View Full Version : How to for Sammy DSR 9500 VIACI...

28-11-2006, 01:26 AM
HW: 504

Loader: 500 and 501 only

SW: either 118 or 133 - depending on which EMU you're shoving in... ;)

From Papagen's, by Dalen, one of the options for MAHDI's new EMU, RV 3.8 [133 based]:

1) Card(s) out from Samsung
2) FTA channel (Samsung is on Standby - off on the remote)
4) Uploading the EMU (right one)
5) Turn off the Samsung for 10 minutes (on the back)
6) Turn on the Samsung on the back and on the remote (FTA channel)
7) Clean the CAID list
8) Turn off and turn on (remote)
9) Upload CAID list (Satko or Cuorino)
10) Turn off an turn on (remote)
11) Clean the RAM
12 Turn off an turn on (remote)
13) Upload the RAM (Cruiser or LEmar)
14) Turn off on the remote and that on the back
15) Put card(s); contacts down and to the backside
16) Plug the Sammy
17) Wait on the TPS channel for one or two minutes, even few minutes more (if is necessary - black screen)

Next time, if you have in Sammy fresh RAM and fresh CAID List, upload just the EMU with fresh AES keys.

28-11-2006, 01:30 AM
Uploading Software Into Samsung Using Hyper Terminal

Start/Program/Accessories/Communications/Hyper Terminal

Setting the Hyper Terminal

1. Start Hyper Terminal.
2. In the field "Name" write for example Samsung 9500, choose an icon and click OK.
3. In the new opened window, near "Connect using" choose "Direct to COM1, afterwards click OK.

Port Settings

1. Bits per second : 115200
2. Data Bit : 8
3. Parity : NONE
4. Stop Bit : 1
5. Flow Control : Hardware
Click OK

Uploading software into Hyper Terminal

1. Choose TRANSFER
2. Then choose SEND FILE ....
3. BROWSE - select from hard drive the desired version of software (e.g. DSR9500_Eurocam_5-1_EMU_vXX.bin)
4. Choose 1KXmodem for Protocol
Don't press the button "Send", you will do it subsequently.

After you have done the procedure described, connect your computer with Samsung using a RS232 connection cable.
Before you start uploading the new software into Samsung I would advise you to firstly remove all the cams or cards from it (if any are inside).

The things you have to do are :
1. Disconnect your Samsung using the switch on the rear.
2. In the front of Samsung keep pressed the "right arrow" (volume up).
3. Power up your Samsung on the rear switch and keep constantly pressed "right arrow" (volume up).
Keep the "arrow" pressed until the "3-01" appears on the display,
from that moment the computer will show "............................... Loading"
4. In that moment, in the Hyper Terminal, click the button "Send" (you have about 15 seconds to perform that operation).
With clicking on "Send" starts the uploading the software into Samsung.
Don't be hasty! Wait for entire process to terminate.
Process is terminated when on the Samsung a clock appears.
Afterwards insert some of the cards with Conax emulation without keys.
That was it.

If you have done all properly, there is a desired version of software in you Samsung.
The easiest way to verify if upload succeeded : Menu/System properties/System information.
Old versions of the EMU software has the version number 118 and new have 133.

Uploading Software Using Semco Editor

Before you start uploading the new software into Samsung,
I would advise you to remove all cams and cards from it (if any inside).

Put Sammy FIRST on FTA channel (Free-To-Air = not encrypted) so Sammy will not start any serial communication (asking for keys) and mix up loading.

Connect the computer with Samsung using RS232 connection cable.
Get Samsung in stand by mode with a remote (there is a clock on the display).
Start Semco Editor and click on the button "PC> Soft".
A pop-up message will ask the sofware to be uplaoded, the *.bin file.
BROWSE - select from hard drive the desired version of software (e.g. DSR9500_Eurocam_5-1_EMU_vXX.bin)
choose it and click on "Open". When "Open" is clicked, appears a new window with text
"Upgrade software to Set Top Box" and begins the uploading of EMU into Samsung.
You must not abort the uploading of the software until it is over, otherwise you will have to patch the Samsung using JTag.
On the Samsung display various numbers will be shown until the upload is over, but do not worry.
I advise you to have your Samsung connected to TV with a SCART cable,
on AV connector, because you can than view the entire procedure on TV.
You will know that the upload is over when "9500" and then a clock appears on the display.
Afterwards insert one of the cards with a Conax emulation without keys.
That was it.

If you have done all properly, there is a desired version of software in you Samsung.
The easiest way to verify if upload succeeded : Menu/System properties/System information.
Old versions of the EMU software has the version number 118 and new have 133.

Uploading And Editing RAM.BIN File

RAM.BIN file contains the keys used by Samsung EMU software to open the scrambled channels,
and is edited and uploaded using the application Sammy Hummy Edit which has been made by "Telesat" (a big thank to him).

Procedure for upload of Ram.bin file

Put Sammy FIRST on FTA channel (Free-To-Air = not encrypted) so Sammy will not start any serial communication (asking for keys) and mix up loading.

1. Samsung must contain EMU software and a card with Conax emulation without keys.
2. Connect the computer with the Samsung using RS232 connection cable.
3. Power on the Samsung with a remote control.
4. Put on the channel scrabled in a sistem available for watching.
5. Run Sammy Hummy Edit.
6. If you already got a RAM.BIN file in the Samsung press READ.
(in the bottom right angle of the editor, botton with a green arrow).
7. Click Open, find RAM.BIN file with the keys inside and open it.
8. Click in the editor on the button WRITE.
(in the bottom right angle of the editor, botton with a red arrow)
9. Disconnect the RS232 connection cabel and turn OFF and back ON the Samsung with the remote control.
(this way will RAM.BIN remain saved in the Samsung).
If during the uploading of RAM.BIN file editor gives a pop-up message "Reading Timed Out",
turn of the Samsung with a remote, switch it of with the rear switch.
Wait 10-20 seconds, then switch it on on the rear switch and on remote and try again.
The uploading of keys in the Samsung should not take more than 5-10 seconds.
In the new version of Sammy Hummy Edit above buttons "READ" and "WRITE"
we have option "FAST WRITE" which is to be used with older and slower computers.
If you have for example P4, don't enable this option.

Editing the Ram.Bin file

The editing of RAM.BIN file is quite simple. In the editor, on the right side, there are 2 groups of scrambling :
1. Viaccess+Irdeto/Beta
2. Seca+Nagra+Conax
Of course, when editing keys , we select sistems depending on the sistem that keys belongs to.
All the data is visible, clicking (selecting) ID of the provider, on the left side of the group
of scrambling in which a certain provider is, we get the name of the provider.
With + or - buttons we add and delite to a certain provider keys at will (if not already added),
and with the Update button insert the new key if any of already present was modified.
So, first we select the key which isn't in use any more, enter or copy the new key and click on Update.
The new value of the key will be shown in the upper list between the others.
Now we have to Save the file with a name that we want.
In the editor we have the state of memory in th RAM.BIN file. There are 2 fields,
"Used" and "Free", which tell us how much memory is free and how much used.
When you click on button "Clear Memory", all the keys and providers will be deleted from RAM.BIN file.
Each time when we close the editor, it remebers which group of sistems we had activated last time.
That group will be active next time we launch the editor.
In this editor you have the possibility of importing the 6in1 file,
which can be downloaded from the internet.
Double clicking the "walking" text "Import from 6in1 file" you can import the keys
and make you own RAM.BIN file.


