View Full Version : Has Digitalb been hacked?

08-12-2006, 07:56 PM
Been surfin the good old interweb and from what I've read it seemed that Digitalb was open over night. I even found a Predator file for Dragon Cams. Does anyone know if this has been hacked or was it purely a 1 off?

08-12-2006, 08:27 PM
yes they were workin on cw untill from yesterday to today but theyre gone now!

08-12-2006, 09:01 PM
.... but the answer to his question on thread tiltle is NO !

this provider had technical problems where the cw generator was stuck .
this can be used on various gears , but as you noticed it lasted for
a very short period . cw's are normaly sent every 5 to 15 seconds and only
original cards can cope with that .

08-12-2006, 09:05 PM
Cheers chaps. Thought it was to good to be true. Lets hope the 1deg West rumours come to fruition....hhhmmm

09-12-2006, 04:18 AM
cw was around thusday night,
1.w would be nice just like the old days

09-12-2006, 05:16 PM
Its also the same reason ***view etc appears every now and again, the irony is that when we get it those who have the original card dont

11-12-2006, 05:54 PM
hacking a package like digi alb would not be good news for our sponsours at all.

id like a package hacked that wouldnt affect the people we so heavily rely on

11-12-2006, 06:32 PM
hope it hasnt been hacked,as if its not cheap enuff to buy a card

11-12-2006, 09:29 PM
seem to remember price has doubled and a lot of paid for matches not shown. short memory boys. £150 last year. £270 to renew. i hope its hacked.

11-12-2006, 09:34 PM
i dont even watch football its still cheap for a movie package alone

12-12-2006, 12:19 AM
i wish they will be :D

why not , the picture quality has been a mess lately

the signal a very poor one ,

prise rised and is almost doubled naw

many EPL games are not showen at all,

so yeah , i will not mind to gett it as for free naw :D



13-12-2006, 10:29 PM
Any package seems like fair game to me,we'd be hypocrites otherwise.

13-12-2006, 10:32 PM
I love digit alb ... one of my fav packages , but like the above post we would be hypocrites to say you would not like to see it hacked ...


25-12-2006, 10:36 PM
seem to remember price has doubled and a lot of paid for matches not shown. short memory boys. £150 last year. £270 to renew. i hope its hacked.

mate be more constructive and honest..

The packege has 33 channels and more them more sport ,Now everyone has two choise 1.Sport packege 2.Full packege and for them like more they buy both both packege is choise is well .Becouse all this kind of sport footy with Great movie and with nice channels like discovery ,natio**** geografic explorers and a lot fo others for Kids Junior and bangbank and cufo now its really the best family packege without forgeting the adult channls is well.

25-12-2006, 11:28 PM
Hi guys,
Its not worth the money, now they have seperate sport and movies/sport, pricing themselves out of it, such a shame if we lose art for the premier league, i would only buy digitalb if the prises came down.

26-12-2006, 12:15 AM
Hi guys,
Its not worth the money, now they have seperate sport and movies/sport, pricing themselves out of it, such a shame if we lose art for the premier league, i would only buy digitalb if the prises came down.

Digitalb are the 'good guys' - they have provided us with an alternative to the rubbish on sly until very recently at a reasonable price. I fear that if they are hacked they may not have enough subscribers to stay in business.

Other broadcasters are generally bigger and not so much at risk. Also many of those watching their programs cannot subscribe because of the stupid rules we have governing our TV choices in the EU. In these cases the broadcasters are not losing real subscriptions.

The unfortunate thing is that Digitalb sold their sports coverage. It would have been better if they hadn't as many current subscribers won't want to pay £250 when their subscriptions run out for TV plus sport. That price hike is makes them a bigger target ;)

26-12-2006, 05:01 PM
exactly my point teassoc. all very well for darkman to tell us how wonderful , as it contributes to his profit . the truth is the price has been hiked. i dont want personally 24/7 football from spain , italy, germany, albania etc
so for people who already had the package the extra cost covers channels that are of not a lot of interest. the choice is really the same as sly. pay the full price to get all the channels you dont want, or go without what you already had

26-12-2006, 05:31 PM
The name of the game these days is subscribe or go without I for one would subscribe to outer mongolian TV rather than sly UK.

