View Full Version : My FCIS700E+ whent bang last night

09-12-2006, 09:35 AM
My FCIS700E+ whent bang last night and there are bits of electrolytic capacitor all over the place, C164 on the main green board and D7 on the PSU board are in bits.
This has happened before to other members.
Does any one have any details of the fix that was previously posted , because I know It won't be a simple matter of just replacing these two component, because others will have been taken out by this.

Many thanks before I order a new STB

09-12-2006, 06:14 PM
where do you live?

what is your price?

i live in holland:)

17-01-2007, 09:50 PM
technomate far better box, you get support with them