If you experiment with various RAM.bin files, from different authors you must beware:
Every RAM.BIN which you can find on the web is different,
it has a different positioning of keys, and because of that,
before you write a new one you must read the old one.
How to do it? Run Sammy Hummy Edit and press READ without opening any RAM.BIN file.
When the RAM is red, open another RAM.BIN and upload it into the Samsung with the button WRITE.
Of course, turn off and back on the Samsung to save the keys.
It has to be done because when we have in Samsung one RAM.BIN file
with a certain positioning of keys, and then upload another with the different positioning,
somethimes occurs that a scrambled channel coun't be opened even with the right keys
because Samsung can't find it.
It mostly occurs on VIA providers because there are many in the RAM.BIN.

Mounting Satelite Dish And DiSEqC 1.2 Motor

Before doing any of the above you need to carefully choose position for mounting your dish.
(choosing the most suitable position for receiving signal for satellites you would like to see)
You need to take into consideration positions where your dish will not be exposed to strong wind if possible!

First thing that you have to do is to mount the pole (the tube) which will carry your dish and actuator (motor).
You need to, if possible, mount it 100% vertically. You can use tools to check it.
This will ensure easier mounting and adjusting reception.

Before proceeding with mounting please read your instruction manual for both your dish and actuator!!!
This will ensure that you do it the right way and that you do not damage your equipment.

After carefully reading your manuals, you need to know some information about geographic position of the city you live in.
When you find this information you need to find out the elevation and latitude of your motor.

Here are some examples for Croatia:

Zagreb - 45°
Zadar - 44.5°
Split - 43.6°
Rijeka - 45.5°
Dubrovnik - 43.0°
Osijek - 45.5°

Now, you need to mount your motor onto the pole you've already mounted.
Be sure to adjust latitude and elevation and screw it firmly.
You need to make shure that the degree marking on the top of your motor is set on 0 (zero).
All new motors are. If somebody has been using your motor be shure to check it up.
Now you can mount your dish onto the motor's pole.
Be sure that both the motor and the dish are mounted 100% vertically!!!
After this you need to adjust your dish's elevation.
After adjusting elevation make shure that the motor and the dish are aligned.
Meaning that the LNB on your dish and marking 0 (zero) on the motor are positioned in the straight line ( for example: North-South).
You must tighten the dish onto the motor in order to avoid dish's accidental movement when the motor is moving!!!

Now you need to determine which is your 0 satellite (depending on your geographical position).
This is example which will take Eutelsat W2 (16°East) as the 0 (zero) satellite.
Now, you need to loosen the screws of the motor in order to move the motor and the dish together.
You need to find the signal from your 0 satellite. It can help if you use compass to find 16°East
and it is much easier to find signal if you have gadget such as Satellite Finder.
Make shure that your STB is turned on and that everything is connected propertly!!!
You can adjust dish's elevation to get better signal but do not attempt to move the motor tube!!!

Finally, when you get the signal from your 0 satellite you must tighten all screws!!!
Now you can consider that you have done it, and you can go inside to find the other satellites.

Finding The Others Satellites And Storing Their Positions

First, you must store the position of your 0 satellite (Eutelsat W2) by going to:
Menu/Installation/Positioner Setting/ and choose Eutelsat W2,
push OK and go to "Store Current Position" and push OK again.
Now you have stored your first satellite and you can countinue finding the others.
Hopefully, you have selected the position for your dish so that there are no obstacles
in it's way from 40°East - 40°West.
If any, you need to set the limits. Go to: Menu/Installation/Positioner Setting/,
go to "Menu Mode" and change "User Mode" to "Installer Mode" and push OK.
Drive your motor carefully to East and set East limit. Do the same for Western limit.

Now you need to return your dish to the previously stored position by going to:
Menu/Installation/Positioner Setting/ and choose Eutelsat W2,
push OK and push "Go To Store Current Position".
After the motor stops, in signal status bar, signal should appear.
Now, let's clear out how to calculate positions of other satellites. It is simple mathematics.

First , we will find Astra1 satellite which is positioned at 19,2° East.
This is 3,2° to the East from Eutelsat W2 (16° East).
Go to: Menu/Installation/Positioner Setting/, choose Astra1 (19,2°) and push OK.
Now from "Driving Mode" choose "Step (Impulses)".
Now we will calculate the distance from Eutelsat W2 to Astra1.
1° is 14,4 steps (impulsese). 3° is 3 x 14,4 = 43,2 steps. Set your impulses at 43.
Now navigate cursor to arrow pointing to East and push it.
After the motor stops, signal should appear.
If the signal is weak or not showing, move cursor to step (impulses) and set it to 2
and go to arrows again to fine tune the signal by moving to East or West.
Do so untill you get the best signal. When you get it, go to "Store Current Position" and push OK.

Repeat the procedure for all satellites you wishing to watch.
Make shure that you find out which transponder on each satellite is emitting the strongest signal,
so it will be easier for you to find their positions.

Peace Of Advice!!!

Make shure that, after you have found all satellites you wanted, you turn DiSEqC Positioner ON
from: Menu/Installation/LNB Settings/Positioner DiSEqC "Yes" for all sarellites wou're wishing to watch.
We recomend that you scan satellites from East to West and that your Favourites lists
are set from East to West so that you can avoid long waiting for the motor to move from satellite to satellite.

Tutorial by member "AndersV"

How to change Sammy background images with "Sammy Image" program

1. Start the Sammy Image program.
2. Press Open firm and choose the firmware you want to change (e.g. DSR9500_Eurocam_5-1_EMU_v50.bin).
3. Press Load image x, where x is the image you want to change (Image 3 is automatically loaded).
4. Press Insert image and choose your new picture. It must be a 720x576 pixels BMP file!
5. Wait until the program says "Image x inserted" at the bottom of the screen.
6. Press Save firm and give the modified firmware a good name.
7. Load the modified firmware into your Sammy with Hyper Terminal or Semco Editor.

DSR9500 EMUEd v.4.5 - Manual

Put Sammy FIRST on FTA channel (Free-To-Air = not encrypted) so Sammy will not start any serial communication (asking for keys) and mix up loading.