regards painter

27-12-2006, 12:11 PM
The unfortunate thing is that Digitalb sold their sports coverage. It would have been better if they hadn't as many current subscribers won't want to pay £250 when their subscriptions run out for TV plus sport. That price hike
is makes them a bigger target ;)

who did they sold it to ??? did they sold it to Supersport ?
supersport is owned by digitalb company , ( same owner ) they are being
like many pirated firms , to gain more profitt they just change names , but bihind the sceene stands the same person :D

what digitalb did was to make another albanian provider go bankcrupt
they had low prices to make the other competiror wanish , and as soon the SAT + pakege did not mange to stay on the marked anymore , they make an deal with them , and say ( we buy you,r comapny ) as they did , and naw you see what happend , they have doubled the price :mad:

i will not hack this pakege , but i will say hell thank you to them who will do it
just to give Digitalb an lesson ,



27-12-2006, 12:36 PM
Originaly posted by bobi:-
i will not hack this pakege
Read will not as cannot I think bobi m8

regards painter

27-12-2006, 02:58 PM
Originaly posted by bobi:-
Read will not as cannot I think bobi m8

regards painter

yeah damm english, can,t speel/write good :frown:

ok, i wish i could hack it , but i cannot :p



27-12-2006, 03:36 PM
yeah damm english, can,t speel/write good :frown:

ok, i wish i could hack it , but i cannot :p



Did not mean any offence bobi m8 just stating a fact that neither you or the rest of the members (including myself) would be able to hack digitalb if a hack came you can bet it would be from someone selling a new smartcard for an exorbitant price and no guarantee.

regards painter

27-12-2006, 05:42 PM
NP mate, i did not take it as an offence ;)
the opposite way actualy, i think is ok when ppl try to help and make my english better

yeah, im afreid that is it will ever be hacked will most certain be on a ice scraper card :frown:



28-12-2006, 09:07 PM
who did they sold it to ??? did they sold it to Supersport ?
supersport is owned by digitalb company , ( same owner ) they are being
like many pirated firms , to gain more profitt they just change names , but bihind the sceene stands the same person :D

what digitalb did was to make another albanian provider go bankcrupt
they had low prices to make the other competiror wanish , and as soon the SAT + pakege did not mange to stay on the marked anymore , they make an deal with them , and say ( we buy you,r comapny ) as they did , and naw you see what happend , they have doubled the price :mad:

i will not hack this pakege , but i will say hell thank you to them who will do it
just to give Digitalb an lesson ,



You are not able to hacked enyway :D

Dont do statments like if you dont like to hacked:confused:

28-12-2006, 09:17 PM
exactly my point teassoc. all very well for darkman to tell us how wonderful , as it contributes to his profit . the truth is the price has been hiked. i dont want personally 24/7 football from spain , italy, germany, albania etc
so for people who already had the package the extra cost covers channels that are of not a lot of interest. the choice is really the same as sly. pay the full price to get all the channels you dont want, or go without what you already had

Mate thanky "you are contribiuting to my pocked":D This is ridicules!

Camon mate be more serios dont go in personal ...You are FREE TO BUY OR NOT.

This is your choise

If people dont understend only champions legue cost them 1.800.000 euro and italian Spanish and a lot of other sport ,this is do do with your knolege, am trying to help you to understend the situation,but still we are in free country and you have free choise .

29-12-2006, 01:12 AM
You are not able to hacked enyway

Dont do statments like if you dont like to hacked

Yo my friend , if i had the knowledge to do it i will have donne it long time
before , and im saying i do not like to see it hacked :D

and if the digitalb people reads this ( including you ) just so you know
im not afreid off this comany , and will hack them if i could

Darkman , you know very well that some time back i deliverd hex files
( viasat auto updated file ) i was not afried to relise the files at that time
and you remeber very well my files , as i did upload them to you,r forum to :D

naw i have rest my case , have gott few other things to do,

anyway i wish you and you,r family happy new year
and lets be friends for old times sake ;)



31-12-2006, 10:30 PM
Yo my friend , if i had the knowledge to do it i will have donne it long time
before , and im saying i do not like to see it hacked

and if the digitalb people reads this ( including you ) just so you know
im not afreid off this comany , and will hack them if i could

Darkman , you know very well that some time back i deliverd hex files
( viasat auto updated file ) i was not afried to relise the files at that time
and you remeber very well my files , as i did upload them to you,r forum to

naw i have rest my case , have gott few other things to do,

anyway i wish you and you,r family happy new year
and lets be friends for old times sake




But allways i like the truth,actually for that am here.

