View Full Version : how long d+ been down

27-11-2006, 09:02 AM
can anyone tell me how long d+ as been down its usualy back within a couple of days

27-11-2006, 09:09 AM
I think it went down on Satuday afternoon - 19 November
There have been a couple of key changes since, that have not been made public.


27-11-2006, 09:29 AM
thanks doc

27-11-2006, 11:57 AM
Dont think we will see public release soon. Small group have stopped the leak from what i read.

27-11-2006, 07:30 PM
weve just got to be patiente and belive all is possible.

27-11-2006, 07:37 PM
it seems that if they are changing keys even when they are not public this would indicate that they now have an automatic autoroll in place.
with any luck the reason we have not been given the keys in the public domain is that the crackers are trying to get the algo for the autoroll
this could be good news guys or it could be very bad, we shall just have to wait and see

28-11-2006, 01:10 AM
Dont think we will see public release soon. Small group have stopped the leak from what i read.

Greedy ******** :D

28-11-2006, 02:45 AM
Time to hack the hackers, it seems... :rolleyes:;):D

Blue Plasma
28-11-2006, 02:49 AM
Time to hack the hackers, it seems... :rolleyes:;):D

Excellent point! :)

28-11-2006, 07:28 AM
anybody think it could be due to the release of a new card that supports d+, no more public keys hence wow a reason to buy the new card?? just a thought.

28-11-2006, 09:11 AM
No, not at all

28-11-2006, 02:14 PM
Me thinks as soon as the keys are made public then they will change again.
In a matter of minutes or hours.

28-11-2006, 02:48 PM
Today I received the new Nagra Key. I converted them from HEX to BIN but my screen is still black. I think they published the fake. It says it is the 01 Key. I add the first line at 00 and the second line at 01 in my Matrix. Is this incorrect. I have only to line 0x00 and 0x01. How can I add a third line 0x02 in my CAM? Is this the problem that everything is black.

Who tried the new keys in another CAM like dragon?

28-11-2006, 03:15 PM
It was on but did not last long as I had the key and was working but as I say did not last long.

28-11-2006, 03:22 PM
If you remember Cabo did the same thing last time we had keys for that, i just hope D+ don't make a habit of this.:mad:

28-11-2006, 03:24 PM
Doesn't sound like you're doing anything wrong its just that the new key, although good, only lasted a couple of hours.

Seems obvious that as soon as it goes public its as good as dead - which is bad news 'cos this is creating an incentive for the 'key finders' to keep their discoveries quiet.

It'll be interesting to see how this progresses.


28-11-2006, 03:27 PM
I dont have them guys your all right time to hack the hackers or is it

Teasers ??

28-11-2006, 03:31 PM
Today I received the new Nagra Key. I converted them from HEX to BIN but my screen is still black. I think they published the fake. It says it is the 01 Key. I add the first line at 00 and the second line at 01 in my Matrix. Is this incorrect. I have only to line 0x00 and 0x01. How can I add a third line 0x02 in my CAM? Is this the problem that everything is black.

Who tried the new keys in another CAM like dragon?

if you had done it this morning they would have worked


once they saw a new key out on the net they changed it

so basically either you were too slow or they were too quick

28-11-2006, 04:06 PM
I think it was more calculated than anything elses...

They rolled on Friday evening, then again over the weekend, then they release the keys at 10.50am... i think they new they were going to roll within a couple of hours anyway!!

Dealer playing games!

Oh well!

teaser... anyone want to sub or buy a very expensive card with D+ key every weekend!

28-11-2006, 05:11 PM
I think that the providers including T*S are hoping by making this as hard as possible they will reduce the growing numbers now viewing for free.
I think its also a possibility that the handful of people with the ability to extract the keys are known by the providers and are being watched hense the sudden lack of keys, we've seen that they can extract the keys for Ca*o but we've had those a handful of times then nothing, P*lsat has been completely forgotten about, but all require the same procedure to extract the keys.
All in all patience is all you can have, in such bleak times other hardware can seem worth while, card and hardware manufacturers just take advantage of this and they have a history of never lasting.
Long term i think an Emu will be released and have the ability to decrypt the key as some receivers have been able to do in the past, I dont think that its coincidental that tools have been released giving up some info on extracting the keys in the last few weeks, definately the sign of info being spread to other programmers.
Extracting the actual key takes a long time using these sorts of tools, so if D* change the key every three days there is little time to get the actual keys, no different to T*S then there were key lists for the week eventually they have to do something about it.
Perhaps the drought for some will get the coders going, we've had constant keys for sometime and got very comfy.

28-11-2006, 08:09 PM
I think the game is one of the hackers. The providers can not hope to make money from people like us. We'll never buy a subscription nor a customer of hacker tool (card or receiver) would put up with such irregularity of viewing. The providers would be more concerned with their stocks not going down and overall perspectives for the encryption and not such short term leakages.
In my opinoin some hackers circle is keeping us interested and soon a card will pop up in order to part us with some cash.

28-11-2006, 09:11 PM
my thoughts exactly, whats the chance its called minerva?

28-11-2006, 09:44 PM
I am getting the audio on Taq. 5 with ss1 and vplug. never happened before.

