good in the
window of the stb.

8. Turn off the stb and but it back on.

9. Click update software.
10. Find the new software you want to send to the stb.
11. Click on it and then click open.
12. Then you will see the screen on the computer of the box loader will start moveing, all so on
the stb on the channel you will see it counting to 100. When it has done. Wait for 30 sec as
the box needs do do more you will see it count again and at the end you will see good in the
window of the stb.

13. Turn off the stb and but it back on and see what the software it say in the window of the
stb and if it say the one you have loaded you are done.
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Updating by internet.

Cannot do know.
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update to server choose Visionnet 8000S

IMPORTMENT FOR VISIONNET8000sYOU HAVE TO UPDATE special edition 1.0 & sw1.18 Visionnet 8000CIS by BOOT-LOADER

1.Update boot-loader with special edition 1.0 (VN8000S not CIS) For CIS does use Visionnet 118_server_choose modified sw1.18 Visionnet 8000S server choose (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=12291&d=1171158615)

2.Update boot-loader sw1.18 Visionnet 8000CIS & S server choose
modified sw1.18 Visionnet 8000S server choose (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=12291&d=1171158615)
Then update with SOFTWARE.

Upgrade by SOFTWARE
3. upgrade software to latest version
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update to server choose Visionnet 8000CIS by BOOT-LOADER

1.Update boot-loader sw1.18 Visionnet 8000CIS & S server choose
modified sw1.18 Visionnet 8000S server choose (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=12292&d=1171158884)

Upgrade by SOFTWARE
2. upgrade software to latest version
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Cannot do this know.
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If you cannot get server try this

Cannot do this know.
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First,make your conections between your PC(laptop) and receiver.
Put your receiver in standby.Remember on which one bird you are
(Astra19E-or HotBird13E).
Start BoxLoader1.2.
Choose comport first(COM 1).
After that,choose (in BoxLoader software) UPGRADE BOOTLOADER and find
SW for upgrade your box you can find in our firmware section
*reprogramm the channels
*activate the smart card by pressing menue 9999
*follow the instructions below:

Visionnet setup

Turn on EMU

Go to first menu level and key in 9999.
And you will see the smart card come in the first menu level
You might have to press 9 more times than 4 to get it to work.
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Turn off EMU

Go to first menu level and key in 0000.
And you will see the smart card go from the first menu level
You might have to press 0 more times than 4 to get it to work.
Note that this procedure also works on all Mvision receivers

Now, you are ready for connecting the receiver to the internet

First your computer must have an eathernet connection, if not,
get an eathernet card and install it on your computer.
while the receiver is working, connect the network cross cable
between the receiver and the computer

Assuming that you are using Dial up connection
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For windows 2000 users
Check you Local area connection
You can access this menue by start, setting, network and dial up
select local area connection
select internet protoco (TCP/IP) OK

check the receiver menu
Auto detect
The receiver will reboot and try to connect to your computer network

You will notice that the receiver will select aan Ip automatically
Check the network setting of the receiver
you can see that IP, FOR EXAMPLE

The IP address is unique for each unit in the network
it can take any number between 2 and 254
I mean or (3,4,...., 254)
go to your default dial up connection
select properties
select sharing window
chech the window which allow other network users to share this
apply this new setting
May be you need to restart the computer
connect to the internet
Check the filmnet on hotbird
if it is not working, may be you need to reboot your receiver
press menu
network setting
auto detect
The receiver will reboot and connect to the network and the internet

If you are connecting to the internet using a DSL modem, do the same
with the DSL connection by activating the sharing option

If you are using a DSL on this computer and it is connected to a
, where more than computer is sharing this connection
Just connect the receiver with a normal network cable( not cross ) to
the switch

or if you are using a router, connect the receiver directly with the
normal network cable

For advanced users
You may also cofiger the IP address of the receiver manually
Assume your main network server (or router) is using

press menu
network setting
manual setting

Server INF
To bee able to see which one server your on :
Push ----FN----button on REMOTE
Push OK button on remote
Now you can see like 22 ff cc 11 (this is the key for the channel I think)
That's it,you're on.

Update the key with Hot key

Made by Graham7

Hot key

1 goto the channel
2 Press exit
3 A big box will come on the screen with Hot key under the hot key you should see then the provider like D+
4 Click on it and you will get a other big window with the keys
5 Find the key that you want to add
6 Click list OK and a other box will come on but the key in
7 Click on OK
8 If you do not have to but any more in press exit and you are done if you have to add more start from 5
11.Press exit and that it

Updating keys:
1 Goto the any D+channel
2 Press exit and then you get hot key
3 Press list ok and then you will get a big window
4 Find the key you want to change
5 Click list ok
6 Use the arrow keys around the list ok use the down arrow first
7 Enter the code
8 When you are done goto the button OK on the screen and press list
9 Then you will go back too the big window and then press exit and
thats it.