You deliver some hex files from time of T. D thats true but ,what was yours!?? the files !!??? the keys !? or hex edititor!?? evn you dint know to change in that time HeX to Dec .Camon mate with some usull tols free on the net enyone with litle knonege like yours could do it.

You done eny your files from A dont tell me please:confused:

And again even sometime if keys are free on the net ot CW are free you still could do somethink ,but if they are not publick ,could created!!****and haw¬¬???

Thats mean could you hack the Conax ? the answer is never!! thats the truth.
Now is no other truth in that forum many people was bying even M2 for penta 3, even thouse never even know conax hack, even without not publik files with Penta 1-2-3( becouse after comes to bach and script by M2)

Dont forget when 4-5 years agou i was telling you i have conax and showig to you personally my friend on that forum all channels and even what they was giving by only one season inteface 1 and just Floby Disk kernel Image Linux on eny computer ,after been called LCE22 and LCE22 new been fix from my people.

And for misery of the life when i was going to doit publik been bann (Lol) even from some ignorant they have no idea what i was tokking about:D

Now my friend enyone has the bolls to fook Conax is wellcome.

But i promess you is really hard.

Now you still are my friend and happy new year ,but the thruth lets be truth:D ;) engoy Digitalb by dreambox untill they dont fixit

01-01-2007, 12:06 AM
the point people are making darkman is that the price has risen dramatically in the last 18 months. we know we are free to buy or not. i know you dont work for digitalb directly but receive income from selling cards , cams, receivers etc. otherwise you wouldnt give a toss whether its hacked or not, thats what i was trying to say. its your job/business and we respect that.

we are free to buy d+ C+ tps or any other package on the right sites such as yours ,lee's , or who ever else is selling, or with the right contacts in the country of origin. like sly customers living abroad use addresses in england. we all accept gratefully any hacked channels , that is part of the game. we are saying digitalb is no more (or less) a target for hacking along with rupee or any other providor. if the price becomes too much then like others then its a legitimate target. we just hope it dosnt become unaffordable like some others.
have a great new year and hope all the others at alsat the same. the banter of these sites are what help make the hobby fun (as well as the free viewing )lol

01-01-2007, 03:23 PM
heheheh i must laf naw Darkan my friend ,

i have proff that the files was mine and only mine ,
i still have those files here on my pc , and if nay one here need proff ( even you ) i can upload the files
to my ftp and you can have alook at it .

i have to thank Dave and Yoko , at that time that expalied me the meaning off the files
but i did build the (viasat file ) my self , and was original ,
that file was deliverd only to few friends and to a specific forum ( G O Z O sat)
if you rember :D and yes i did ban you many times that time
none off the file guys have their own software ( maybe very few have ) but most off those delivering
hex files even today uses 3rd part software , so did i at that time

and for you,r knowlege i can still see digitalb naw , not with card sharing if it is that what you mean , but with real card ;)

anyway , nothing personal from mi side either ,
im just tryung to say that they are not worth the money anymore
they are expensive , the picture quality is bad , and the serveis is not that good either.

and i think that for many ppl that lives in albania it will be good that digitalb gets hacked, as they have not that kind off money to pay for tv
ppl in albania have other things to think first,
haw to manage to make inaf money for daily life , haw to have inaf eccnomy for feeding the family and so on , you know that very well as we both are from albania ;)

anyway, i wish you a happy new year , and all the best in 2007
lett uss be friends as we always have been



01-01-2007, 04:24 PM
Y was c/s on Innovative for Digitalb Channels stopped and who asked for it to b stopped, makes you think.

02-01-2007, 07:12 PM
football gone on card soon for me now xxx after 11 gone will the latest films be next whats going on with this package mind you i will still renew as its still the best card around IMHO.

02-01-2007, 08:38 PM
will the latest films be next.lol.just been watching lucky number s7evin. picture and signal breakup on that transponder AGAIN. fox crime, premium transponder fine.

02-01-2007, 10:46 PM
Y was c/s on Innovative for Digitalb Channels stopped and who asked for it to b stopped, makes you think.

Me mate ,is not shame at all.

Focking receiver without no eny succes and story coming and going, likes profit somethink from the job of some one else ,you like hack hacked not facked .