Download this program, unpack it and run. In case if you have error, saying that some files are missing, then copy MSINET.OCX and Mswinsck.ocx, which comes with the program, to Windows/System folder. For Win 9X it is Windows/System, and for Win XP it is Windows/System32.
When you fix this, run DSR9500 EMUEd v.4.5, first press small “?”, then “Settings”, and “Samsung Def” to set up the program to work with Samsung. This needs to be done only first time, because later on, program remembers these parameters.
When you are already there, press “Comport” and select which com port is hooked up with Samsung.
SO, we solved this, moving further on.
The Program has two main buttons, “READ” and “WRITE”.
Button “READ” is used to read “Ram” file from Samsung, and button “WRITE” is used to input “Ram” file to Samsung.
Below button “WRITE” there is small empty box "Empty Ram"; mark it and press “WRITE” and with this “Ram” is erased from Samsung. Of course, required is to turn off and back on with remote, in order to memorize Ram.
After this press “File” then “Open file” and open “Ram” which you want to load into Samsung. When “Ram” is loaded into the program, then press “WRITE” and “Ram” file loads to Samsung very fast (2-5 sec). After finishing this, turn Samsung off and back on with the remote in order to memorize it.

For editing, press “READ” and program reads “Ram” from Samsung. When loaded, then chose coding group with the provider that we want to edit. In left column, there is provider’s ID, and others are fields with key indexes. On Internet, find a new key, copy it into the memory (select the whole key, right click-copy), find provider in editor and key index which is to be changed; in field of key, double left click and copy the key to this field.
For BISS keys, press button “Static” and input BISS keys there.
There, providers ID does not exists, we need to find “SID” and “PMTPID” from the channel which is coded in “BISS” and for which we have the key. These data could be found in different ways; one of them is with Hyper terminal. “SID” amongst all is visible when you switch to the channel and press button “i” at remote. “BISS” key is 16-digit long, and we have available only place for 12 digits, how is that? The thing is that 7th and 8th digit need to be erased from “BISS” key, and 15th and 16th key as well. So, if the key is 12 34 56 78 90 AB CD EF, then 78 and EF are to be erased, and we get key: 12 34 56 90 AB CD, which is to be input in field "Static Key" and press ADD, and it appears in right list.
This just the sample, this particular key does not open anything.
After this, exit from Static part of editor by pressing “X” and that edited “Ram” send to Samsung by pressing button “WRITE”. The only ting which is left is to switch Sammy off and on with the remote and done deal.

28-11-2006, 01:31 AM
If you have problems maybe uploading the new EMU or whatever... All black? Sammy wants SW and from scratch, as it keeps giving you some numbers in the display, like 6-01 changing to 6-03 or so? Well, kill your Sammy at the back and then... Here's a copy of my post from other threads:

When you switch it on [at the back] press the POWER and LEFT ARROW in the front of the receiver and it should go into Download mode.

Make sure you have it connected to a PC via a serial cable and your HyperTerminal prepared.

If it times-out - repeat the procedure until you get it right and in time, too [at the same time keeping your cool!!]!

Choose the EMU you want to upload. Then Settings list. Then RAM.

Enjoy! ;) Hopefully! :D

28-11-2006, 01:33 AM
Hard-reset-method (hard reset, hard-reset-procedure).

Put Sammy FIRST ON FTA channel (Free-To-Air = not encrypted)
Put Sammy in standby (front-switch)
Wait a moment for Sammy to act.
Now switch of, at the back-side en 2 seconds later
Swich on at the backside.

Might be needed to press ON-switch at front twice, but now Sammy had a hard reset.
Problem of freezes or serial mis-communication should be solved.

01-12-2006, 04:03 PM

1) Samsung DSR 9500 VIA CI [HW 504, Loader 500 should use Gold 4.1! but Loader 501 can use both but 4.0 is better [less key problems] - put it on Standby

2) Connect to the PC via straight serial cable

3) Start Samsung DSR Studio 1.0 Editor by MAHDI

4) Choose FW Loader TAB

5) Choose Serial Port

6) Click on Send FW and then choose which EMU [and it's away, racing...]

7) Wait untill you see the clock on Sammy Display

8) Start Sammy [on FTA channel, just in case], check it, then put it on Standby

9) Click on RAM Editor Tab in the Samsung DSR 9500 Studio Editor by MAHDI

10) Choose Serial Port, then Open File, then click on Write and wait for the clock again

11) You'll see "Insert smartcard" message, then re-start Sammy

12) At this point I would [and I am going to]
Menu -> Channel organising -> Delete all channels and then
Menu -> Installation -> Manual Scanning and do your own settings list

13) Gonna experiment with various cards

14) Must sort out the GBox and Card Sharing bits...

15) More than anything must have fun doing it!:D




15-12-2006, 06:52 PM
Don't forget:

Loader 500 should use Gold 4.1!;)

Loader 501 can use both but 4.0 is better [less key problems].:)

Now 4.2 for BOTH Loaders!! :)

27-12-2006, 11:54 PM
12) TPS.bin click on Files -> Open Files -> choose the fresh TPS.bin -> when "Ready for Upload" appears -> click on Send -> wait for the clock to appear -> put Sammy to Stand By and switch ON again.:)

30-12-2006, 10:25 PM
Dear Goran realy I dont want to destarb you after we near the new year

I still have problem with my sammy I have load rambin att 28-12 with stdio 1.1 ram and I load tpsbin with files and I thing every thing oky and I restart
The box but nothing happen only free ch I can see.
What I,am doing wrong may some tips from you. By the way I have via card
oregenal and the old card for rev emptycard.

thanks Goran and happy new year

reg A.zaidan

30-12-2006, 10:40 PM
You don't need the old empty Conax card with Gold Emu 4.2.

Your Emulator needs to be ON [press 0 and then Menu quickly].

Repeat the whole procedure with killing it at the back, after Resetting it to Factory Default via remote. Restart the PC, too.

Use HyperTerminal as described above. Step by step. Exactly as described!

Good luck!;):)

19-01-2007, 05:30 PM
Thanx to Dalen, my translation...

How to change a key via Remote...

1. Choose a channel to check if the key is OK

2. Get into the receiver's Gold Emu Menu (press 0 + Menu on your Remote)

3. Choose the Key Editor Menu

4. Choose a system of encryption (like Nagra for D+)

5. Choose the right IDENT (for D+ it's 4101)

6. When you choose the right one press on the OK button

7. In the window for putting the key in first
7a. we write the IDENT, then
7b. the INDEX and then
7c. the first 16 signs

8. Repeat all that and put in the next 16 signs

9. If it's all cool the picture should appear... colours!!!

10. Press on Exit button

An example of changing a key 00 for D+ (Nagra)

Then the 01 key for D+ (Nagra)

These keys are just an example and do not open anything!

My addition: D+ overall uses keys 00 and 01.
The 00 key in Samsung uses key places 00 and 01.
The 01 key in Samsung uses key places 02 and 03.

With the new EMU 4.3 we have the same procedure but with a minor change: we need to press EXIT for each key, once we're finished:

For instance:

410100xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -> EXIT

Here the EMU returns automatically to the beginning and puts the key in. Then we repeat the procedure...

410101xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -> press the EXIT button on your Remote again and voila!! The key is in!!!