Lost the hot key for D+ after uploading new S/W
this is how you get it back.

1. press menu
2. Click smartcard(at the botton of the page)
3. Click select Reset data
4. Click on narga
5. A box will come on Click Ok
6. Press exit 3 times to come out and you should have it back.
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Updating AES Key:

Cannot do this know.

"IN CASE "Conection error"
First make conection wth PC(laptop) and receiver
1:switch off box (with main switch)
2:open boxloader
3:select upgrade bootloader
3:select your .bin (right mouse click, do not start yet)
4:switch on box with main switch
wait, until display shows -DE
At that point upload should be start
Thanks to @troja47
regards and enjoy

FORCE UPDATE by Vision Tools 2.9.

By Graham7.

Vision Tools 2.9.

You will all so need NET Framework 2.0 of windows for Vision Tools 2.9 to work.

1.Start up Vision Tools 2.9.
2.Click on Idioma (If you can understand what it say leave it)
3.Change to English.
4.Select com which your VN is on.
5.Click on connect(It will not connect to the VN but will still work)
6.The button by the Fireware on the right hand side you can press know.

7.Click it and a box will come on(STB could not be detected. Do you want to contine)
8.Click Yes.
9.A big box will come on find the new SW.
10.Click on the SW and then click open.
11.Know turn on the VN from the back switch and press the force update button at the same time.

12.You will see it start to count on the VN and on the computer.


When you see good reboot the VN and all should be back to the way it was.

I have not done this for a long time so might not be 100%

I know this is in the read me but it is not on the forum so thought I would post it.

Getting Fav1 back when you done server choose.

1.Press List OK(On remote control)
2.Press Fav(On remote control)
3.A box will come on saying Favorite(TV screen)
4.Press List OK(On remote control)
5.Press the right button by the List OK(On remote control)
6.But it on the ch**** you want
7.Press List OK(On remote control)
8.You will go to the channel you wanted
9.Press Exit(On remote control)
10.You are know back on to Fav1

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33FF 34FF EU (Europe) Servers. (NOT WORKING NO MORE)
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From VN to router/Switch use a straight RG45 Cable.

From VN to PC use a crossover one.
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1- If you are using an ADSL router (which connects directly to
internet ) , all you need is a normal network cable ( not cross cable )

* if you are connecting one pc through a DSL modem to the internet,
and sharing this connection through a switch ( hub ) with other pc`s
and VN boxes, all cables are normal network cables.

2- The only case you need a cross cable between a pc and the receiver
is when you are connecting the pc to the internet ( either by dsl
modem or dialup modem ), then the cable betwean the pc an receiver
is a cross cable.

3- A third case, if you are connecting your laptop to the internet
via wirless network, then you have to allow sharing through local
area network by enabeling it in the wireless connection icon, then
connect a cross cable between pc and the receiver.

a- Some receivers connected to an ADSL routers do not get the ip
automatically or assighnes the same ip of another pc on the same
network where a conflict occures, here it would be much better to
assigh an ip manually for each box on the network.

b- A lot of problems with network connections occures when you
are using windows XP service pack 2, while it is very easy with
service pack 1 or windows 2000
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How long can you have the straight RG45 Cable

That will be fine I think the max is about 100m for twisted pair
25 meters works fine
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There is no FE for information only weather.

Make sure there is smart card is in the menu if there is this will not help you.


Turn on EMU.

1. Press Menu
2. Press 9999 until you see smart card come into the menu.
3. The EMU is know on.
4. Exit the Menu
5. Press the FN and see if you can get the information and the weather.
6. If you can you are done if not Sorry don't know how to fix for know.
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Remove channel or sats from lists.

Thanks to gedi for the information.

1.Press menu
2.Press on channel manager
3.Press the left arrow untill you are on CH del
4.Press the yellow button and you will see it change(TP Del Sat Del CH Del)
5.Press List OK to select the channal or sats you want to remore
6.Choose, delete and there you go...
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Find out all the information on a channal.