Mate haw you think enyone of the delers could do receivers if you put all cards and do server in Korea .YOu think this receiver is good !!??after when server will fulled up you be foocked enyway becouse they like sell somethink and disaper.I have digitalb Esclusivity in UK and i could not live eny basterds to use my thinks for his goods and rape you and other is well.

Buy buy

02-01-2007, 10:47 PM
heheheh i must laf naw Darkan my friend ,

i have proff that the files was mine and only mine ,
i still have those files here on my pc , and if nay one here need proff ( even you ) i can upload the files
to my ftp and you can have alook at it .

i have to thank Dave and Yoko , at that time that expalied me the meaning off the files
but i did build the (viasat file ) my self , and was original ,
that file was deliverd only to few friends and to a specific forum ( G O Z O sat)
if you rember :D and yes i did ban you many times that time
none off the file guys have their own software ( maybe very few have ) but most off those delivering
hex files even today uses 3rd part software , so did i at that time

and for you,r knowlege i can still see digitalb naw , not with card sharing if it is that what you mean , but with real card ;)

anyway , nothing personal from mi side either ,
im just tryung to say that they are not worth the money anymore
they are expensive , the picture quality is bad , and the serveis is not that good either.

and i think that for many ppl that lives in albania it will be good that digitalb gets hacked, as they have not that kind off money to pay for tv
ppl in albania have other things to think first,
haw to manage to make inaf money for daily life , haw to have inaf eccnomy for feeding the family and so on , you know that very well as we both are from albania ;)

anyway, i wish you a happy new year , and all the best in 2007
lett uss be friends as we always have been



nice dream enyway keep dreaming:D

02-01-2007, 10:52 PM
the point people are making darkman is that the price has risen dramatically in the last 18 months. we know we are free to buy or not. i know you dont work for digitalb directly but receive income from selling cards , cams, receivers etc. otherwise you wouldnt give a toss whether its hacked or not, thats what i was trying to say. its your job/business and we respect that.

we are free to buy d+ C+ tps or any other package on the right sites such as yours ,lee's , or who ever else is selling, or with the right contacts in the country of origin. like sly customers living abroad use addresses in england. we all accept gratefully any hacked channels , that is part of the game. we are saying digitalb is no more (or less) a target for hacking along with rupee or any other providor. if the price becomes too much then like others then its a legitimate target. we just hope it dosnt become unaffordable like some others.
have a great new year and hope all the others at alsat the same. the banter of these sites are what help make the hobby fun (as well as the free viewing )lol

mate dont wory from now somethink cheap for you,6 months cards are coming from SuperSport and Gold Packege only in UK, no where in Albania or Europe;)

03-01-2007, 01:13 AM
mate dont wory from now somethink cheap for you,6 months cards are coming from SuperSport and Gold Packege only in UK, no where in Albania or Europe;)

The 12 month gold package is expensive at £270 (391 euro), i dont think the 6 month one would be value for money either

03-01-2007, 08:45 PM
The 12 month gold package is expensive at £270 (391 euro), i dont think the 6 month one would be value for money either

its allways in with point you see mate.I respect your point but that dont mean is true.

03-01-2007, 09:01 PM
It is cheap if you way them up with other providers around europe but remember it only 26 channels so it does seem a little bit on the expensive side to what we were used to from them.

Regards Jono

03-01-2007, 09:19 PM
@jono,might be good value since its gonna be a guaranteed way to watch epl next season for me i have ok signal on all digialb channls on 16e and i have old digialb card so my question is for Darkman is it possible to get this old card activated again???it only a year or so old i hav read on diffrent site that you do a good deal on renewing/re activating digialb cards so how much to reactivate this old card for 6 or 12 months??I WOULD APPRECIATE ANY INFO ON THIS DARKMAN PLEASE,if you like you can pm me or post here entirely up to you m8.thank you... barneycarlton.

