View Full Version : 9500 VIACI..After 7 Months Re-Born...

06-12-2006, 10:21 PM
Hi Guys..
I see we have a really Party going on here..I would like to join in if I may..

GORAN nice to see you back after SOoooooooooo LonGGGGGGGGGG:D
Long time NO Hear Buddy..:D

Before I start let me explain my situation..
Had the 124 Tuner go on me..replaced it with a 136B..
took out a Resistor as per the Guys who supplied the Tuner for me..
Now it will NOT Scan certain Transponders..ie Astra 19°E 11798 Hor 27500
NO matter what I do...with a Auto Scan I get exactly 369 Channels on Astra
702 on Hotbird..thats it..
We experimented with it and tried to make a connection again where the Resistor was...
this killed the STB again..So we were are SURE that the removal of this was OK.
Any Solutions Pls...?
I now have Loader Version:501
Main S/W Version 100 Multicas
Hardware Version 504

I tried the New S/W RevGold4.1..on my previous Main S/W Version118 and this killed my Sammy..
So with a friend we Jtagged it and put the S/W mentioned above back in..
took a couple of tries but we were successfull...

Now I have a couple of Q's
Could someone Pls Post a How to Do.. for Loading Settings with a complete Transponder List..
and Pls tell me which Editor to use..?

Secondly ..Do I have to use the Hyper Terminal to Load S/W Versions..?
I hate this thing...just Hate it..cannot ever get it to work properly or can I use something else and What..?

Thirdly Can I Load the new S/W RevGold4.1 straight onto any Old Version..?
As I understand from reading here the RevGold4.0 is a killer for the Loader501 but NOT the RevGold4.1..
this has been fixed and is Safe for the Loader501...?

I cannot for the love of me get the Settings into the STB
driving me bonkers..!!!
I can JTAG the STB but cannot get it to take the Settings on Board..

Fouthly Does the new S/W RevGold4.1 contain a complete Updated Transponder List..?
I have Read the sticky at the Top with the Tutorials posted by you Goran Buddy.TKS..a Great Help.

On Top of ALL this I had a PC Crash and lost ALL my Data and my Folders with ALL my Sammy stuff.
So have had to Start ALL over again searching for Tools,Tutorials ..How to's.. etc...
So Pls dont be too Hard on me..

So you can see I have had a hard few Months.
But hope to get back on Track with your Help Guys..
Thank You,much Apprec any Help.

07-12-2006, 01:14 AM
'Ello, m8!

Thanx for the welcome back, as it were!!;)

The thing to do is start from scratch.

Since you have the 501 Loader load Emu Gold 4.0, NOT 4.1, which looses the keys, it seems... Version 4 is a killer for Loader 500 only.

The obvious stuff but better said, I guess: the next thing to do is to make sure your LNB is OK, the settings in your Sammy must be as they should be. I mean the frequency range [9750 - 12800 or so] etc. I have just noted that the Gold 1 in my setting [Curino's + my additional manual searches, transponder by transponder] has the upper limit at only 10600. So, that might be a problem.

From our friend Cuorino there is a good setting/channels list about, but make sure you rescan the channels you do not see, as some are simply not gonna be seen unless you do it. He made it by importing the satellites via *********, you see, so inevitably some will be not 100% correct.

With previous FW's there were issues with some transponders, as we all know [118 in particular, on Astra]. Those are gone, to my knowledge, with the new EMU, based on FW 133.

Not all the transponders are included in Sammy FW, by the way, so you must do it manually. Even if you go for the Network search it won't find everything.

Anything I've forgotten?

Good luck, m8!!

07-12-2006, 07:26 AM
Just to addL:

goran has done a useful "how to" in post 9 (link below)


Use DSR studio 1.0 which you should find in rev_gold_4.0 file and select FW loader tab........use this instead of hyperterminal/semcoeditor