1. Press list OK.
2. Goto the channel you want the information on.
3. Then press info.
4. Big box will come on the screen with all the information you want.
5. Press exit
6. and press exit again to come out.
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Can I Store The Channels Data From My Receiver To The Computer

Made by dxdy(Save me from doing it ;))

Boxloder 1.3
- Setup Comm - connect your receiver to computer, if not working, restart computer
- Read User Data - for save channel list
- Write User Data - for upload channel list to receiver

Vision Tools 2.7
- select Idioma, Ingles for change language
- select COM Port and Connect
- Read Channel List - for save channel list
- Write Channel List - for upload channel list to receiver

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Thanks to Artware

Error 0

error 0 = receiver to quick off while updating firmware (interupted)

error 3 = bad connection between computer and receiver

error 4 = wrong firmware

error 6 = error 4 (wrong firmware)

error 8 = wires 2-3 of null modemcable bad contact

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Made by gudy1981 Thanks.

easy steps to use VN with PC and not router:

1- get (buy) a cross network cable , not ordinary straight cable like the one between PC and router

2-on windows XP, go to Start --->Network Setup menu. then right click on the icone of you ethernet card connected to VN---> then Properties--->Advanced ---> then click on "allow others to connect to internet using this computer " then OK
now you have configured PC to share connexion and acts as Internet gateway

3-configure IP adress of the ethernet card ,better use static IP adresse example (or or or any adresse like 192.168.x.y )

x and y can be from 1 to 254 (can not be 0 or 255)
just be sure that is not the same as the other ethernet card that connect ethernet DSL or cable modem to avoid conflict
- configure netmask
-configure DNS servers of your Internet service provider ,primary and secondary ( the same as those of the other ethernet card, you can get them by using command "IPCONFIG/ALL" in MS DOS commande line)

4-finaly configure network in your VN:
- as gateway
-assign IP adress to VN like 192.168.0.x
x can be from 2 to 254 just be careful the three first numbers MUST be the same as IP of PC (if you use for pc VN MUST be for example)
-netmask is kept same
- configure on VN same DNS servers

it should be fine then

made by dxdy

How to enter BISS ID and keys

When you find BISS ID and keys, first look ID. ID have 4 digit (for example 1FFF, 1FFA, 1FF9). When entering ID in VisionNet, first digit allways must be zero (0) - for example: 0FFF, 0FFA, 0FF9.

MENU - SmartCard - Key Manager - BISS

You have only 4 spaces for entering BISS keys and only one 0FFF work!!!. If you enter more 0FFF, working only first.
For example, you must change ID to 1FFF when you want disabe this identy.

For example you want enter ID and keys for: 1FFF Megasport, 1FFA NBA TV, 1FFF MGM, 1FFF FOX TV

in Visionnet you enter:

NBA and FOX TV working:
2FFF - Megasport

MGM and NBA working:
2FFF - Megasport

Megasport and NBA working
0FFF - Megasport

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made by dxdy

Mastercode for VisionNet VN8000S (CIS)
With this code you can change Parental Lock password (if you forget) or bypass locked channel

MENU - Options - Parental Lock Setup - 2290

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made by dxdy

VisionNet weather option

Not work no more.
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How to change backround

In this manual we are going to see how convert a JPG image in MPG file valid to put it in the firmware replacing the background.

First of all we have know the characteristic of the background included in the firmware. If we extract and ****yze it (for example with GSpot) we will see the characteristic are:

File Size: 40.63 Kb
There are 2 frames of a video coded in MPEG-1, 720x576, 25 fps, PAL, 4:3, 4098Kbps

Now we have to convert any JPG to a video with these characteristic, and its size must be smaller than 40.63 Kb. To do this we will use TMPGenc Xpress (This manual is made with version 3.04.24)

Open the program and click in “Set Source”

Now we have to choose what JPG we want convert. We click in “Add file” and open the jpg we want.

The following window will be shown and we will click “ok”

Now we have the jpg added for the conversion, but we only have 1 frame (1 jpg image = 1 frame).

We want 2 frames, then we click in “Add file” again, open the same JPG and click OK in the window that will be opened (We do the same as the first time). And now we have the program like this

Then we click in “Set Output” and select MPEG Output

In the next screen, we have to select all the characteristic of the video (MPEG-1, 720x576, 25 fps, PAL, 4:3, 4098Kbps). “VBV buffer size” must be 40, maybe with other valour it works but it is not sure. For example 224 don’t work. The result must be like this

Now, we click in “Encode”, select the output directory and click in “Start Output”

In few seconds we have the job done and we can close the program. In the folder we select before now we have a file .m1v (m1v or mpg, is the same) and we will check its size to verify it is smaller than 40.63 Kb (In my case the file has 39.89Kb).
In the case the size is larger than 40.63Kb we have to repeat the process but this time we will put the bitrate smaller than the previous case, for example 4000.

Now, we already have the background and we will put it in the firmware.

Open Vision Tools 2.9 by mitega tools and click in BIN Tools. Then click on “Open firm” and select the firmware we want.

Click in Replace background and select the file m1v (or mpg) we have created before. When it has been opened the program automatically ask where save the firmware modified. We write the name we want and the job is finished

Only left load this firmware to the stb and enjoy the new background ;)

27-11-2006, 07:34 PM

Thank you for this very informative post.

:) :) :)

It is the best I have read yet for the VisionNet 8000cis and will help me a lot setting mine up