View Full Version : why is art sport on a live delay

29-11-2006, 08:18 PM

Sorry to be a bother to everyone but I just would like to know why art sports are on a delay behind everone else on their live coverage of matches
sorry if i annoy anyone but it is bothering me

Thankypu for your responses in advance

Many thanks

30-11-2006, 09:08 AM
yes I am experiencing the same and it is a bit anoying, specially if you areon LIVE-BETS, where a few seconds of delay can be harnfull.

It may be, appart of the up- and down links to the different satellites, the signal treatement what every single provider gives to their broadcast, and also the Viacces encryption I have noticed that delays the signals more than others. The quickest in my receiver is the SECA encryption, when I have one sport live event broadcast by different providers, and even quicker as those is the terretial transmition, not to beat. Here it is clear why, just the way to the up and down inks...

30-11-2006, 07:19 PM
thanks for the reply mate