View Full Version : k3 and 200s

02-12-2006, 01:49 AM
hi is anyone using the k3 to open c+ on their 200s. i can't. i have managed to open c+NL with last months file (now not working) but i just can't get c+ using k3 (with latest v3.5) and CCcamd.
please help if you can.

05-12-2006, 01:20 PM
buller, anyone, anyone?....anyone?

06-12-2006, 06:21 PM
theres an updated file floating about for DEC, if you still have problems try Mgcamd with NewCS

06-12-2006, 07:10 PM
kxxx, thanks m8. have you got it working with a 200s or 400s not using a cam?
i have tried all the emu's with the lastest dec files. no luck. just luck with NL+


07-12-2006, 12:48 PM
ok, am pretty crap atm with this linux stb stuff. not crap at linux - have been running leenux for over 8 years now.
After trying eveything i thought this was something to do with BEEF! and i noticed that CCcam 1.2.1 did not support BEEF emulating cards. So i up graded my CCcamd to 1.3.1 which does support BEEF and I thought COMMMMMMON!
But that didn't work either.
I notice in the CCcam.cfg has a option for BEEF cards and the provider idents but i don't know what to do with my K3.

To recap. I can get NL+ using K3 and CCcamd in the mutant's card slot but I can't get C+Fr using the same config and setup. I tested the k3 C+Fr dec file with my humax and aston cam and it works fine so that proves the file and card is ok.

Please help me ppl. and do get technical if you want to ;)


08-12-2006, 04:17 AM
i know that Camd3 has issues with freezing not sure about Cccamd, have you tried Mgcamd + NewCS, NewCS deals with the card reader, i dont know if its a problem with camptserver that comes configured with Cccam or something, I know also some have had problems with cloned K3 cards which have caused problems but unlikely with this problem what image are you using, idents are 0080 and 0081

08-12-2006, 12:40 PM
Hi mate. and thanks.
i have used all the emus in the HL2.11 image including those you suggested. I have tried with and without keyfiles like softcam.keys etc.
I haven't tried installing cam3d emu though. Will try when i work out how.

Do i need to add the idents in the CCcam.cfg file? I didn't for NL+.

My K3 card is white and blank (nothing written on the plastic).

werd and thanks again mate,

08-12-2006, 01:27 PM
why don't you just use a telnet session to see what is going on .
read the output from server/emu eg. newcs/mgcamd and compare
to nl that you are clearing .

the french channels have lots of ecm's in the stream , maybe you
need to set the priority to 0084 .

08-12-2006, 01:53 PM
i have used telnet to watch what is going on - but i don't understand what is going on 90% of the time.
using ./CCcam -dv option i can see what is going on but like i say i don't get most of it.

i also don't know what you mean by "the french channels have lots of ecm's in the stream , maybe you need to set the priority to 0084".

sorry but like i say i have used leenux for many years now and work in IT so am pretty good about using telnet and putty and editing config files, file permissions, networking, servers and services but i am new to satellite stuff in combination with linux stb's. I have always taken the lazy way round things using cams and cards.

So if you can think of anything else i might be missing please let me know it's doing my head in.

08-12-2006, 02:07 PM
try newcs and an emu client instead of CCcam , start the server first .
everything from the telnet output should be loud and clear .

some channels are shared by different operators , the emu needs to procede
all these ecm's , if you set the priority which is usually found in a config file
you can skip all but the one your card is suppose to handle .

08-12-2006, 02:27 PM
here is an example what you will find , first bit is the server second the client whats there to not understand ,

Reader type 5 on node /dev/sci0
Opening device /dev/sci0
T=0 1etu=31.00us Guardtime:12etu WWT:115200etu
Init Viaccess card
Adding key xxxxxxxx type 0 on Provider 000000
Starting Newcamd Server on port 10001
Ready to GO! :)

start decoding servid 20aa, pmt 05e8.
channel using caid 0500, provid 020a30, ecm 05de ... cws
(here the emu states how many ecm's are present in this case it's only one
it also states if you have this provider as emu/cws)
trying caid 0500, ecm 05de, provid 020a30, cws localhost:10001
(here it tells you that it's ready to try the card from newcs)
using caid 0500, ecm 0323, provid 020a30, key 000008,
(the dw return was succesful/valid and you should have picture now)
date 3585, cws localhost:10001

08-12-2006, 02:59 PM
thanks Raul(hola?)
i don't understand why i need a cs server running with an emu if i'm not wanting to cs.

i will pipe a screen dump from CCcam and mgcamd etc and post it here later on this evening when my little boy is in bed and my wife has gone out. Then i won't get moaned at for hogging the TV etc.

hopefully you'll be able to spot what's going wrong.

i have tried mgcamd with newcs ( i presume that they are started in the correct order - but i could try again starting them manually in the order you said) but as i said it doesn't work.

Thanks again and i will be back with more info.

