View Full Version : 1 west

28-11-2006, 07:27 PM
any sign of us geting 1 west thor back it seems so long now any news:confused:

28-11-2006, 07:50 PM
No news at all

28-11-2006, 07:57 PM
Working damn good for some.
Most have black screens.
Dont expect to see it fast without a subscribsion.

Have a nice day.

28-11-2006, 08:15 PM
nothing for the mass public mate

there are roumors that some mosc card exist, but not seen any

so we have to push dipper on the pocket to buy an original sub
for the moment



29-11-2006, 10:09 AM
you are dead right m8 working great for some and i dont mean subs dont ask for me to elaborate because i wont

29-11-2006, 12:57 PM
nothing for the mass public mate

there are roumors that some mosc card exist, but not seen any

these are no rumores m8
it is a FACT that MOSC excisits

29-11-2006, 01:31 PM
these are no rumores m8
it is a FACT that MOSC excisits

mate i know it is a fact ;)

have mosced cards om ny cs , but the person that has the card
do not give more info hawto , or if script does exist :frown:

anyway, hoppefully one day the hack/mosc will get out
for the mass public ,

we live in hope

PS ; do not ask me for more infos , i do not know more that i just said



29-11-2006, 01:41 PM
you first said its a "rumors" , make up your mind m8

well , some1 just said that there is news for conax for HB and Astra1 in another forum !!! :rolleyes:

29-11-2006, 03:16 PM
you first said its a "rumors" , make up your mind m8

well , some1 just said that there is news for conax for HB and Astra1 in another forum !!! :rolleyes:

hehehhee, i have made upp my mind Eguptdude

but as i told in the aboce post, i do not have one my self
i just know it exist .

read my post carfully please , i did not state i my self have this card
but i said , some person in my card sharing grup has this card
not me

and he does not want to give any info about it ,

anyway, you even said it exist , so waht do you expect from me

Piratdk is saing it exist , and so does many others

i my self will belive it when i have it my self.
you will say why ? coz the member i know maybe a dealer off a sat shop
and he may have a special card , what do i know anyway



29-11-2006, 08:25 PM
Dealers dont get speciel cards m8.
And that MOSC is out for Conax, we all know very well, but not many cards can do it, and info about how to do it is not public, and I hope it stays that way.
Enjoy your friends share of his MOSC, and dont ask him any Q's about it, is a very good advise......


06-12-2006, 11:10 AM
I dont think its a mosc as many have said before the providers changed all the cards to the known public mosc scripts,that affected these cards.
I think its the dreamcard,but dont expect to see any upgrade scripts for old dreamcards.
My guess is the upgrade script is very secure,prob kept by a sat dealer.


*** cardtrix ;-) ***

06-12-2006, 12:15 PM
It must be mosc, KIOSK channels are open on cs.

06-12-2006, 04:14 PM
It must be mosc, KIOSK channels are open on cs.This has not to be surely MOSC. With cs you can open Kiosks also other way...

06-12-2006, 07:14 PM
This has not to be surely MOSC. With cs you can open Kiosks also other way...

What do you mean?If all Kiosks are open all the time, then its for sure mosc.Its unreal that there are so meny people who share and order PPV at the same time.

06-12-2006, 09:14 PM
With CS without MOSC card are the Kiosks 2,3,4,5 also open all the time. :cool: Without paying for the PPV channels. Only **** Kiosks don't open.

06-12-2006, 09:25 PM
yes they are open during a whole movie if you have more than 10 cards
on your network :) 10 minutes preview per card gives 100 minutes .

the thing is that mosc card do exist for sure as even pron channels 6 - 8 open , these don't have a preview .

06-12-2006, 09:53 PM
i took this screenshot a minute ago , stacy silver from pov centerfolds
on kiosk7 .
i had to wait for a soft clip as it mind offend someone , hope nobody
minds the boobs only :)

06-12-2006, 10:08 PM
yes they are open during a whole movie if you have more than 10 cards
on your network :) 10 minutes preview per card gives 100 minutes.No, I don't talk about this. Kiosks open for 5 minutes. At that time you have to forbid server to to take new EMM from CD. What closes Kiosks.
And you have to a little "hacked" MGCamd in your Dreambox. :cool:

06-12-2006, 10:13 PM
ok , but i don't need it as i have a mosc :)

06-12-2006, 10:35 PM
Very nice, raul! http://emoticon.metroland.ru/pictures/HiBb/7a5c7182d8c794ffbeca9cd6666d8440. gif But I only said:
This has not to be surely MOSC. With cs you can open Kiosks also other way...

