View Full Version : Tv Cabo

27-11-2006, 10:27 PM
Is tv cabo working:rolleyes:

27-11-2006, 10:28 PM
Ummm! No sorry m8.:frown:

27-11-2006, 11:27 PM
nope pimp... patience

28-11-2006, 01:42 AM
a very very long patience I guess

28-11-2006, 01:48 AM
I woudnt keep my hope mate, probably it will only work on mosc for some time

28-11-2006, 01:05 PM
this was posted on anouther forum, a short time a go and i dont know if it's true or not, this is what was said about tv-carbo.
New law intruduced in Portugal last week.
Very hard even to sell certain makes of reciveres now. Large fines even if you are found to be in possecion of a patched receiver capable of nagravison decoding even if you dont have the right keys.
The state declared war on tv piracy big time. Tv Cabo now has a series of gorvenement agencies at their disposal. All sort of gadgets cards equipment has now been declared illegal.
Sorry mate, but if you dont pay for subcription like I do or if you are not in a carshare group then you will not see much of cabo for a while.
Looks like there is no money to pay the hackers to sell the keys as the sale of the special receivers are now almost none existant. All these are going underground now.
For example: The sale of a dreambox 500c (cable version) is not seen as legal as there is no legal way for you to connect to a cable network and there is no good reason for you to own one to watch national tv. especially if it has a non original image.
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28-11-2006, 04:42 PM
I could not find anything in the Portuguese newspapers or government sites that a new law was adopted. Neither has any of my friends heard of it. That does not automatically mean it isnot but I wonder. It seems to me the Portuguese gov and law enforcement agencies have higher priorities than dreambox owners

The Skipper
28-11-2006, 06:04 PM
Surely any Dreambox could be sold as a legal FTA receiver?

Yeah it has the capablity to do a lot more but you cant ban something for whats possible?

My car is able to break the speed limit so on that basis it surely is illegally sold?

Big Brother going too bloody far if you ask me.


28-11-2006, 06:23 PM
I live in Portugal, never heard anything about this new laws

28-11-2006, 07:17 PM
Surely any Dreambox could be sold as a legal FTA receiver?

Yeah it has the capablity to do a lot more but you cant ban something for whats possible?

My car is able to break the speed limit so on that basis it surely is illegally sold?

Big Brother going too bloody far if you ask me.


Absolutely right Skip, If you had a gun you could be charged with murder:eek:


28-11-2006, 11:14 PM
TV Cabo is tryin to control the market and influence "the good guys" with some certain boxes getting luck (no anymore)
but the article is not accurate (over statements)
you cannot bann the selling of FTA boxes in a country , no matter what.

29-11-2006, 08:32 PM
For those who speak Portuguese and it is the 8th language more spoken in the world so you should learn ;o), please see the link h**p://www.telecom.pt/InternetResource/PTSite/PT/Canais/Media/press_releases/2004/tvcabo_pirataria.htm
What it says basically is new in terms of the general law in Portugal and that is "changing equipment to decode digital protected equipment for commercial purpose is a crime". So far TV Cabo had to claim the losses in such case, now since it is a crime the MP (Public Minister) can sue the person or company without any work from the "victim"...
In other words Portugal did not follow the US Millenium act tendency and criminalised the simple operation of decoding as, I believe, Spain did...
So since everybody on this forum is only here for fun, no worries :D

29-11-2006, 10:06 PM
I am portuguese, and yes, the law has changed.

Some of the changes :

- Owners of receivers that are modified to open encrypted channels can now be punished. Before the new law, you would only be punished if you selled the modified receivers. This means that it was illegal for commercial purposes not for private usage but now this is also illegal.

- On the old law, you could be arrested for 2 years, with the new law you have to pay a fine from 500€ to 3740€.

If you ask me, I see no problems with this, they cannot search my house without a search warn, and they cannot get search warns just because we have dishes on the roof, that is not illegal, there is still FTA channels around.

This is like the law about P2P an illegal downloads, they talk, they warn, they make campaigns to persuade you to quit but in the end, nobody gets busted, and nobody pays fines and everybody keeps downloading illegal materials from the internet.

30-11-2006, 12:53 AM
you can still buy FTA boxes from the market or not ?

30-11-2006, 02:27 AM
Yes he (we) can. And also non FTA.


30-11-2006, 11:21 AM
Being a Portuguese speaker myself the first thing I noted is that the press release hmcosta is referening to is from 2004. A quick check on the site of ANACOM (National Communications Authority) shows that the telecommunications law was indeed adopted in February 2004, but shows no major amendments to that law since. So there seems to be no "new" law.