08-12-2006, 11:56 PM
here goes Raul. Sorry for the length of the screen dump guys...
Starting with the NL+ on K3 (works with cccam or mgcamd)

/var/emu # ./CCcam -dv
11:04:21.023 CCcam: ================================= ===========================
11:04:21.026 CCcam: starting CCcam 1.3.1 compiled on Oct 22 2006@16:37:54
11:04:21.027 CCcam: ================================= ===========================
11:04:21.029 CCcam: online using nodeId 89de1168dae88566
11:04:21.037 CCcam: Mutant detected, using demuxapi
11:04:21.038 CCcam: create 1 cam device(s)
11:04:21.109 CCcam: seca card found
11:04:21.369 CCcam: card added to broker with caid 100
11:04:21.455 CCcam: added 542 keys from /var/keys/SoftCam.Key
11:04:21.456 CCcam: readKeyfile: cannot open /var/keys/AutoRoll.Key or not found
11:04:21.457 CCcam: static cw not found or bad
11:04:21.458 CCcam: read ignorefile: cannot open /var/keys/CCcam.ignore or not f
11:04:21.459 CCcam: server started on port 12000
11:04:21.468 CCcam: found irdeto caid: 0x622 ecmpid: 0x56a id: 0x0
11:04:21.469 CCcam: found seca caid: 0x100 ecmpid: 0x646 id: 0x6a
11:04:21.471 CCcam: cam[0] set PMT for sid=138c
11:04:21.475 CCcam: start EMM
11:04:21.762 CCcam: cam[0] ecm even nok caid:0x622 id:0x0 pid:0x56a AlbaniaSat (
16E)/C****+ NL (19E) (I2)
11:04:21.872 CCcam: cam[0] ecm odd nok caid:0x100 id:0x6a pid:0x646 C****+ Digit
aal NL (19E) (S2)
11:04:21.972 CCcam: local ecm -> card /dev/sci0 0x100(0x06a)
11:04:22.287 CCcam: local ecm <- card /dev/sci0 ok
11:04:22.288 CCcam: cam[0] ecm odd ok caid:0x100 id:0x6a pid:0x646 C****+ Digita
al NL (19E) (S2)
11:04:22.415 CCcam: EMM demux 1 set
11:04:22.419 CCcam: EMM: start filter on irdeto emmpid: 0x136 caid: 0x622 id: 0x
11:04:22.421 CCcam: EMM: start filter on seca emmpid: 0xb6 caid: 0x100 id: 0x0
11:04:22.423 CCcam: EMM: start filter on seca emmpid: 0xb7 caid: 0x100 id: 0x6a
11:04:22.427 CCcam: EMM: start filter on seca emmpid: 0xb9 caid: 0x100 id: 0x6c
11:04:22.431 CCcam: EMM: not interested in 0D02:000000
11:04:32.354 CCcam: local ecm -> card /dev/sci0 0x100(0x06a)
11:04:32.669 CCcam: local ecm <- card /dev/sci0 ok
11:04:32.671 CCcam: cam[0] ecm even ok caid:0x100 id:0x6a pid:0x646 C****+ Digit
aal NL (19E) (S2)