06-12-2006, 10:45 PM
interesting , i didn't know that you could only block emm for
prolonging ppv preview w/o modifing the card .
why is a special mgcamd binary needed , when all emus have
the blocking option in config files ?

06-12-2006, 10:59 PM
Why is a special mgcamd binary needed , when all emus have the blocking option in config files ?I can't answer to this question. But only that kind it works...

07-12-2006, 05:47 PM
mosc and dreamcard will open kiosk PPV

If I had the dreamcard fix script it could be proven with cs.


*** cardtrix ;-) ***

14-12-2006, 10:40 AM
Hi M8's,

Does anyone know if TV2 Zulu is available to view ,other than by subs / cs ? e.g. cams,biss,etc.:confused:

Thanks in advance,

14-12-2006, 10:57 AM
Hi M8's,

Does anyone know if TV2 Zulu is available to view ,other than by subs / cs ? e.g. cams,biss,etc.:confused:

Thanks in advance,

Only by a sub/cs atm m8

14-12-2006, 11:18 AM

14-12-2006, 04:30 PM
Good to see you guys in a wonderful spirit. No doubt you dont want alot of questions :D... Well you guys have been silent some time now maybe it is time to break the ICE. :D Who knows......

Dealers dont get speciel cards m8.
And that MOSC is out for Conax, we all know very well, but not many cards can do it, and info about how to do it is not public, and I hope it stays that way.
Enjoy your friends share of his MOSC, and dont ask him any Q's about it, is a very good advise......


15-12-2006, 08:17 AM
No one has but everyone claims there is.
Even the good old dreamcard shows up even though it stoped working ages ago when the chip was outdated for decoding conax.

15-12-2006, 07:07 PM
Good to see you guys in a wonderful spirit. No doubt you dont want alot of questions :D... Well you guys have been silent some time now maybe it is time to break the ICE. :D Who knows......

Maybe there is a very good reason for us to be a bit silent.
It could be :

1. We dont want to help money grabbing commerciel bastards.
2. By not giving out much info, we dont risc that provieders change anything, as some provieders do as soon as they think something is hacked.
3. Could be sick and tired of newbies begging for everything being served at a silverplate for them.
4. We get paid every month to shut up.

Two of above answers is correct, the other two is only a joke.
Now you can start thinking about why people keeps info to themself.

Have a nice X-mas everyone

15-12-2006, 11:13 PM
4. We get paid every month to shut up

hehhehe maybe the selary is better from cd&via and stop :D
then the marked of the card buyers :D hmmm need to gett back to the
maths to see haw much will they offer ;) ;)


mary X mas to you to



17-12-2006, 06:37 AM
any sign of us geting 1 west thor back it seems so long now any news:confused:

This would be a lovely crimbo pesent,
just like the old days

17-12-2006, 09:43 AM
1. We dont want to help money grabbing commerciel bastards.
2. By not giving out much info, we dont risc that provieders change anything, as some provieders do as soon as they think something is hacked.

do i win anything it i`m right :)

17-12-2006, 10:40 AM
If it becomes available, it will for sure be on a new card - no way it will be on any existing equipment in first instance.

For this reason, I doubt we will see any conax for christmas.

17-12-2006, 12:48 PM
C**** digital allready know that their new cards has being hacked for a long time now, but as long as the hack wont become public they wont do anything from a reliable source indside c****digital.

just as pirat dk says about not giving information out about hacks.

Happy Christmas :D

19-12-2006, 03:30 PM
well we are all speculating here , but it seems that none has real proof on it

and i my self will not belive it untill i see anything in action

have tryed all the scripts there is on the nett , and even some that i have gott from few friends , and none has worked

all the scripts i have tryed in about 10 diferent conax card has not worked
10 cards with diferent serial number wich are 1 serial number within 256 cards

so i will live this case rest in peace for naw , unless there is some more proofs