To the content of the law: The law specifies that digital satelite receivers *should* be able to decript decoded signals (with authorisation of course) (article 103 1-a) as well as FTA signals (article 103 1-b).

Article 104 -1 prohibits the production distribution etc *for comercial purposes* of ilicit devices. Article 104-2 descrinbes an ilicit device as equipment or programmes that decrypt protected services without authorisation of the service provider.

I can not find any articles that would make sheer ownership criminal. If there are I would appreciate (for sheer legal interests) if somene gave me the precise legal references.

Anyhow I do not see any legal grounds why you could not own and box that has whatever cam options you want as long as they are not patched. FTA is clearly allowed by law, and again even ownership of a patched box seems on itself not a crime (as long as you do not decode anything with it). Again any further legal referneces welcome..


30-11-2006, 03:17 PM
Last year when D* changed its encryption before the latest revision quite a few discussion were had regarding who they really wanted to stop viewing their services for free.
Everytime the provider changes its keys or encryption method it costs serious money and man hours naturally, and only lasts for a while before its back, and the only individuals their trying to stop is viewers in that country and since you cannot take up services outside of that country due to copyright and EU sillyness, those living outside of that country are of no interest to them.
So it makes sense that they will try to create laws that prohibit FTA sats that can be patched being used in that region, hard to see how they inforce it though, I think its probably more make it as hard as possible like now with quick key changes and Laws to disuede you from doing this.
In the UK we have only one sat provider S*y not cracked and not likely to get cracked now or in the near future either because of a lack of knowledge or fear, my moneys on the last one, the UK is currently undergoing a conversion to Digital and so is using any means to get people on Digital either through sat receivers or DVB-T boxes to receive the free to air channels that are available so the whole business doesnt seem to interest the law here.

30-11-2006, 10:34 PM
Yes he (we) can. And also non FTA.


Being a Portuguese speaker myself the first thing I noted is that the press release hmcosta is referening to is from 2004. A quick check on the site of ANACOM (National Communications Authority) shows that the telecommunications law was indeed adopted in February 2004, but shows no major amendments to that law since. So there seems to be no "new" law.

To the content of the law: The law specifies that digital satelite receivers *should* be able to decript decoded signals (with authorisation of course) (article 103 1-a) as well as FTA signals (article 103 1-b).

Article 104 -1 prohibits the production distribution etc *for comercial purposes* of ilicit devices. Article 104-2 descrinbes an ilicit device as equipment or programmes that decrypt protected services without authorisation of the service provider.

I can not find any articles that would make sheer ownership criminal. If there are I would appreciate (for sheer legal interests) if somene gave me the precise legal references.

Anyhow I do not see any legal grounds why you could not own and box that has whatever cam options you want as long as they are not patched. FTA is clearly allowed by law, and again even ownership of a patched box seems on itself not a crime (as long as you do not decode anything with it). Again any further legal referneces welcome..


i rest my case :rolleyes:

@KXXX : thanks for the contribution , yes you are right , provider usually cares about the local market more , Cabo controled their market , no hack is available now for sometime , they might have financial troubles and they r desperate
good luck for them , never cared much for Cabo , but in this black screens phase , i miss Cabo :D

01-12-2006, 04:15 AM
remember the the old days, cabo lasted for years

Them were the days

01-12-2006, 04:36 AM
It will be back guys just a question of how and when that's all. Cabo is a great package and sure miss the educational stuff it provides.:D ;)



01-12-2006, 08:56 PM
And everybody get ready, in 2007 portugal will have a new TV provider.
Cabo will have competition from TvTel, still dont know if it will use Hispasat or another satellite, I have no more info...
But competition is always good because the bouquet prices are impossible for the common portuguese.
To who can speak the language, more info here - _http://www.tvtel.pt/news.asp?id=114&orig=home

01-12-2006, 09:17 PM
SO, what's really the matter, guys? I mean, experts?

Technical issues or interests?

01-12-2006, 09:44 PM
And everybody get ready, in 2007 portugal will have a new TV provider.
Cabo will have competition from TvTel, still dont know if it will use Hispasat or another satellite, I have no more info...
But competition is always good because the bouquet prices are impossible for the common portuguese.
To who can speak the language, more info here - _http://www.tvtel.pt/news.asp?id=114&orig=home

On a side note, no IPTV offerings in Portugal?

AFAIK, Cabo been the most persistent in changing keys of all Nagra providers. Shame what with their CL matches coverage.

02-12-2006, 02:37 PM
@sstylianou1976,we all miss capo + d***tal pl*s aswell ,hope to have one back soon.