/var/emu # ./newcs
Reading Config file from /var/tuxbox/config/newcs.xml
TCP-log password is disabled!
level: normal
type: init
output: tcp,console
logger config: level 1 type 3 output 5
tcp port: 3001
[ 11:07:17 ] [ Box detect ] Box type 7
[ 11:07:17 ] [ Config ] Option <Seca-PPV> for device 0 (lower) not present, defa
ulting to NO
[ 11:07:17 ] [ Config ] Option <mhz> for device 0 (lower) not present, defaultin
g to 357
[ 11:07:17 ] [ Config ] Option <parity> for device 0 (lower) not present, defaul
ting to ODD
[ 11:07:17 ] [ Config ] Option <sid> for device 0 (lower) not present, no static
sids added to filter
[ 11:07:17 ] [ Config ] /dev/sci0 ECM priority: round
[ 11:07:17 ] [ Config ] Option <autosid> for device 0 (lower) not present, defau
lting to NO
[ 11:07:17 ] [ Config ] No SIDFILTER is configured, disabling SidOverride for de
vice 0 (lower)!
[ 11:07:17 ] [ Config ] Option <Seca-PPV> for device 1 (upper) not present, defa
ulting to NO
[ 11:07:17 ] [ Config ] Option <mhz> for device 1 (upper) not present, defaultin
g to 357
[ 11:07:17 ] [ Config ] Option <parity> for device 1 (upper) not present, defaul
ting to ODD
[ 11:07:17 ] [ Config ] Option <sid> for device 1 (upper) not present, no static
sids added to filter
[ 11:07:17 ] [ Config ] /dev/sci1 ECM priority: round
[ 11:07:17 ] [ Config ] Option <autosid> for device 1 (upper) not present, defau
lting to NO
[ 11:07:17 ] [ Config ] No SIDFILTER is configured, disabling SidOverride for de
vice 1 (upper)!
[ 11:07:17 ] [ Config ] Option <hostname> or <port> not present for User: dummy,
DISABLING reverse login
[ 11:07:17 ] [ Config ] Option <spider> not present for User: dummy, defaulting
to NO
[ 11:07:17 ] [ Config ] Option <sidoverride> not present for User: dummy, defaul
ting to OFF
[ 11:07:17 ] [ Config ] Option <readers> not present for User: dummy, NO reader
control enabled
[ 11:07:17 ] [ Config ] Option <hostname> or <port> not present for User: User1,
DISABLING reverse login
[ 11:07:17 ] [ Config ] Option <spider> not present for User: User1, defaulting
to NO
[ 11:07:17 ] [ Config ] Option <sidoverride> not present for User: User1, defaul
ting to OFF
[ 11:07:17 ] [ Config ] Option <readers> not present for User: User1, NO reader
control enabled
[ 11:07:17 ] [ EMM Cache ] Initialising Cache with 10 entries
[ 11:07:17 ] [ ECM Cache ] Initialising dynamic Cache
[ NewCS ] Process ID is: 626
[ 11:07:17 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 5 on node /dev/sci0
[ 11:07:17 ] [ Sci ] Opening device /dev/sci0
[ 11:07:17 ] [ Sci ] CARD_DETECT for sci returned 1
[ 11:07:18 ] [ Loader ] Init Seca card
[ 11:07:18 ] [ Keyman ] Adding key 1234567 type 0 on Provider 0 for caid 0100 ID
[ 11:07:18 ] [ Keyman ] Adding key 0 type 1 on Provider 0 for caid 0100 ID=0
[ 11:07:18 ] [ Keyman ] Adding key 0 type 1 on Provider 6A for caid 0100 ID=1
[ 11:07:18 ] [ Loader ] Card 0100 on port /dev/sci0 ready
[ 11:07:18 ] [ Loader ] Starting Newcamd Server on port 10001
[ 11:07:18 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 5 on node /dev/sci1
[ 11:07:18 ] [ Sci ] Opening device /dev/sci1
[ 11:07:18 ] [ Sci ] CARD_DETECT for sci returned 1
./mg [ 11:07:31 ] [ Loader ] Reset failed ...
[ 11:07:31 ] [ Loader ] Starting Newcamd Server on port 10000
[ 11:07:31 ] [ NewCS ] Ready to GO! :)
/var/emu # ./mgcamd
tuxbox mgcamd by mixvt Mar 22 2006 13:07:20 (v1.00pre10)
[mg] Net:3:7:0:10s Show ecm:1, emm:1 Up:1 Au:2 Dir:0 Osd:no:3 Cache:7 Log:2:192.
168.1.10:28007 Reread:0
[mg] Ecm cache time: 15
Box type: relook
AutoRoll.Key: No such file or directory
Conax.Key: No such file or directory
/var/emu # [config] newcamd route = User1:
[config] newcamd route = User1:
newcamd keep alive: 0, incoming port: 0
[newcamd] Connecting to
[newcamd] Connecting to
[ 11:07:33 ] [ Newcamd:10001 ] User User1 logged in, client: Mgcamd
[ 11:07:33 ] [ Newcamd:10000 ] User User1 logged in, client: Mgcamd
[ 11:07:33 ] [ Newcamd:10000 ] Connection from User1 to not-ready server!
[newcamd] Login to as User1 accepted (12ms)
[newcamd] Login to as User1 failed (1ms)
[newcamd] Card data from (18ms):
EMM enabled, Card serial: 1234567
Userid 1 caid 100 providers 2
Idents: 000000 00006A
ids: 0 0

[mg0] service 138C index 0 pmt pid 0, pids: 2:0x0201 4:0x0064 6:0x0025
ECM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x0646 ProvID: 00006A
ECM: CaID: 0x0622 -> CaPID: 0x056A ProvID: 000000
[mg0] No seca key(s) found for id 6A keynr 0c
[mg0] -> ECM sent to newcamd
[mg0] <- CW from newcamd (318ms)
318 msec -- Sat Dec 9 11:07:33 2006
===== Seca ECM on CaID 0x0100, pid 0x0646 ======
prov: 00006A
cw0:0 40 40 00 80 80 80 20 20
cw1:0 00 00 00 00 40 E0 01 21
[mg0] -> ECM sent to newcamd
[mg0] <- CW from newcamd (318ms)
318 msec -- Sat Dec 9 11:07:35 2006
===== Seca ECM on CaID 0x0100, pid 0x0646 ======
prov: 00006A
cw0:0 40 40 00 80 80 80 20 20
cw1:0 40 40 80 00 00 88 00 88
[mg0] -> ECM sent to newcamd
[mg0] <- CW from newcamd (318ms)
318 msec -- Sat Dec 9 11:07:48 2006
===== Seca ECM on CaID 0x0100, pid 0x0646 ======
prov: 00006A
cw0:0 00 00 00 00 10 A0 80 30
cw1:0 40 40 80 00 00 88 00 88
[mg0] -> ECM sent to newcamd
[mg0] <- CW from newcamd (318ms)
318 msec -- Sat Dec 9 11:08:01 2006
===== Seca ECM on CaID 0x0100, pid 0x0646 ======
prov: 00006A
cw0:0 00 00 00 00 10 A0 80 30
cw1:0 92 E9 1C 97 00 76 F9 6F
[newcamd] problem, will try to reconnect
Signal 15 received