17-08-2007, 10:11 AM
[Remember: switch your Sammy off at the back BEFORE and AFTER you program the EMU in! Do not hurry, do not cut corners, if you want it all to work properly!]

After Sammy has cooled down a bit [say 5 - 10 minutes] switch it on at the back and keep it on Standby.

Now start the STUDIO 1.2 [or 1.3] by MAHDI and go to DSR FW Loader and Send FW, then choose the Emu and Open -> to put the EMU in. Wait for the clock on Sammy display, do not rush!

When you start Sammy via a remote go to RESET EMU [again: via a remote] by pressing 0 + Menu quickly in succession, then go down to RESET TO EMU DEFAULTS and press the OK button on your remote.

(After it resets you can go back to EMU MENU to make sure you have the following configuration:

CS Mode - SSSP [if you need that one or HSIC if you're sharing via the Hummy CS SW]
EMU Active Mode - NO CARD [One doesn't need the Conax Card nowadays!])

Put Sammy to Standby and then kill at the back for a few minutes.

Restart your Sammy at the back, then leave it on Standby.

Now put the RAM in [Cruiser's are excellent!], if you need to, then start Sammy via remote.

================================= =================

Now the AU function for D+, Premiere and TPS:

Go to a channel in D+, for instance [I just did it on Taquila 7], then do the following...

By the way, sometimes you will need to scan some transponders, as Sammy likes to "see all the data" for himself - only then can you see some transponders/channels - if you put in somebody else's settings, like Cuorino's good work!

Go to EMU Menu, where you should have:

CS Mode - SSSP [if you need that one or HSIC if you're sharing via the Hummy CS SW]
EMU Active Mode - NO CARD [One doesn't need the Conax Card nowadays!]

Now do the EMU RESET, as described above, by pressing 0 + Menu quickly in succession, then go to RESET TO EMU DEFAULTS and OK.

Wait a little bit - it's fast to AU on all 3 providers!

Once you have the pretty colours go to the next of the 3 big publicly hacked providers [a channel of your choice]. Put your Sammy to Standby, then re-start it. Repeat the EMU Menu Reset to AU.

It should AU, provided you scanned the transponder on which you wanna AU.

Just flashed the receiver with 5.9 and tested:

TPS AU works fast! AU on FRANCE 4 [or any channel on that transponder]. Works great, no problems with flickering and freezing!

D+, too!

Premiere also!

Showtime and Pehla tested by anyone? The reports are that, at the moment, they are not working AU...

Enjoy [you lazy sods, who can't be bothered to read a bit, too...:D]!!

17-08-2007, 01:02 PM
In addition:

do NOT reset the EMU every time you want a provider to AU!!!

Do it just once, after the installation!

Then put the RAM.bin in...

Every time you reset it it seems to wipe the keys off and one has to wait for each provider to AU, then...

Instead, as I said, reset it once, after the installation and then just leave it on a channel and wait for the AU to happen!

There, my good deed for the day is done... :D

08-12-2007, 02:20 PM

Switch your Sammy off at the back BEFORE you program the EMU in!

After Sammy has cooled down a bit [say 2-3 minutes] switch it on at the back and keep it on Standby.

Now start the STUDIO 1.2 [or 1.3] by Maestro MAHDI and go to DSR FW Loader and Send FW, then choose the Emu [now 6.3] and Open -> to put the EMU in. Wait for the clock on Sammy display, do not rush!


Using your remote, start your Sammy from Standby and do a RESET OF EMU by pressing 0 + Menu on your remote, quickly in succession! Then go down to RESET TO EMU DEFAULTS and press the OK button on your remote.

Sammy will switch itself off now. Use your remote to start it from Standby.

Go to the EMU MENU and you will see the following configuration:

Sharing Mode - HSIC - that's for Humax CS [change to the protocol you need, when using CS; SSSP DSR for GBox and DSR for Sammy original]
DCW Delay - experiment to see which setting here gets you a better result
RS232 Delay - as above, see which setting here gets you a better result

Here I couldn't get the picture, that is to say the AU on Premiere to work for me, so I changed the channel and it still didn't work. So, I put the receiver to Standby via Remote [do not kill it at the back - no need for that any more!], then I switched it back on immediately - and the picture came very quickly!!! Maybe I just didn't wait for long enough? Anyway, the AU is working nicely! ;)

After that go to TPS/Canal+ France [France 4, or any channel on that transponder] and leave it there - the AU was very fast! ;)

Then, go to SRG Swiss and wait a bit for AU here. A minute or two... ;)


Now put your Sammy to Standby, and then put the RAM.bin file [with all the other keys] in [Cruiser or Oys], then start your Sammy via remote. All working fine, including DigiTV! :)


18-12-2007, 12:08 AM
Thanx to Maumixio!!!

Upload with SemcoEdit 2.0.4 you may find it here

w*w.papagen.org/index.php?ind=downloads&op=entry_view&iden=81 (http://www.papagen.org/index.php?ind=downloads&op=entry_view&iden=81)

Studio 1.x could give you a "Timeout error" (working for me on 2nd attempt, in any case)

1) NO switching the power off is required (switching at the back of your Sammy)
2) RESET emu to default under "emu menu" as usual
3) NO ram.bin is required
4) All previous functions are still up (i.e. AU) and it may take from 1 to 5 minutes: be patient!
5) Just manually enter the keys not supported in an AU manner (i.e. Polsat)

That's all! Enjoy the new great job by Maestro Mahdi.Edited by me... :D

11-02-2008, 01:32 PM

Switch your Sammy off at the back BEFORE you program the EMU in!

After Sammy has cooled down a bit [say 2-3 minutes] switch it on at the back and keep it on Standby.

Now start the STUDIO 1.2 [or 1.3] by Maestro MAHDI and go to DSR FW Loader and Send FW, then choose the Emu [now 6.3] and Open -> to put the EMU in. Wait for the clock on Sammy display, do not rush!


Using your remote, start your Sammy from Standby and do a RESET OF EMU by pressing 0 + Menu on your remote, quickly in succession! Then go down to RESET TO EMU DEFAULTS and press the OK button on your remote.

Sammy will switch itself off now. Use your remote to start it from Standby.

Go to the EMU MENU and you will see the following configuration:

Sharing Mode - HSIC - that's for Humax CS [change to the protocol you need, when using CS; SSSP DSR for GBox and DSR for Sammy original]
DCW Delay - experiment to see which setting here gets you a better result
RS232 Delay - as above, see which setting here gets you a better result


The AU on Premiere - just leave on a channel and wait!

If not: I put the receiver to Standby via Remote [do not kill it at the back - no need for that any more!], then I switch it back on immediately - and the picture came very quickly!!! Maybe I just didn't wait for long enough? Anyway, the AU is working nicely!

The same with all Nagra packages!

After that go to TPS/Canal+ France [France 4, or any channel on that transponder] and leave it there - the AU was very fast! ;)

If not try the following:

TPS AU PROBLEM WITH TPS [thanx to people from Papagen's!!]:


Today the 10th of February, channels on frequency 10873 are on viaccess 2.3, so you can't get the AU. This is what to do to get it work again.

