View Full Version : is echostar Deed???

04-12-2006, 02:08 AM
Come on were are yuz??? done a Factory reset tonite!!! got rid off a lot of crap doubles Etc' so many channels & Fec all on! i know for a fact that there is a main member out there still with 1, so come on let us get rid of the dead chans & keep whats still Alive:rolleyes:

04-12-2006, 09:17 AM
Just look at lyngsatdotcom or satcodxdotcom or *********dotnet and you will find all channels that are alive. ;)

04-12-2006, 09:35 PM
But only trans numbers & positions:confused: Dont tell me what still works for my echostar:eek:

05-12-2006, 05:55 PM
But only trans numbers & positions :confused: Dont tell me what still works for my echostar :eek:

What are u looking for then?
When u check the sites u'll find all available chains at the different positions. This transponders are active and theoretically u can have them in your receiver, all depends of your installation and geo position :D

06-12-2006, 10:00 AM
and if you have the right 'stuff' to decode what you are looking at - if not, u will be seeing nowt but fta channels

06-12-2006, 10:24 AM
The latest available (not necessarily up-to-date) downloads with transponder lists etc are available from (you don't state the model number)**

Other than that it's a case of manually deleting transponders/channels and entering current data, but as has been said with the right decoding equipment there's no reason that your Echostar shouldn't get most of what's available

** Correction - I see by checking another of your postings that you have
EchoStar 2110 vi, Motorised 1.2 metre dish, Dragon Cam, Conax Cam, Art card & Latest Pred,

06-12-2006, 02:38 PM
For all Replys! Bin To - h**p://www.echostar-int.com/indexie3.htm & got latest 900, in the same boat as a lot of older receivers me thinks, its just that some preds i have got work & some wipe out what i already had:confused: - EchoStar 2110 vi, Motorised 1.2 metre dish, Dragon Cam, Conex Cam, Art card. & Latest Pred,