/var/emu # ./newcs
Reading Config file from /var/tuxbox/config/newcs.xml
TCP-log password is disabled!
level: normal
type: init
output: tcp,console
logger config: level 1 type 3 output 5
tcp port: 3001
[ 11:51:54 ] [ Box detect ] Box type 7
[ 11:51:54 ] [ Config ] Option <Seca-PPV> for device 0 (lower) not present,
ulting to NO
[ 11:51:54 ] [ Config ] Option <mhz> for device 0 (lower) not present, defau
g to 357
[ 11:51:54 ] [ Config ] Option <parity> for device 0 (lower) not present, de
ting to ODD
[ 11:51:54 ] [ Config ] Option <sid> for device 0 (lower) not present, no st
sids added to filter
[ 11:51:54 ] [ Config ] /dev/sci0 ECM priority: round
[ 11:51:54 ] [ Config ] Option <autosid> for device 0 (lower) not present, d
lting to NO
[ 11:51:54 ] [ Config ] No SIDFILTER is configured, disabling SidOverride fo
vice 0 (lower)!
[ 11:51:54 ] [ Config ] Option <Seca-PPV> for device 1 (upper) not present,
ulting to NO
[ 11:51:54 ] [ Config ] Option <mhz> for device 1 (upper) not present, defau
g to 357
[ 11:51:54 ] [ Config ] Option <parity> for device 1 (upper) not present, de
ting to ODD
[ 11:51:54 ] [ Config ] Option <sid> for device 1 (upper) not present, no st
sids added to filter
[ 11:51:54 ] [ Config ] /dev/sci1 ECM priority: round
[ 11:51:54 ] [ Config ] Option <autosid> for device 1 (upper) not present, d
lting to NO
[ 11:51:54 ] [ Config ] No SIDFILTER is configured, disabling SidOverride fo
vice 1 (upper)!
[ 11:51:54 ] [ Config ] Option <hostname> or <port> not present for User: du
DISABLING reverse login
[ 11:51:54 ] [ Config ] Option <spider> not present for User: dummy, default
to NO
[ 11:51:54 ] [ Config ] Option <sidoverride> not present for User: dummy, de
ting to OFF
[ 11:51:54 ] [ Config ] Option <readers> not present for User: dummy, NO rea
control enabled
[ 11:51:54 ] [ Config ] Option <hostname> or <port> not present for User: Us
DISABLING reverse login
[ 11:51:54 ] [ Config ] Option <spider> not present for User: User1, default
to NO
[ 11:51:54 ] [ Config ] Option <sidoverride> not present for User: User1, de
ting to OFF
[ 11:51:54 ] [ Config ] Option <readers> not present for User: User1, NO rea
control enabled
[ 11:51:54 ] [ EMM Cache ] Initialising Cache with 10 entries
[ 11:51:54 ] [ ECM Cache ] Initialising dynamic Cache
[ NewCS ] Process ID is: 648
[ 11:51:54 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 5 on node /dev/sci0
[ 11:51:54 ] [ Sci ] Opening device /dev/sci0
[ 11:51:54 ] [ Sci ] CARD_DETECT for sci returned 1
./mgc [ 11:52:07 ] [ Loader ] Reset failed ...
[ 11:52:07 ] [ Loader ] Starting Newcamd Server on port 10001
[ 11:52:07 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 5 on node /dev/sci1
[ 11:52:07 ] [ Sci ] Opening device /dev/sci1
[ 11:52:07 ] [ Sci ] CARD_DETECT for sci returned 1

