View Full Version : How to enter BISS keys to RevGold4.0

02-12-2006, 06:46 PM
*Press twice i button to get SID and 2 last byte of PMT and PCR;
Example: FOX tv Serbia SID:377D PMT:A4 PCR:A5
**Now You need keys;
Example: FOX tv Serbia:************

1)switch to one of BISS channels(like FOX tv Serbia)
2)go to the keys menu by pressing:
(Button 0 + Menu Button)>Key Editor Menu>BISS & DCW
3) press OK button
4)now you have to enter first SID(377D) then 2 last byte of PMT(A4) then 2 last byte of PCR(A5) and then the right keys(************) and after all enter FFFF.(I have to mentioned the keys I've wrote in above is only for FOX tv Serbia for other channels you have to change the digits)
You have to see the picture.
enjoy/thanx MAHDI/HSH

Key Editor buttons

0 = 0 Button
1 = 1 Button
2 = 2 Button
3 = 3 Button
4 = 4 Button
5 = 5 Button
6 = 6 Button
7 = 7 Button
8 = 8 Button
9 = 9 Button
A = PG+ Button
B = PG- Button
C = GREEN Button
D = YELLOW Button
E = BLUE Button
F = RED Button
Del = LAST Button

04-12-2006, 04:42 PM
eg/monthly rai updates ,

type 00300cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
type 00300dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

once you typed in the last byte the picture will clear if the key is valid .