- Open DSRStudio and click on read.
- Save your ram.bin file.
- Go to viaccess tab and delete key Key 08 in provider 007C00.
- Now click on write to send the ram.bin to sammy.
- Go to one of the channels on 10873 (France 4 - France 5 - ushuaia M6 Music ...)
- Wait for about 20 seconds, you will see numbers flickering on sammy lcd panel; it means the AU was done successfully.
- Now open your saved ram.bin file with DSRStudio containing key 08 and send it to sammy.

all channels are working againMaumixio:

All channels on freq. 10873 are encrypted in Viaccess1. The other channels are encrypted in Viaccess 2.5 + tpscrypt3, you can have cleared these for a couple of minutes sometimes when temporary switched in Via1. Key 08 mentioned works in Viaccess1. Full stop.


you can do the same without the computer:

- go to emu menu ("0" and very fast "menu")
- go down to "key editor"
- go to "viaccess"
- go to ident "007C00" and press right row button
- go down to opkey: 08
- write and remember numbers and letters on a piece of paper.
- delete now key 08 by pressing red button.
- close menu by pressing exit sometimes to come back to normal tv picture.

Now TPS is dark. go now to France 4 or other station on 10872 (10873)
wait until led's are flickering. AU is done.

go again in viaccess menu how describe befor to key 08 in ident 007C00
rewrite the key you delete before:

press sometimes exit until tv picture is back. Now TPS and Multiv* works perfect

thank to slimane

Then, go to SRG Swiss and wait a bit for AU here. A minute or two...


Now put your Sammy to Standby, and then put the RAM.bin file [with all the other keys] in [Cruiser or Oys], then start your Sammy via remote. All working fine!!:)


24-01-2009, 08:15 PM
Since the Gov said it's OK... ;) :)

M8s, translate this into other languages, please...

Card Sharing is:

connecting your receiver [in this case Samsung DSR 9500 VIACI] with a specific SW in your receiver [in this case Gold Emu 4.x by Maestro MAHDI, plus GBox (installed on your PC!) by Maestro TaGana and the possy]

with your friends' receivers or PCs.

They will have Original Smart Cards [OSCs] you do NOT have, in order to watch the programs those OSCs open.

You connect with them via the internet.

With CS you have those cards virtually. But you can still watch the programs those OSCs can open, provided your friends are constantly "online" and you can connect to their receiver or PC.

Your Sammy, btw, is connected to the net via your PC. It is done via a Serial port at the back of your Sammy to the Serial Port on your PC. A "straight" 9 pin Serial Cable is used. Meaning: the wires are connected 2->2, 3->3, 9->9 etc. I am not sure if ALL the 9 pins are connected. Check it out on the net.

And now the "How to" in small steps:

First, create a DynDNS account. It's free.

Go to
w*w.dyndns.org ->
go to “Account”/"create account”.
Once you enter all the details and create an account, get the confirmation email go to ->
There you will select Dynamic DNS [even if your IP doesn't change all the time, but very rarely] ->
then select “Add Dynamic DNS”.
Just create the name you want and do not use Enable wildcard or Mailexchanger.
Click Add host.
It's done!!

After that put the DynDNS details into your Router to enable your DynDNS Service updater in it, so DynDNS Service is updated every time you change your IP address and your friends can find you through the DynDNS address. Namely, in your router's DDNS options [if you have more than one]:
choose DynDNS, then ->
put your newly created DynDNS username, then
password, then
Hostname [like myname.dyndns.org - this is just an example, create your own name!!].

That address you just created is always going to be the same, even though your IP address might change every time you logon/get online/boot your PC.
Now SAVE all that or APPLY or ENABLE, whatever is in your Router's interface.

OK so far?

After that you need to forward some ports in your Router. That allows your GBox to go to the net and connect with other PCs, in this case a Server with your friends' cards, the stuff you want to watch...

Now, install UltraEdit32 on your PC. Why? Because you need to sort your cwshare.cfg yourself. Here is the template you need to Copy and Paste into UltraEdit 32, NOT Notepad, Wordpad or anything else!!!

In cwshare.cfg you will edit the yourdyndns.org and yourfriendsdyndns.whatever with the data you are given from the people you trust, like theirport but also yourport, the one you assign to your GBox, so it can go to the net. Also yourpass and hispass! JUST REPLACE THEM AS INDICATED BELLOW, IT IS EASY!!! Don't give up on me now!!!

That's all you need to do for Sammy GBox to work your CS magic. Nothing else. No other files except cwshare.cfg!!!

===============cwshare.cfg======= ======

Lines with # in front are not taken into account, do not matter, these are explanations. Leave them be.

M: { your.dyndns.org { yourpass }}
# Internet Friends port range password cod
D: { yourfriendsdyndns.whatever { yourport theirport { hispass { A3 A3 }}}}
#================================ ================
# allow maximum 3 share level for received card data
I: { 3 }
# Send ECM's at maximum 7 cards (please use this as default)
X: { 7 }
# 01 repeat EMM's
# 00 consider every EMM only once
# 01 restart pid on overflow
# 1* reset ENX on every channel change
# *1 check/reset ENX freezes on FTA
# *2 check/reset ENX freezes on PayTV
# *3 check/reset ENX freezes on FTA and PayTV
# 00 write nothing in atack.txt
# 01 write into atack.txt: password is wrong
# 02 write into atack.txt: ID unknown
# 04 write into atack.txt: IP is wrong
# 08 write into atack.txt: port is wrong
# 10 write into atack.txt: share.stat
# 20 create online.log for online/offline logging
# 3F write everything. (combine bits for other combinations)
# 5000 send ecm again after 5 Seconds if no reply.
# 7000 resync decode after 7 Seconds if net decode failed
N: { 01 01 03 00 5000 7000 }

Lines with # in front are not taken into account, do not matter, these are explanations. Leave them be.

Your pass will be 8 signs, letters from A - F, if memory serves, numbers from 1-9.

Just Copy and Paste this into your Ultra Edit 32 and edit CAREFULLY, preserving the empty slots [pauses/breaks], then Save.

==============To recapitulate:=================

You have created a DynDNS account and enabled it in your router.

You have installed UE32 and created a GBox folder [just unpack your GBox in that folder] on your PC.

In your cwshare.cfg file, that is a part of GBox CS SW, you have put your DynDNS details and the password for your GBox, plus the ports you have opened in your Router for it to operate freely.

You have also put your friend's details [their DynDNS address, password and port they opened for you to hook onto their GBox server] into the cwshare.cfg.

Now reboot your PC, just in case, put your Sammy on Standby, then restart it at the back with the power switch, just in case. I.e. kill the power at the back, wait for 10 seconds, turn it back on again, wait for the clock to appear on Sammy's display.

When all is ON again, as described above, start your Sammy with your Remote and put it on a scrambled channel [with just 1 system of encryption, preferably not ***/Videguard, as it's difficult].