[ 11:52:21 ] [ Loader ] Reset failed ...
[ 11:52:21 ] [ Loader ] Starting Newcamd Server on port 10000
[ 11:52:21 ] [ NewCS ] Ready to GO! :)
/var/emu # ./mgcamd
tuxbox mgcamd by mixvt Mar 22 2006 13:07:20 (v1.00pre10)
[mg] Net:3:7:0:10s Show ecm:1, emm:1 Up:1 Au:2 Dir:0 Osd:no:3 Cache:7 Log:2:
168.1.10:28007 Reread:0
[mg] Ecm cache time: 15
Box type: relook
AutoRoll.Key: No such file or directory
Conax.Key: No such file or directory
/var/emu # [config] newcamd route = User1:
[config] newcamd route = User1:
newcamd keep alive: 0, incoming port: 0
[newcamd] Connecting to
[newcamd] Connecting to
[ 11:52:21 ] [ Newcamd:10001 ] User User1 logged in, client: Mgcamd
[ 11:52:21 ] [ Newcamd:10001 ] Connection from User1 to not-ready server!
[ 11:52:21 ] [ Newcamd:10000 ] User User1 logged in, client: Mgcamd
[ 11:52:21 ] [ Newcamd:10000 ] Connection from User1 to not-ready server!
[newcamd] Login to as User1 failed (11ms)
[newcamd] Login to as User1 failed (2ms)
[mg0] service 226B index 0 pmt pid 0, pids: 2:0x00AA 4:0x0078
ECM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x06AE ProvID: 000089
ECM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x06AF ProvID: 000080
ECM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x06B0 ProvID: 000084
[mg0] RSA keys not found for id 89
[mg0] network can't decode
[mg0] pid 0x06AE failed to decode.
[mg0] RSA keys not found for id 80
[mg0] network can't decode
[mg0] pid 0x06AF failed to decode.
[mg0] RSA keys not found for id 84
[mg0] network can't decode
[mg0] pid 0x06B0 failed to decode.
[mgcam] emm thread started
EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C1 ProvID: 000000
EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C2 ProvID: 000084
EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C4 ProvID: 000081
EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C5 ProvID: 000080
EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C7 ProvID: 000088
EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C8 ProvID: 000086
EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C3 ProvID: 000085
*EMM: CaID: 0x0500 -> CaPID: 0x0302 ProvID: 000000
*EMM: CaID: 0x0500 -> CaPID: 0x0300 ProvID: 000000
[mg0] RSA keys not found for id 89
[mg0] network can't decode
[mg0] RSA keys not found for id 80
[mg0] network can't decode
[mg0] RSA keys not found for id 84
[mg0] network can't decode
[mg0] RSA keys not found for id 89
[mg0] network can't decode
[mg0] RSA keys not found for id 80
[mg0] network can't decode
[mg0] RSA keys not found for id 84
[mg0] network can't decode
[mg0] RSA keys not found for id 89
[mg0] network can't decode
[mg0] RSA keys not found for id 80
[mg0] network can't decode
[mg0] RSA keys not found for id 84
[mg0] network can't decode
[mg0] RSA keys not found for id 89

Signal 15 received

/var/emu #

09-12-2006, 12:31 AM
can you try the same test with camd3 with and w/o newcs ?

09-12-2006, 12:36 AM
camd3 isn't installed but i'll see if it's just case of installing it without much configuring or compiling etc and i'll let you know. thanks again.

