View Full Version : channelmaster1.2 or gebirtini 1.5

01-12-2006, 11:37 AM
bit confused
which is better in result,
channels master 120 cm or Gebirtini 150 cm ,
and how much diffrence in result like big diffrence or just 5 or 6 %?
like nilesat 7 west i get with Channel master 1.2
vertical all day and night even in raining, and 1 frequency of show time,
other horizantal frequencies only in night only in good weather,
so if i change from cm 1.2 to gebirtini 150 will it be good or same?
any guys who had used both?>
it will be usefull info

01-12-2006, 09:09 PM
The offset is actually 1.2 x 1.3 metres in reflective size while the Gibertini is 1.5

So, the difference won't be too big at these sizes the difference between offset or prime focus is not noticable.

Expect an 10 to 15 % , 1.7 square metres surface for the Gibertini to 1.33 for the Echostar.

But, if the reception is almost there it might just be enough, but you don't have an spare dB left, so an 2 metre dish is what really makes an difference.


01-12-2006, 09:23 PM
Channel Master is on of the best dishes around , you will be very happy with it

01-12-2006, 10:14 PM
i also have 2 m dish but very heavy
company Telefunken
German company
but very heavy and my house is infont of dish now i need big big pole to take my dish on height but its very heavy its more then 60 kg without stand
and i also have to arrange matching feed ,
so thats why i was thinking about 1.5 Gebirtini,
but not sure about Gebirtini reception for nilesat in amsterdam,
lets see if i can arrange heavy pole and good mount for Telefunken,

01-12-2006, 10:17 PM
I have a Channel Master 1.2 Meter dish in my backyard and has given me a very good reception with little difficulty so well worth the investment my friend.;)

Best regards,


01-12-2006, 10:36 PM
Even though the Channelmaster 1.2m is an excellent dish I hardly think it will outperform a Gibertini 1.5m (155x166cm) dish! If it&#180;s between an CM 1.2m and Gibertini 1.5m, then I&#180;d say it&#180;s an easy choice. Remember, people are still discussing which one is better, the CM 1.2m or the Gibertini 1.2m.