Start your GBox with the newly edited cwshare.cfg, that you put into the GBox folder.

You should see a new black window on your PC, with something like "Hello to..."

Then "Hello from..." [your friend] should appear. That is IF you are connected, if everything is properly sorted.

Change the channel to another encrypted channel in the same package, as described above [1 system of encryption].

Hopefully you will see the picture now. If not -> change the CAID/ID manually.

To do that press Exit on your Remote until you see CAID options, then press the arrows up or down to change CAID and each time you do it press OK button on your remote, too. Wait to see the picture. You will also see the new info in your GBox window on your PC. As in "CW received from..."

See bellow for Gold Emu Menu options.

===========A few more notes:========

GBox 2.1b as such [the one MAHDI adapted to Sammy] has a silly bug, so frequently isn't working and only resetting everything, including rebooting your PC AND Sammy will work.

Sammy on its own is also a bit silly sometimes, as the Gold Emu easily looses EPG etc. In those cases I restart it by killing it with the power button at the back, for some 10 seconds, after putting it to Standby.

When you start the GBox in your Firewall you will have the GBox active under programs and it must have the free access to the net. Give it the permission it needs.

In your Router you must do the Port Forwarding. In my modem it's under Applications and Gaming -> Port Range Forwarding.

You name an application [say GBox for your GBox CS SW or maybe name it after your friend, as you may open many ports for GBox and each should be named after your friend].

Put the Port Range as follows:

-your port [the one you have to give to your friend to put into his cwsahre.cfg, together with your DynDNS and Pass] and the same port should be in Start and End little box, then UDP or Both Protocols, and add your IP address, plus tick it at the end, so it is active. {At least that is how it is in my Linksys Router.}

-his port - the one he gave you, where you will be let into his machine, just do the same as above but name it after your friend, so you know which one is which.

-check your address by clicking on the Network Icon in the Systray -> Support and you'll see it. Occasionally it may change, if you get another device connected to the network, so check it, if GBox is not working. It looks normally something like or so.

Now go to the bottom of the page and SAVE SETTINGS! If you did it the right way it should all be saved and you will see it the way you want it to be right in front of you.

If you've done it all properly, if you have the correct details of a Server, your GBox will say Hello to... then he will respond with Hello from... Change the channel and wait for the picture. Sometimes you need to choose the CAID manually and press OK for each CAID.

Also, in the Sammy Emu Menu I have:

Emu to ON,
EMM to ON,
Sharing Mode to SSSP,
Channel CA Info to NOT SHOW.

Cheers and good luck!!

[I need a drink after all this... After that I need a holiday... FFS...]

24-01-2009, 08:18 PM
In addition to the latest version of the SW:

So, with RG EMU 5.7 we have the GBox once again - but now as an external application completely, since our beloved Sammy's memory is very limited...

Ergo, we must install it to our PC and start it from there as follows:

1) Download RG EMU by Maestro MAHDI v. 5.7 [SamsungDSR9500_RVGOLD_v5.7] and GBox Sharing SW [DSR9500GboxSharingv1.1]. Put them in the same folder.

2) Unpack RV GOLD. Rename README into RV Readme or something like that.

3) Delete GBox Folder. Click once on it and then press SHIFT + DELETE on your keyboard, then press ENTER.

4) Unpack GBox Sharing into the same folder. Just right click on the file and then EXTRACT HERE with WinRar or WinZip program.

{Program your beloved Samsung with the new RG EMU 5.7 if you haven't done so as yet, of course. The HOW TO is in this section.}

5) Put your properly sorted cwshare.cfg file into GBox folder.

{Put your Samsung on an encrypted channel you know will be opened by the server you are sharing with, of course..}

6) Start the CS program by double clicking on it: DSR9500GboxCS.

7) Now choose the COM port to which you connected your Sammy, plus choose the Debug option, too.

8) Click on CONNECT.

9) Go to GBox folder and there double click on the gbox program itself.

10) Change the channel.

Wait for it to open...

If everything is as it should be in your cwshare.cfg and if you forwarded the ports etc., as we already explained it all here in detail - it should work!

You'll see "Hello to..." and then "Hello from...", the changes of CAID etc. etc. on your monitor...

MAHDI states in his README, regarding the EMU Menu:

Don't worry about the F Line, as it's already sorted in the included relevant file...

Good luck!!!

24-01-2009, 08:19 PM
New SW for CS...http://www.sat-universe.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Now it's much easier, as you know, guys.http://www.sat-universe.com/images/smilies/clapping.gif

Download the EMU v. 6.1 and unpack. Program it into your Sammy.

Download this SW for CS and extract - it will create its own folder, don't worry.

As you start the Sammy's Share SW - it'll automatically start the GBox and it's a breeze...http://www.sat-universe.com/images/smilies/thumbsup.gif

Provided you have all else sorted properly - wrooom, wrooom... On we go!!!!!!!! http://www.sat-universe.com/images/smilies/tongue.gif What an excellent piece of work this is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BRAVO MAHDI!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.sat-universe.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

24-01-2009, 08:21 PM
I have finally played with the CS stuff again: tested with Emu RG 6.5 + CS 1.3 for Sammy and it all works quite well, except **N*D,S where the pixilation always was a problem.

Read this thread carefully - as all is explained in details - and you'll get there... ;)

- make yourselves a DynDNS account and configure your router/modem to update it automatically
- edit your cwshare.cfg
- do the port forwarding
- configure your firewall

Step on it.... :)

Thanx to Shadow & Ruspi for server details, so I could fool around again...

It's very easy, gals and guys! :cool:

Start, after you've done the stuff I just mentioned, as described in detail, in this very thread earlier, your DSR9500GBox CSv1.3 & choose a port + tick the Debug, as before, then Connect - GBox application will be started automatically in a small black window. Change the channel. If the server you're connecting to has the card that opens the channel - you'll see pretty colours, provided you did it all right, with patience and attention to detail! Experiment a bit with the 2 Delays, to see what work best in your setup! Amen! :)

Every time you change something in your settings - restart your Sammy & GBox, and if necessary your PC, too.

Good luck!;)

P.S. Thanx to Kalkov for his opinion on this matter:

The best combination for now is emu 7.5 and gbox 1.3.

08-03-2009, 07:15 PM
'Ere and 'ave foon!!!!!!! :king-041: How to change the little buggers in the Sammy tuner and why... :respect-048::lurk5:


Thanx be to Maestro Bebi!!! :respect-058:

11-03-2009, 12:14 AM
Elementary info in English...

It's simple and elegant: Sammy needs the stuff you saw in the video changed after a while, when ohmage is getting well over 1 Ohm. He is showing how old ones became dry and bad... Picture becomes heavy with blocks, when ohmage is getting over 10 Ohms.

So, tuner out, open it, as shown, twist the old ones to kick them out, prepare the new ones as shown, solder them back on and no problems!!!