09-12-2006, 12:55 AM
same, no joy with camd3 either.
/var/emu # ./newcs
Reading Config file from /var/tuxbox/config/newcs.xml
TCP-log password is disabled!
level: normal
type: init
output: tcp,console
logger config: level 1 type 3 output 5
tcp port: 3001
[ 12:50:15 ] [ Box detect ] Box type 7
[ 12:50:15 ] [ Config ] Option <Seca-PPV> for device 0 (lower) not prese
ulting to NO
[ 12:50:15 ] [ Config ] Option <mhz> for device 0 (lower) not present, d
g to 357
[ 12:50:15 ] [ Config ] Option <parity> for device 0 (lower) not present
ting to ODD
[ 12:50:15 ] [ Config ] Option <sid> for device 0 (lower) not present, n
sids added to filter
[ 12:50:15 ] [ Config ] /dev/sci0 ECM priority: round
[ 12:50:15 ] [ Config ] Option <autosid> for device 0 (lower) not presen
lting to NO
[ 12:50:15 ] [ Config ] No SIDFILTER is configured, disabling SidOverrid
vice 0 (lower)!
[ 12:50:15 ] [ Config ] Option <Seca-PPV> for device 1 (upper) not prese
ulting to NO
[ 12:50:15 ] [ Config ] Option <mhz> for device 1 (upper) not present, d
g to 357
[ 12:50:15 ] [ Config ] Option <parity> for device 1 (upper) not present
ting to ODD
[ 12:50:15 ] [ Config ] Option <sid> for device 1 (upper) not present, n
sids added to filter
[ 12:50:15 ] [ Config ] /dev/sci1 ECM priority: round
[ 12:50:15 ] [ Config ] Option <autosid> for device 1 (upper) not presen
lting to NO
[ 12:50:15 ] [ Config ] No SIDFILTER is configured, disabling SidOverrid
vice 1 (upper)!
[ 12:50:15 ] [ Config ] Option <hostname> or <port> not present for User
DISABLING reverse login
[ 12:50:15 ] [ Config ] Option <spider> not present for User: dummy, def
to NO
[ 12:50:15 ] [ Config ] Option <sidoverride> not present for User: dummy
ting to OFF
[ 12:50:15 ] [ Config ] Option <readers> not present for User: dummy, NO
control enabled
[ 12:50:15 ] [ Config ] Option <hostname> or <port> not present for User
DISABLING reverse login
[ 12:50:15 ] [ Config ] Option <spider> not present for User: User1, def
to NO
[ 12:50:15 ] [ Config ] Option <sidoverride> not present for User: User1
ting to OFF
[ 12:50:15 ] [ Config ] Option <readers> not present for User: User1, NO
control enabled
[ 12:50:15 ] [ EMM Cache ] Initialising Cache with 10 entries
[ 12:50:15 ] [ ECM Cache ] Initialising dynamic Cache
[ NewCS ] Process ID is: 1011
[ 12:50:15 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 5 on node /dev/sci0
[ 12:50:15 ] [ Sci ] Opening device /dev/sci0
[ 12:50:15 ] [ Sci ] CARD_DETECT for sci returned 1
[ 12:50:29 ] [ Loader ] Reset failed ...
[ 12:50:29 ] [ Loader ] Starting Newcamd Server on port 10001
[ 12:50:29 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 5 on node /dev/sci1
[ 12:50:29 ] [ Sci ] Opening device /dev/sci1
[ 12:50:29 ] [ Sci ] CARD_DETECT for sci returned 1
[ 12:50:42 ] [ Loader ] Reset failed ...
[ 12:50:42 ] [ Loader ] Starting Newcamd Server on port 10000
[ 12:50:42 ] [ NewCS ] Ready to GO! :)
/var/emu # ./camd3 -vd
09.12.2006 12:50:47 camd3: -vd No such file or directory
/var/emu # 09.12.2006 12:50:47 camd3: BOXTYPE: 2
09.12.2006 12:50:47 camd3: LOG: 2
09.12.2006 12:50:47 camd3: UDP_PORT: 20248
09.12.2006 12:50:47 camd3: HTTP_PORT: 9080
09.12.2006 12:50:47 camd3: DNS_CACHE: 600 sec
09.12.2006 12:50:47 camd3: SOCKET: /tmp/camd.socket
09.12.2006 12:50:47 camd3: KEYS: /var/keys/camd3.keys
09.12.2006 12:50:47 camd3: SERVERS: /var/keys/camd3.servers
09.12.2006 12:50:47 camd3: USERS: /var/keys/camd3.users
09.12.2006 12:50:47 camd3: /var/keys/camd3.servers No such file or direc
09.12.2006 12:50:47 camd3: /var/keys/camd3.users No such file or directo
09.12.2006 12:50:47 camd3: /var/keys/camd3.keys No such file or director
09.12.2006 12:50:47 camd3: KeyDB: started
09.12.2006 12:50:47 camd3: net start
09.12.2006 12:50:47 camd3: HTTP: started on port 9080
09.12.2006 12:50:47 camd3: camd v3.880p - erfolgreich gestartet
09.12.2006 12:50:56 camd3: start ecm pid 0708 caid 0100 ident 000089
09.12.2006 12:50:56 camd3: start ecm pid 0709 caid 0100 ident 000080
09.12.2006 12:50:56 camd3: start ecm pid 070a caid 0100 ident 000084
09.12.2006 12:50:56 camd3: KeyDB: not found 0100:000089:0000000000:000E
09.12.2006 12:50:56 camd3: IPC 02 -> 0100:000089:20DA:0708 0.016646s
09.12.2006 12:50:56 camd3: KeyDB: not found 0100:000080:0000000000:000C
09.12.2006 12:50:56 camd3: IPC 02 -> 0100:000080:20DA:0709 0.016905s
09.12.2006 12:50:57 camd3: KeyDB: not found 0100:000084:0000000000:000C
09.12.2006 12:50:57 camd3: IPC 02 -> 0100:000084:20DA:070A 0.016672s
09.12.2006 12:50:58 camd3: KeyDB: not found 0100:000089:0000000000:000E
09.12.2006 12:50:58 camd3: IPC 02 -> 0100:000089:20DA:0708 0.015978s
09.12.2006 12:50:58 camd3: KeyDB: not found 0100:000080:0000000000:000C
09.12.2006 12:50:58 camd3: IPC 02 -> 0100:000080:20DA:0709 0.017114s
09.12.2006 12:50:58 camd3: KeyDB: not found 0100:000084:0000000000:000C
09.12.2006 12:50:58 camd3: IPC 02 -> 0100:000084:20DA:070A 0.016675s
09.12.2006 12:51:08 camd3: KeyDB: not found 0100:000089:0000000000:000E
09.12.2006 12:51:08 camd3: IPC 02 -> 0100:000089:20DA:0708 0.016822s
09.12.2006 12:51:08 camd3: KeyDB: not found 0100:000084:0000000000:000C
09.12.2006 12:51:08 camd3: IPC 02 -> 0100:000084:20DA:070A 0.016703s
09.12.2006 12:51:08 camd3: KeyDB: not found 0100:000080:0000000000:000C
09.12.2006 12:51:08 camd3: IPC 02 -> 0100:000080:20DA:0709 0.017127s
09.12.2006 12:51:18 camd3: KeyDB: not found 0100:000089:0000000000:000E
09.12.2006 12:51:18 camd3: IPC 02 -> 0100:000089:20DA:0708 0.016559s
09.12.2006 12:51:18 camd3: KeyDB: not found 0100:000080:0000000000:000C
09.12.2006 12:51:18 camd3: IPC 02 -> 0100:000080:20DA:0709 0.016957s


09-12-2006, 01:09 AM
disable this

SLOT=localhost:4:1:1:1:22222:dumm y:dummy:01020304............

and enable this

#SLOT=/dev/sci0:2:1:1:1:999:slotunten....... ......

by replacing the "#" and run the card without newcs .