28-11-2006, 10:15 PM
That's the cynics theory.

As D+ has come and gone over the last couple of years it's more likely a reflection of the battle between hackers and providers. As others have suggested, hacks have not always been made public - but that's to ensure those interested groups can hang on to D+ as long as possible.

That's not to say there aren't more cards round the corner. It would be stupid to say that. :D

29-11-2006, 12:02 PM
D+ have 2 million subscribers. That's a lot of potatoes!!;) Plus, D+ wasn't hacked immediately... So, they earned a lot before they [hackers] managed to get in...

And there are some interested parties amongst the providers themselves [Nagra competitors] who wanted to see Seca 2 and Nagra 2 hacked, so... Just follow the interests and no need for "conspiracy theories"...

Some of them hackers, btw, are genuine hobbyists and some are small time providers of commercial products aimed at us, yes... Not all are the same, that's for sure... And not all small businesses are against us. Some are our natural allies, I would say...

But the biggest hacks come from the biggest hackers of them all and that has nothing to do with our lot, whether small to medium size time commercial hackers or true hobbyists! We all know how Seca 1 was hacked! And the same principle still works, unless the world changed drastically, without anyone notifying us...:rolleyes::D

The game continues...;)

01-12-2006, 08:59 AM
game is a game

01-12-2006, 11:33 AM
I think like most of us, we are thankful to the hackers for getting keys to us whether they are irregular. It's free and even if we get it for 1 day couple days we have a little hope that its still around, like most of us in the sat scene we have seen channels disapear then reappear and close down but it is an intresting hobby and also being on sites like this is good fun.


01-12-2006, 12:05 PM
But the biggest hacks come from the biggest hackers of them all and that has nothing to do with our lot, whether small to medium size time commercial hackers or true hobbyists! We all know how Seca 1 was hacked!

sorry G but i don't know how the seca1 hack came about and i didn't understand your last paragraph - probably my fault. can you say again...

@ Moon - lol. total lol.

@billyreh - hobby, blah, grateful, blah, thankful, blah, hackers, blah. lol. they are mean and nasty and have small whatsyoumacall-its and are powned. i have a sky hack but i'm keeping it quiet.

i'm just mucking around and joking but honestly anyone in the know knows what total cr4p we talk when we try to speculate what is going on in the world of hack.


have a werd weekend,

01-12-2006, 12:52 PM
It is widely thought that the Seca 1 hack came from a Israeli company which is a susidiary of a well known Aussie's owned Sat provider.

It needed some pretty expensive kit to do it, involving a scanning electron microscope. Not part of your average hackers kit :-)

01-12-2006, 01:10 PM
were you talking about small whatsyoumacall-its and thingymabobs when talking about scanning electron microscope ;)

thanks for the info on seca 1.


01-12-2006, 03:07 PM
Pity there isn't any way that we could pay for legal file downloads like the record companies now do. Have limited time periods that we could get them for, maybe a month or so, just to check out some new packages. I have no idea how this could be put into practice but if it ever could be, I'm sure it would be very profitable for the service providers as interest in the hobby would increase.

Blue Plasma
01-12-2006, 03:53 PM
Pity there isn't any way that we could pay for legal file downloads like the record companies now do. Have limited time periods that we could get them for, maybe a month or so, just to check out some new packages. I have no idea how this could be put into practice but if it ever could be, I'm sure it would be very profitable for the service providers as interest in the hobby would increase.

What a great idea, but unfortunately the current European/UK protectionist legislation that allows the likes of Murchoch to maintain his virtual monopoly in the UK will unfortunately prevail.

One day the legislators will realise that a free competitive market throughout Europe will clean out a lot of the dross in the satellite business; also cut out the antics to which we have to stoop, in order to watch the television we choose, and not the programmes inflicted by such restrictive practices. :mad:

01-12-2006, 06:08 PM
What a great idea, but unfortunately the current European/UK protectionist legislation that allows the likes of Murchoch to maintain his virtual monopoly in the UK will unfortunately prevail.

One day the legislators will realise that a free competitive market throughout Europe will clean out a lot of the dross in the satellite business; also cut out the antics to which we have to stoop, in order to watch the television we choose, and not the programmes inflicted by such restrictive practices. :mad:

Totally agree.

UK programming is mainly rubbish. Panders to the lowest common tastes. CSN for example has much better quality programmes. :)

01-12-2006, 07:30 PM
Looks like another weekend with everyone hanging around the Nagra section, praying the the hacks or dealers have a heart and release the keys this weekend... it xmas!

bahhh humbug!

01-12-2006, 08:41 PM
looks like there keeping the keys to themselves now, boycott the D+ pirate card when it appears soon

01-12-2006, 09:14 PM
When we finally see a public $*l*y N*D*S hack:eek: I will finally say there is a real competition then...:rolleyes: :p :D

01-12-2006, 09:49 PM
At the end we were spoilt with regards to D+. Sure was easy to watch footy.

Seems the nice guys scared D+ will put even them on black screen?

02-12-2006, 11:46 AM
Any exact point in 2007?

02-12-2006, 12:54 PM
and why 2007 ?

can you copy and paste the article please ?