The other way is to de-solder them, as it were, which can be tricky, as you can damage things in there...

Do it before it's too late, as soon as the image starts showing blocks etc.

Good luck!!!

13-03-2009, 11:23 PM
Thks to the master and to you goran, very good stuff and great job

I have an old sammy, I'll try but can I have more explanation about new ones polarity and all those things

Many tks

13-03-2009, 11:28 PM
Loadsa images over on Papagen's, m8... ;)

30-12-2009, 05:39 AM
including VIACI, CI, FTA and EMVIA versions

0) One must have Loader 500 or 501 in one's machine [See your basic Settings in the Menu to check it], in order to programme it via a serial 9-pin cable.

If it doesn't work, one must use JTAG to put the Loader 500/501 in, then do the Emu via the serial cable.

Do not hurry, do not cut corners, if you want it all to work properly!

1) Connect Sammy with your PC/laptop
-for an older PC one needs only a serial cable, as chances are it has the serial [9 pin] port
-for a newer PC, if it has no serial but only a USB port, first connect your straight serial 9-pin cable into Sammy, plugging the other end of the cable into a "serial/USB" cable adaptor, so one can plug the other end of the adaptor into the USB port of your PC/laptop

2) Download the following, freshest files to your PC/laptop:
-EMU [the latest Emu is v. 8.4.]
-Settings list
Unpack them to your PC/lappy, to their respective folders.

The programming itself

3) Switch off the receiver at the back, for 10-20 seconds, then turn it back on again.

4) Start STUDIO 1.5.1 by Maestro MAHDI (choose the right port, for instance COM1 or USB1 or whatever it is in your setup)
-click on DSR FW Loader, then
-Send FW, then
-choose the Emu you want to programme (the latest now is SamsungDSR9500_RVGOLD_V8.4) and then
-Open -> to programme the EMU.
One will see the progress on the LED or maybe on the TV screen, if one is connected to the TV.
WAIT for the CLOCK on Sammy display - do NOT hurry!!!

When it's finished, put the channels list in, using, for instance, Semco Editor.

Btw, SetEdit 1.12 exists, too. It does the job, too!

Receiver must be in Standby mode (using your remote control).

5) Start the Semco Editor (the right port should be chosen, for instance COM1 or USB1), then
-go to File in the upper left corner, then
-to Open
-a new window will appear, to choose a list on your PC (format "something.sdb"), then
-click on Open
-when Semco Editor opens it, click on the Load Data Base From PC To Set Top Box icon.


When it is done, quickly do the Emu reset [one must be connected to the TV to see the options], which one does only once now, after programming the Emu:

6) Start Sammy from Standby using your remote and execute RESET OF EMU:
-press 0 + Menu on your remote, quickly, one after the other, then
-press OK on your remote.

Sammy should switch itself off now. Start Sammy from Standby using the remote.

{After it resets, you can go back to EMU MENU to make sure you have the following configuration:

CS Mode - SSSP [if you need that one or HSIC if you're sharing via the Hummy CS SW]
EMU Active Mode - NO CARD

...or simply play with whatever Sammy has in RG 8.4 }

[Oh, by the way: sometimes you will need to scan some transponders, as Sammy likes to "see all the data" for himself - only then can you see some transponders/channels - if you put in somebody else's settings, like Cuorino's good work!]

Now, let's put RAM.bin in [it contains the keys to open the hacked channels...]

7) Sammy is in Standby mode
-Start Samsung DSR Studio 1.5.1 -> choose Ram Editor modus (a special TAB).
-Click on Open File and find the latest RAM.bin on your PC/laptop
-If "Empty Write" is ticked/chosen - remove it.
-Click on Write and wait for "End Write"

Startaj Sammy and watch...

============BY THE WAY+++++++++++++

How to put the keys via remote in

Go to a coded channel and press 0, then Menu [as above] to open the EMU Menu.

At the bottom of the list you'll see Key Editor Menu -> choose a coding system -> Ident -> key one wants to edit.

The scheme is as follows:
0 = 0 Button
1 = 1 Button
2 = 2 Button
3 = 3 Button
4 = 4 Button
5 = 5 Button
6 = 6 Button
7 = 7 Button
8 = 8 Button
9 = 9 Button
A = PG+ Button
B = PG- Button
C = GREEN Button
D = YELLOW Button
E = BLUE Button
F = RED Button
Del = LAST Button

An example (thanx to Dalen)

With little arrows choose IDENT (i.e. 4101 for D+)
Press OK button
In window Key write : IDENT and INDEX and first 16 Keys
In window Key write : IDENT and INDEX and second 16 Keys
Press Exit button

In example to change Keys 00 for D+ (N*gra)
410100CE5823E424584566 - 410101F6152652E52BE556

In example to change Keys 01 for D+ (N*gra)
410102CE5823E424584566 - 410103F6152652E52BE556

These keys are not valid, they are just an example.

================================= ====

Newer EMU Gold 4.3 has more places/digits to put in.

The procedure is the same, except that one needs to press the EXIT button when finished:

410100xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -> EXIT takes you automatically back, having written the key in and the again

410101xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -> EXIT and that's it!

================================= ==========

Thanx to Cruiser:

How to enter BISS keys to RevGold4.0

*Press twice i button to get SIِِD and 2 last byte of PMT and PCR;
Example: FOX tv Serbia SID:377D PMT:A4 PCR:A5
**Now You need keys;
Example: FOX tv Serbia:XXXXXXXXXXXX

1)switch to one of BISS channels(like FOX tv Serbia)
2)go to the keys menu by pressing:
(Button 0 + Menu Button)>Key Editor Menu>BISS & DCW
3) press OK button
4)now you have to enter first SID(377D) then 2 last byte of PMT(A4) then 2 last byte of PCR(A5) and then the right keys(XXXXXXXXXXXX) and after all enter FFFF.(I have to mentioned the keys I've wrote in above is only for FOX tv Serbia for other channels you have to change the D*gits)
You have to see the picture.

How to enter BISS keys to RevGold4.2

*Press twice i button to get 2 last byte of SID,PMT,VID and AID;
Example: FOX tv Serbia SID:7D PMT:A4 PCR:A5 VID:A5 AID:A6
**Now You need keys;
Example: FOX tv Serbia:XXXXXXXXXXXX

1)switch to one of BISS channels(like FOX tv Serbia)
2)go to the keys menu by pressing:
(Button 0 + Menu Button)>Key Editor Menu>BISS & DCW
3) press OK button
4)now you have to enter first 2 last byte of VID(A5) then AID(A6) then SID(7D) then PMT(A4) and then the right keys(XXXXXXXXXXXX) and after all enter FFFF.(I have to mentioned the keys I've wrote in above is only for FOX tv Serbia for other channels you have to change the D*gits)
You have to see the picture.
enjoy/thanx MAHDI/HSH

Thanx to Maumixio, how to enter a DCW:

Goto InXtc channel and press twice "i" button and take note of following infos:

Hotbird freq 10853
PMT 0096

Calculate frequency in HEX 2A65

pick up 3° and 4° byte of SID e PMT

keep public key (demo) 1234567890ABCDEFFEDCBA0987654321 and take note that only colored byte are important
At last our working key shoul be done by remote and Studio 1.3
2A65 AD96 FEDCBA876543
See example attached. Enjoy, Maumixio.

