View Full Version : Diseqc Motor limit setting help.....

02-12-2006, 03:58 PM

I have a 5400z with latest TOH 3.4-7.7, the problem i have is i have just gone through setting all my satellites positions up :frown: (lost all positions for some reason).
When i got to 30w setup i noticed the dish was going on to 55w and only about 10mm of the house wall so in the satellite positioning page i noticed the motor limit setting (press red button) so i disabled the motor setting and moved the dish to 35w as i dont use any beyond that and setup the west setting then OK.
Now i am stuck between 35w and 55w know matter what i try i cant get the dish past 35w.
The motor is a Manhattan diseqc 1.2 ( i did notice a while back i couldnt get over to 42e, might help)
Any help much appreciated :mad:


voith driver
02-12-2006, 11:32 PM
hi jaluka,
i would suggest that you switch limit setting to disabled just waggle the dish about to check everything is ok, then reset both east and west again.
hope this helps

03-12-2006, 10:59 AM
Thanks for the input Voith but the problem i have is when i set the setting to disables and try to adjust east it will not go past the 35w mark but the west setting will still go to 55w.
So i am now stuck between these settings, if i reset west and press ok to confirm it will still go as far as 55w even if i store it at 40w.
Would a spring clean help? if so what order would i have to perform the tasks?



voith driver
03-12-2006, 12:01 PM
hi jaluka,
i do not think a springclean would help in this, however it would not harm, but when you test it after turning the limits to disable, are you using the limit movement, or are you using the search,
what i mean is turn to disable then come out of that page, and then try to move the dish using the sat search menu, but needless to say watch the dish to make sure it does not get to close to the wall.

the springclean txt is up in the help stickie, but i would not try that just yet

but you could do the restore preset position section

03-12-2006, 05:09 PM
Voith i was using the movement option in the motor limit settingpage after disabled was chosen but this will not go past 30w.
I tried what you said selected disabled in the limit settingand then came out of that page using the exitbutton and the ok button ( not sure which button was the correct one) and i still cant get the motor to go past 30w.
I had the diseqc command mode on installer, motor controlon search and tried to position the dish choosing the east on the movement line, west will go as far as 55w.
I tried the reset in motor controland accepted the recalculation, still no change.
When i went back into the motor limit settingthe limit settingwas enabled again, is that correct?

thanks for your time voith

p.s what is the restore preset position thing?


voith driver
04-12-2006, 10:25 PM
hi jaluka,
the restore preset, is in the text of the springclean procedure in the help section, and it resets the sat positions to out of the box state, after doing this you will need to search and store your sats again. though reading your post you have already done this.

and i am sorry, i was working from memory about the limits and you are correct the limits will enable themselves after exiting the page.

how exactly are you getting your angle from, as you do not see it on screen, and i know you already know this but left is East and right is west.

just to remind you to the procedure.

setting west limit

go to the furthest west sat required

then work you way to satellite settings

in satellite setting press red

toggle limit setting to disabled

movement press right then immediately press ok (this will give you about 2 degrees depending on how fast your reactions are)

then go to store west limit

press ok

it will change to limit enabled


then repeat for the east limit

but i am sorry, i can not think of anything else for you to work on.i realise you know the above, but it might be of use for someone else.


05-12-2006, 02:49 PM
I will go through it all again Voith, i will try all i have to go on :confused:



08-12-2006, 07:24 PM
I have reset the box to factory default (red bar now instead of blue) would this have elliminated any issues the box would have had on the movement of my motor?
No matter what i do i cannot get the motor to go past 30w so would it be that the motor itself is at fault? :frown:

Can anyone recommend a motor?


voith driver
08-12-2006, 07:55 PM
hi jaluka,
i am beginning to think there can only be a problem at the motor, if you cannot reset the limit in anyway, but i do not know the manhatten so do not know if there is any hardware method to check the limits at the mount.

but i suppose there is a chance that summat has gorn rong up there, if there was any chance that it actually hit the wall in the first instance

sorry i can not help

08-12-2006, 09:31 PM
I am going to have a look around if i can reset the motor in anyway,looks like a new motor then, :rolleyes: just thought what my missus can get me for xmas :D

thanks voith


10-12-2006, 03:00 PM
:D I have finally got it sorted, before i renewed the motor i thought i would try my mates dreambox to try and send the motor back to zero degrees as this recalculates the motor (so the book said) and it did move with the dreambox and when i connected my Humax i had full control again :D

So if you get this sort of problem try moving the motor with another receiver before anything else.

Thanks for your help


voith driver
10-12-2006, 06:58 PM
hi jaluka,
well done m8, if you can't sort it one way, look for another,