03-01-2007, 10:41 PM
nice dream enyway keep dreaming:D

well i will dream on , as it does not mather to me if you belive it or not

i know that you deniy all things , but it does not mather to me
i know what i stand for, and i know what i have donne and what i do

even you like ti or not :D



03-01-2007, 11:57 PM
@jono,might be good value since its gonna be a guaranteed way to watch epl next season for me i have ok signal on all digialb channls on 16e and i have old digialb card so my question is for Darkman is it possible to get this old card activated again???it only a year or so old i hav read on diffrent site that you do a good deal on renewing/re activating digialb cards so how much to reactivate this old card for 6 or 12 months??I WOULD APPRECIATE ANY INFO ON THIS DARKMAN PLEASE,if you like you can pm me or post here entirely up to you m8.thank you... barneycarlton.

other 3 Yaers mate Waranty.Jut Bought again.

untill 2010.;)

04-01-2007, 07:54 AM
@jono,might be good value since its gonna be a guaranteed way to watch epl next season for me i have ok signal on all digialb channls on 16e and i have old digialb card so my question is for Darkman is it possible to get this old card activated again???it only a year or so old i hav read on diffrent site that you do a good deal on renewing/re activating digialb cards so how much to reactivate this old card for 6 or 12 months??I WOULD APPRECIATE ANY INFO ON THIS DARKMAN PLEASE,if you like you can pm me or post here entirely up to you m8.thank you... barneycarlton.

Do'nt see why it should'nt be possible barney m8 if it has a serial number on it, thats all thats needed I upgraded mine (via Lee from goldwafers, support our sponsor)to the gold package just before xmas and now when I access my card in the receiver the details have changed now the provider is premium sport.

regards painter

04-01-2007, 10:58 PM
Do'nt see why it should'nt be possible barney m8 if it has a serial number on it, thats all thats needed I upgraded mine (via Lee from goldwafers, support our sponsor)to the gold package just before xmas and now when I access my card in the receiver the details have changed now the provider is premium sport.

regards painter

yes mate is true, please here go after the Sponsor for thet i din not unswer before.

05-01-2007, 12:28 AM
ok m8's i do that i will give sponsor goldwafers a call and upgrade my old card for gold package i am really happy with both your reply's very helpfull indeed thanks darkman some great offers on @goldwafers at the min aswell i will support sponser of this site for certain.very cheap for one year i dont really care what others say it still mles ahead of sly for value.

06-01-2007, 02:30 AM
Y was c/s on Innovative for Digitalb Channels stopped and who asked for it to b stopped, makes you think.

mate allready i Answer you but you will unswer beter to all members by your words here and other members of that forum they are not ****ing about this receiver .Even fortec like haw do allways abandone them.

This are your words them to rimender you i been right.

fist post

flashharry .
Lets just look at our receiver and see wot we have.

We were promised DigitAlb channels this has not happened, so far no channels to replace them.

While other receivers are able to receive Premier, I find unable to enter keys for Prem channels, if you are able to enter keys for Prem do tell me how.

Bin file for TPS that normally comes out each day, no way to enter them.

Faulty receivers how many have you had, on my third receiver, first was dreaded 0's but second was a fault in receiver.

Bugs has anythink been done with regard to bugs, do not think so.

Its ok saying wait but for how long for, also when you do a seach for innovative so far have only found them for sale in U.K.

Are we unpayed fortec testers. WE HAVE PAYED GOOD MONEY FOR OUR RECEIVERS so way was receivers allowed to b sold with so many bugs.


second post

Re: Have Fortec forgot all about innovative
« Reply #13 on: January 01, 2007, 07:23:56 PM »


The quote is not from fortec, Fortec called it a receiver with a ethernet connection not just a fta receiver.

Lets b trufull if channels go off and receivers pack up this is to do with fortec and if that does happen in a year of buying our receivers its a scam.

In usa they already have had a boycott of fortec receivers due to no longer supporting receivers, fortec have already stopped suporting in u.k. FSCI-5100 range of receivers.

Why has our receiver been taken of the fortec site ?

See if they reply to my email


06-01-2007, 02:32 AM
here form diferent friend of yours ::

I agree, who would pay £150 for such a poor product, its only the c/s that makes this box worth having. Now if the server does go off after such a short period, we have been done, and we should look for recompense. But at the moment the server is still running so its a waiting game. I view this box as a decoder, it does not function as a stand alone receiver, and I would hope the c/s feature should give us at least 12 months viewing for the money we have paid out.

06-01-2007, 02:39 AM
Mate you see i was Not rong DAKMAN dont fock his name for few Pounds mate and seem time dont fock in the dish when HE eat. to HIS provider and HIS coustemers.

I think thats all,mate hoply that been lesson for you .