================================= ==========

Thanx to Cruiser for the list of channels which can be seen using Sammy's Emu and RAM.bin file/keys:

DigiTV 1°W ok key 00-17.06.09.
Tv Globo 13°E ok
Multicanal 30°W

RAI 13°E- ok next key 0D July
Mediatech 4°W- ok next key 0D July

Kingston 5°E
Jetix 13° 10723/H/29900
Cartoon Network & TNT Germany ok 9°E 11728/V/27500

Mezzo 13°E 12245/H/27500
SIC Int. 16°E 12568/H/3703
MCM Belgique 5°W 12543/H/27500

Biss Channel:
12149 TVE 1 30°W;
11931 LDTV 30°W;
12149 TVM 2 30°W;
12092 AXN PORTUGAL 30°W;
11474 TV CANARIA 30°W;
12735 ENTV 15°W;
11177 FOX TV 12,5°W;
11373 TOUCH TV 12,5°W;
11188 FOX GERMANY 12,5°W;
11066 Fox Sport 8°W; new PMT
11066 Discovery 8°W;
11066 Fox news 8°W;
12583 2M 12,5°W;
11423 AL RIYADIAH 7°W;
11065 Canal 6 Feed 5°W
11065 ENTV 5°W
12543 FOX LIFE 5°W;
10722 MEGASPORT 4°W;
10722 TV KYIV 4°W;
10722 1PLUS1 4°W;
10759 Qtv 4°W;
11766 TET 5°E;
12073 OCK 5°E;
11823 S2K (Sat 2000) 9°E;
11296 S2K (Sat 2000) 13°E;
12673 TVM MAROC 13°E;
11643 MBC US 26°E;
12608 IMED 42°E;
11894 Ans TV 42°E
11178 Ekin Turk TV (USUK TV) 42°E;
12678 24 42°E;
12593 RUSTAVI 2 42°E;
11054 NTV SPOR 42°E;
11870 TV8 42°E;
12605 Georgian TV - 42°E;
11044 STS 53°E;
11044 STS 53°E;
11044 TELEKANAL 53°E;
11161 STOLICNOE TV 53°E;
11044 Nash Dom 53°E

================================= =================

How the AU function for DigiTV [if it still functions, by the time you read this]

(Firstly, I do not know EXACTLY nowadays how and IF it functions, as I gave my Sammy away, so you must play with it a bit to see what works... Now...)

Go to a channel in DigiTV package, then do the following...

Go to EMU Menu, where you should have:

CS Mode - SSSP [if you need that one or HSIC if you're sharing via the Hummy CS SW]
EMU Active Mode - NO CARD [One doesn't need the Conax Card nowadays!]

I hope you'll soon have the pretty colours...

In addition: do NOT reset the EMU every time you want a provider to AU!!!

Do it just once, after the installation!

Then put the RAM.bin in...

Every time you reset it it seems to wipe the keys off and one has to wait for each provider to AU, then...

Instead, as I said, reset it once, after the installation and then just leave it on a channel and wait for the AU to happen!

==========IN CASE OF TROUBLE===========

If your Sammy must be flashed with a new SW from scratch/zero/from the beginning, as it were - but your screen is black and it keeps giving you these numbers in the display [I had this problem!: 6-01 changing to 6-03 then]:

Kill your Sammy at the back for a few minutes and then...:

When you switch it on [at the back] press the POWER and LEFT ARROW in the front of the receiver and it should go into Download mode.

If you do not manage the first time - keep trying until you get it right...


Before you do any of that you must make sure you have Sammy connected to a PC via a serial cable and your HyperTerminal prepared, as Papagen already described beautifully:

On your PC: Start/Program/Accessories/Communications/Hyper Terminal

Setting the Hyper Terminal

1. Start Hyper Terminal.
2. In the field "Name" write for example Samsung 9500, choose an icon and click OK.
3. In the new opened window, near "Connect using" choose "Direct to COM1, afterwards click OK.

Port Settings

1. Bits per second : 115200
2. Data Bit : 8
3. Parity : NONE
4. Stop Bit : 1
5. Flow Control : Hardware
Click OK

Uploading software using Hyper Terminal

1. Choose TRANSFER
2. Then choose SEND FILE ....
3. BROWSE - select from hard drive the desired version of software (e.g. DSR9500_Eurocam_5-1_EMU_vXX.bin)
4. Choose 1KXmodem for Protocol
Don't press the button "Send", you will do it subsequently.

After you have done the procedure described, connect your computer with Samsung using a RS232 connection cable.
Before you start uploading the new software into Samsung I would advise you to firstly remove all the cams or cards from it (if any are inside).

The things you have to do are :
1. Disconnect your Samsung using the switch on the rear.
2. In the front of Samsung keep pressed the "right arrow" (volume up).
3. Power up your Samsung on the rear switch and keep constantly pressed "right arrow" (volume up).
Keep the "arrow" pressed until the "3-01" appears on the display,
from that moment the computer will show "............................... Loading"
4. In that moment, in the Hyper Terminal, click the button "Send" (you have about 15 seconds to perform that operation).
With clicking on "Send" starts the uploading the software into Samsung.
Don't be hasty! Wait for entire process to terminate.
Process is terminated when on the Samsung a clock appears.
That was it.

Or another possibility:

If you have problems uploading a new EMU or whatever... All black? Sammy wants SW and from scratch, as it keeps giving you some numbers in the display, like 6-01 changing to 6-03 or so? Well,

1) kill your Sammy at the back and then...

2) when you switch it on [at the back] press the POWER and LEFT ARROW in the front of the receiver and it should go into Download mode.

3) Make sure you have it connected to a PC via a serial cable and your HyperTerminal prepared.

If it times-out [in both cases] - repeat the procedure until you get it right and in time, too [at the same time keeping your cool!!]!:respect-050:

GREAT JOB, MAHDI [& co.]!!!:respect-051::respect-023:

30-12-2009, 03:40 PM
Additionally, thanx to Maumixio, re. the latest CS Studio program, its plugins and CCcam in particular:

How to make your Samsung DSR working with CS Studio 1.1 in few steps:

Put you decoder to Sharing mode -> DSR_SSSP

copy plugin/s [you'll find attached with this post] into your local folder Plugin where the main program is located

start program and set the connection serial port (usually COM1)

set only one plugin active (see picture attached)

That's all.

How to make your working cccam: see examples .

Hadu : Server=CCCam:MyServer.com:12000:0 :MyUsername:MyPassword

Acamd: cccamn:

Flycccam (flydahli) C: xxx.xxx.xxx 12000 name pass

WinCSC edit wincsc.cfg attached (working) or edit servers in main plugin window