09-12-2006, 01:22 AM
what you can see from your logs is that the ident is recognized
by newcs ONLY when the 006a file is on the card .
newcs is therefor a no go , but some emus that read
cards without an external server might work , thats your
best shot to try them all .
camd3 can read the card either by itself or under the newcamd protocol
depending on your config settings .

09-12-2006, 01:27 AM
my camd3.cfg file only contains the line:

it doesn't contain any other options unfortunately and nothing is hashed out.

09-12-2006, 01:30 AM
this is why the dutch file works fine ,

"[ 11:07:18 ] [ Keyman ] Adding key 0 type 1 on Provider 6A for caid 0100 ID=1"

09-12-2006, 01:33 AM
thanks dude. but sadly for me i still don't get it why newcs isn't working for c+FR file?
nothing to do with "card reset failed" ? - scrap that. i can see it says the same when it's working with NL+ file without causing problems.

09-12-2006, 01:35 AM
it's a pirate card :) thats why , they are not perfect

09-12-2006, 01:39 AM
so you don't see a fix?
as i said i did test this file and card with my aston cam in my humax (going to be given to my dad) and it worked fine.

would a new file perhaps work in the future? or is my configuration f88ked?

09-12-2006, 01:43 AM
only thing you can do is try every single emu out there and hope
for the best - have you tried gbox and scam ?

nothing else you can do unless the author improves the card files .

09-12-2006, 01:43 AM
evocamd is giving much the same complaints:
/var/emu # ./evocamd -d
Connection to failed with error -2, TCP/IP Port:10000
Connection to failed with error -2, TCP/IP Port:10001
Autoupdate.Key: No such file or directory
Keylist.txt: No such file or directory
WARNING, No key file!
================================= ===========================
(compiled Mar 7 2006 09:51:48)
styled by TBT Team, Next Level version 2.04(dream-dbox2-Triple Dragon-re
================================= ===========================
[evocamd] Process id 1162
/var/emu # service 20DA index 0 Sec len 179 Info len 0 ...
, pids: 0x00A9|== ECM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x0708 ProvID: 000089 ==|
|== ECM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x0709 ProvID: 000080 ==|
|== ECM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x070A ProvID: 000084 ==|
[camd] try decoding...
[ newcamd ] No Network support for CaId 100 ProvID 89 found...
Missing or wrong key
Try caID: 100 ecm: 709
[ newcamd ] No Network support for CaId 100 ProvID 80 found...
Missing or wrong key
Try caID: 100 ecm: 70a
[ newcamd ] No Network support for CaId 100 ProvID 84 found...
Missing or wrong key
[camd] EMM thread started for :
|== EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C2 ProvID: 000084 ==|
|== EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C4 ProvID: 000081 ==|
|== EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C5 ProvID: 000080 ==|
|== EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C7 ProvID: 000088 ==|
|== EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C8 ProvID: 000086 ==|
|== EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C3 ProvID: 000085 ==|
|== EMM: CaID: 0x0500 -> CaPID: 0x0302 ProvID: 000000 ==|
|== EMM: CaID: 0x0500 -> CaPID: 0x0300 ProvID: 000000 ==|
/var/emu # Can't decode
Try caID: 100 ecm: 70a
Missing or wrong key
service 226B index 0 Sec len 16E Info len 3 ...
, pids: 0x00AA|== ECM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x06AE ProvID: 000089 ==|
|== ECM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x06AF ProvID: 000080 ==|
|== ECM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x06B0 ProvID: 000084 ==|
[camd] try decoding...
[ newcamd ] No Network support for CaId 100 ProvID 89 found...
Missing or wrong key
Try caID: 100 ecm: 6af
[ newcamd ] No Network support for CaId 100 ProvID 80 found...
Missing or wrong key
Try caID: 100 ecm: 6b0
[ newcamd ] No Network support for CaId 100 ProvID 84 found...
Missing or wrong key
[camd] EMM thread started for :
|== EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C2 ProvID: 000084 ==|
|== EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C4 ProvID: 000081 ==|
|== EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C5 ProvID: 000080 ==|
|== EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C7 ProvID: 000088 ==|
|== EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C8 ProvID: 000086 ==|
|== EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C3 ProvID: 000085 ==|
|== EMM: CaID: 0x0500 -> CaPID: 0x0302 ProvID: 000000 ==|
|== EMM: CaID: 0x0500 -> CaPID: 0x0300 ProvID: 000000 ==|
service 20DD index 0 Sec len 17C Info len 3 ...
, pids: 0x00A0|== ECM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x06C2 ProvID: 000089 ==|
|== ECM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x06C3 ProvID: 000080 ==|
|== ECM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x06C4 ProvID: 000084 ==|
[camd] try decoding...
[ newcamd ] No Network support for CaId 100 ProvID 89 found...
Missing or wrong key
Try caID: 100 ecm: 6c3
[ newcamd ] No Network support for CaId 100 ProvID 80 found...
Missing or wrong key
Try caID: 100 ecm: 6c4
[ newcamd ] No Network support for CaId 100 ProvID 84 found...
Missing or wrong key
[camd] EMM thread started for :
|== EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C2 ProvID: 000084 ==|
|== EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C4 ProvID: 000081 ==|
|== EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C5 ProvID: 000080 ==|
|== EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C7 ProvID: 000088 ==|
|== EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C8 ProvID: 000086 ==|
|== EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C3 ProvID: 000085 ==|
|== EMM: CaID: 0x0500 -> CaPID: 0x0302 ProvID: 000000 ==|
|== EMM: CaID: 0x0500 -> CaPID: 0x0300 ProvID: 000000 ==|:redface: :redface:

09-12-2006, 01:45 AM
sorry we're out of sync. thanks again mate for all your trouble. last thing, does my setup look ok to you?

and over and out.

PS thank you again.

09-12-2006, 01:46 AM
i know evo is just a client and fails to connect to your card on newcs .

gbox , scam and camd3 are all in one and your best shot .

good night and good luck

09-12-2006, 01:56 AM
:( bbbbyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee(falli ng through a black hole of emu fear).

12-12-2006, 12:05 AM
right have used all emu's and combinations with cservers but no luck.
i have "card init fail" using CCcam and this worries me. (doesn't do that with the NL+ file)

mgcamd gives:
[mg0] RSA keys not found for id 89
[mg0] network can't decode
[mg0] pid 0x0690 failed to decode.
[mg0] RSA keys not found for id 80
[mg0] network can't decode
[mg0] pid 0x0691 failed to decode.
[mg0] RSA keys not found for id 84
[mg0] network can't decode
[mg0] pid 0x0692 failed to decode.
[mgcam] emm thread started
EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C1 ProvID: 000000
EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C2 ProvID: 000084
EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C4 ProvID: 000081
EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C5 ProvID: 000080
EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C7 ProvID: 000088
EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C8 ProvID: 000086
EMM: CaID: 0x0100 -> CaPID: 0x00C3 ProvID: 000085
*EMM: CaID: 0x0500 -> CaPID: 0x0302 ProvID: 000000
*EMM: CaID: 0x0500 -> CaPID: 0x0300 ProvID: 000000

Weird. anyone else know what card init fail errors may sometimes stem from. the card, emus and files are working but not the not with the C+fr file.

12-12-2006, 11:13 AM
ask in the dreambox/k3 section , not many people with a k3 card
might read here .
anyway mgcamd is a client just as evocamd , it doesn't read
cards on it's own so this log is pointless , when newcs fails to init the card .
maybe someone has tried to run the card with gbox , scam , camd3
properly w/o newcs , i can't see any of these tests in your outputs .

12-12-2006, 01:17 PM
cheers raul.
the log WAS with newcs - and seems to work as it should with both files. i am getting my head round some of this now - thanks to you and others.
thanks again mate.

12-12-2006, 01:27 PM
what do you mean , is newcs initializing your french file now ?
your outputs point differently .
"w/o" should read without newcs , the emus i mentioned do not need
an external cardserver like newcs , as they handle the card by themselves .

12-12-2006, 02:53 PM
you're thinking i'm not understanding you. it's probably my fault as i can write in quite a manic way.
ok...to clear up....
i do know w/o means without.
i do know what newcs does.
i do know what emu's like mgcamd and evocam do and that they need a server like newcs to run with. And i know there are others that are softcams like camd3 and gbox that do all the magic themselves.
and yes my k3 has always worked with gbox, Camd3, CCcam, mgcamd et al and their various partnerships or by them selves with the NL+ Dec file.

I can't get the C+Fr file working with any combo.
Newcs always started up fine (and the startup output was the same too) with both files - so i presumed newcs was not to blame and that it is working as it should with both files.

werd and thanks again mate,

12-12-2006, 03:16 PM
hopefully someone will find a way to get the card going .
there are many options in config files to experiment with and the
phoenix interface is one option as well .
i'd love to try these things out , unfortunately i do not have the card .
i do know though that pirate cards have failed before to work although
they have worked fine in CI-cams, but someone has always found a way
kick them in with a particular server/emu .