For channel settings use setedits9500 or semco2

For ram.bin open DSR studio and select the Ram editor tab

07-12-2006, 10:40 AM
@ goran
@ McDude
Thanky Guys..
Have read the Tutorials and yes have followed all the Brilliant...
How to's..to the Word
OK Update:.
Have managed to Load the RV4.1 ..using the DSR Mahdi Editor V1.0
NOW I have "Loader Vers 501".."Main S/W 133".. "Hardware Vers 504"
Loaded the Ram bin using the same DSR Mahdi Editor V1.0..
Deleted ALL the Channels did a Manual Scan on Astra and Bingo 769 Channels found..
everything I was missing before IS back..Thank's for your Tips.;)
Hotbird is another thing..Manual Scan first Transponder..8 Channles found..
CANNOT get anything else..(used ALL Scan Modes..Auto/Manual/Network search..ALL.)
Signal IS present ..the Signal Bar shows nice and strong..Scans and tells me
TV Programmes - 0 Radio Programmes - 0 ......found..!!
The same on ALL Hotbird Transponders..
Tried to use the Semco EditorV2.0 and V2.04 and the SetEdit9500 to write Settings
but keep getting "communication error" or "wrong answer from STB"..messages.
Have even tried to convert > 1.25 but still the same error messages..
If I write my Old Settings into STB it Loads/Writes but all the Channels are Black even FTA.
(even when I change the LNB Upper Low to 12800)
OK I will try to Load the RV Gold V4.0 and see what happens..

You Guys are Great Thanks for your Support..
It would be a shame to BIN my Sammy or put it in the Attic..cos I luv my Sammy.:)
But after going thru so much trouble with the Tuner I will Persevere and Fx this little bugger..:D

07-12-2006, 12:53 PM
OK Guys..
I decide to leave the RV Gold V4.1 in the Box for the time being.
Have moved to another Stage..
Loaded "Curino's"..Settings List using both SetEdit and Semco both work..:)
Thanks for this list Buddy.
Now ALL the Transponders are back and I can Edit the List as I like..
Writing and Reading TO and FROM STB is working perfectly..TKS
So seems as if I have cracked the system and the S/W Updates..TKS GUYS
Your great Support,Tips and Help;)
Am I missing anything as far as the EMU is concerned..
Cos none of the Scrambled Channels are clearing..!:rolleyes:
Do I have to Start/Initiate the EMU..?
what are the Secrets of this S/W now..?

07-12-2006, 01:39 PM
hit 0+menu and look if the emu is enabled .
if yes go to the key editor and look if key for the channel
you're trying to clear is present .
if yes , make sure you are on the right caid for that channel ,
auto/manual caid can be selected from the same 0+menu .

07-12-2006, 02:26 PM
hit 0+menu and look if the emu is enabled .
if yes go to the key editor and look if key for the channel
you're trying to clear is present .
if yes , make sure you are on the right caid for that channel ,
auto/manual caid can be selected from the same 0+menu .

@ raul
Thank You Buddy.

I think I am really on my way NOW..
A couple of solutions and I am DONE/READY and UP and RUNNING..:D

Great Picture and Sound just like the OLD Days..

Thank You Guys....much Apprec..;)
GREAT Team here..

07-12-2006, 09:31 PM
Great to here you got it sorted in the end.....well done

By the way, i know there's not much on now anyway, but if you find that a scrambled channel has for some unknown reason gone black, then a few of us have suffered this "phenomenon" with v4.1 and have gone back to using v4.0

07-12-2006, 10:29 PM
Great to here you got it sorted in the end.....well done
By the way, i know there's not much on now anyway, but if you find that a scrambled channel has for some unknown reason gone black, then a few of us have suffered this "phenomenon" with v4.1 and have gone back to using v4.0

Yes back up and running TKS again you are a pleasure to work with..:)
when I have everything sorted with my Settings.
then maybe I will go back to the V4.0 and try it.
It wont make any difficulties with the Re-Loading of my Settings will it..?

08-12-2006, 05:05 AM
No you shouldn't have any problems with channel settings if you go back from v4.1 to 4.0

I backed up my settings, did a factory default/reset, loaded v4.0 and re-installed settings. All worked fine. I guess you don't even need to do a factory reset anyway because you're basically re-installing the same EMU.

But as you know sometimes the sammy has a mind of it's own, so what works for me may not necessarily work for you although there's no apparent reason :eek: :D

You should be fine anyway m8. You seem to have got the hang of it now ;)

08-12-2006, 05:36 PM
Great Thanks..
away on business for a few Days 2morrow ..
so will try when I get back..

19-12-2006, 01:39 AM
did you get my latest channel list before Papagen went down