View Full Version : Dual .LNB

01-12-2006, 06:10 PM
I need to get hold of one this weekend.

Any decent ones I should contemplate? or are they all the same really?

I currently have an invacom .03 one that has served me well.

Let me know pimps.


01-12-2006, 07:50 PM
know as a monoblock...suggest you do a little 'reading' then way up the cost!:cool:

02-12-2006, 01:23 PM
whats monoblocks got to do with it?

i dont need one, i need a dual output LNB

02-12-2006, 05:44 PM
ivacom .3 will do the job also inverto.3 titanium .2

04-12-2006, 12:42 PM
are all these lnbs mentioned in last post suitable for sly dish as im getting a second digibox and dont want to put up a second dish also are they up to sly spec

04-12-2006, 01:19 PM
to welshpaddy

then its not a mono block you want
its a twin feed lnb or a 4 feed lnb
just go for a long walk around empty houses and look at the sky dishes some of them have fitted what you are after and if the house is empty
council estates are best nobody gives a dam just help your self

04-12-2006, 02:20 PM
the ones sky use are quad four outputs usially .6 plenty on the auction sites cheap the ivacom smart titaniam ect will cost a little more they can all be used on sky mini dish with the right fixings

05-12-2006, 10:49 AM
@ManikM,they all vary,even same brand,as the noise figure is only an average and you could end up with one that claims to be 0.2 and really is nearer to 0.6.
Invecom have a good name,I invested in a twin one a couple of years ago and its been fine,unless you have a setup to allow it,i.e. easy access, and a box full of different lnb,s how do you compare.Stick with what you know is ok,the cheap tit 0.2,s have a fan club,but bearing in mind above,who knows?

05-12-2006, 03:01 PM
I use a twin output Titantium 0.2Db to feed my receiver and SS2 PCI card, works for me and cost less than a £10.

Ivacom's are a good brand and worth the money - remember a LNB is not just for Xmas :D

06-12-2006, 01:53 PM
invacom twin LNB 0.3 db is the best one available in market..dont look for 0.3 db or 0.2 db..what is more important is the quality of lnb itself..

29-09-2007, 11:03 AM
hmmmmm well my m4plins ones been ok, but for 2m on 12.5w and for some feeds, i get break up on my triax 88cm

im thinking this might go away with a a better lnb (before getting a bigger dish)

im stuck between an invacom twin or a smart titanium twin...

what do u reckon?

03-10-2007, 10:03 AM
I'm in a similar situation. Have recently moved house, only a half mile . Changed my 1m dish with twin invacom 0.3 to a transparent dish 85cm dish with twin 0.2 titanium. I used to get a strong signal on the multivision channels now it breaks up, thinking of putting the 0.3 invacom onto the transparent dish. Do you think that would make much difference?

04-10-2007, 08:43 PM
Hmmm there are a few mitigating factors here mate.

You've gone from a 1m to 85cm - so smaller - but mines 88cm, and i get a strong signal on MV bouqet (even tho i cant unscramble - doh!) 19e and 13e you should pick up fine

Is your coax ok? F-connectors ok?

Where in UK are you!?

IS your dish properly aligned mate!? - anything blocking signal? trees etc!?
I doubt its the .LNB

05-10-2007, 05:12 PM
Thanks for the reply ManikM. I live probably as far west in Wales as you can go. I have an excellent signal on virtually every other channel, Premieres ok D+ ok, and even picking up Thor with little difficulty so can't understand why I'm getting problems with multivision. I get the other TPS channels with a strong signal so I've resigned myself to thinking maybe the signal being transmitted for multivision isn't as strong as the others.
I think the dish is aligned ok, I can pick up Astra 2 at 28 east and Hispasat at 30 west, together with Astra 1 and Hotbird plus some others. I'm assuming that because the signal I'm getting on all Satellites is respectable it must be aligned ok. Coax and F1 connectors are all ok, as no problem on other channels

05-10-2007, 05:39 PM
I just got a "Sky type" Octo off 3bay for under €30 (£20 ish) and it is fitted off axis on a 80cm for 28E. I only needed 5 outputs but what the heck :)

30-10-2007, 11:53 PM
Looking to set up a dish for my m8 receiving 28.2/19.2 east.Is this possible and how do you do it as they are more than 6degrees apart.

31-10-2007, 12:04 AM
Looking to set up a dish for my m8 receiving 28.2/19.2 east.Is this possible and how do you do it as they are more than 6degrees apart.

read the sticky threads m8


31-10-2007, 09:01 PM
I have a box full of LNBF's here and the best multi feed LNBF I have tried is the quad invacom 0.3.

Its not cheap and will set you back about £70.

31-10-2007, 10:29 PM
Thanks for the reply ManikM. I live probably as far west in Wales as you can go. I have an excellent signal on virtually every other channel, Premieres ok D+ ok, and even picking up Thor with little difficulty so can't understand why I'm getting problems with multivision. I get the other TPS channels with a strong signal so I've resigned myself to thinking maybe the signal being transmitted for multivision isn't as strong as the others.
I think the dish is aligned ok, I can pick up Astra 2 at 28 east and Hispasat at 30 west, together with Astra 1 and Hotbird plus some others. I'm assuming that because the signal I'm getting on all Satellites is respectable it must be aligned ok. Coax and F1 connectors are all ok, as no problem on other channels
Have u tried to tilt (left or right) your LNB to improve crosspol?
Otherwise get back to 1 m m8.