View Full Version : What a bas*ard of a job

05-12-2006, 09:17 PM
Puttin a dish up is.
I put mine up about 5 years ago and its never gone out of alignment or required adjustment. The wind blew it right around the pole the other day and I just can't get it right now. Just spent an hour on the roof and got it roughly at 1w but its still not quite right. Too cold and windy to continue!

09-12-2006, 08:16 AM
just switched mine on , nothing coming on the tele .started by deleting all settings and starting all over again , managing to get 39e and 42e but nothing else (i`m ok for the footie :) )
does it sound like it needs realigning ? (bloody wind)

12-12-2006, 02:05 PM
My dish went out of alignment too with all the buffeting. I used liquid bumpons which are available from the RNIB last year to mark the three positionings needed to Align my H to H mount at the optimal position. They seem to be weather resistant and are day glow orange. It took a second to see what had shifted and minutes to adjust the dish back again. I would certainly recommend them as a real time saver.