View Full Version : Humax 2000 How good is it?

11-12-2006, 04:12 PM
What in your opinion is good and bad about the Humax 2000. For instance is the sd side of the unit as good as a normal humax digital reciever. Has anyone had any problems with the reciever. Does it run hot. What is picture quality like on sd and HD in comparison to other HD recievers. Come on give us your unbiased opinions.

11-12-2006, 05:02 PM
Hi bobT - I've been in this hobby since the days of the Squarial - BSB, had several different recivers (Not Humax) but must say since getting my 2000 I've been well impressed. Image quality both SD and HD over the HDMI digital fed into my Infocus projector onto a 2.5 meter screen is awesome, same goes with the digital sound from the optical out into my 5.1 sound system, I can now start to see the difference in quality between programme sources!
On the down side I find it is not very user friendly on the zapping side, compared to receivers I've had in the past but a small price to pay for the superb picture and sound. Only wish there were more Hd channels available!

11-12-2006, 07:04 PM
hi,i have one,picture quality is good,although it is a fairly hot unit the heat doesn't affect performance,i've had mine since july and i'm happy with it.
I have an issue with the current firmware 1.07 where the box locks up and doesn't switch back on again unless i put it on/off at the back,with the older firmware it's fine and i don't have the same problem.
not much in the way of hd channels on astra 1 and hotbird,which i use,hd picture quality is excellent though.

11-12-2006, 07:26 PM
Works great with Diablo cam (bottom slot) if you like HD.:D :D ;)

Channel handling isn't as good as the Sammy 9500, can't sort on transponder :mad: or provider.

Channel editor is sh****t ! (FormulaForHD_EU1)
The slowest program I have ever seen, takes days to upload a channel lists (download is very fast), edit a channel and it takes 30 secs to redraw the screen!!!!!!!!!!

Picture is great on component outputs. 720p doesn't work with my screen (pal50), but 1080i is great!

But I'm very happy with it.
I'm A big fan of the Hummys, the PVR-9200T is just fantastic!

12-12-2006, 06:47 PM
Thanks blueking I get your drift:D :rolleyes: dragon + K3 = C+ is the way I hang :p

12-12-2006, 09:59 PM
Had mine since june and had a few problems at first (kept losing sats) but now it's settled in, this machine is excellent in both sd/hd. I'm also using firmware 1.07 but iv'e never had a problem.

KDL32V2000, HDCI2000, Supajack180, Tekar 80cm, HDMI feeds.

No Problems

26-03-2007, 04:10 PM
I Do Not Want To Put You Off,but I Purchased A Hdci-2000 In January ,and Have Had Nothing But Trouble .it Is Back With The Supplier At The Moment After Two Experienced Engineers Tried For A Total Of 12 Hours Trying To Set It Up!!
Not Very User Friendly

26-03-2007, 06:40 PM
ive had mine since august and found it hard to start with but if you get an uptodate channel list and put it in the humy then everything is fine.ive had no probs with software updates ( on 1.00.7 ).i had a sat engineer set mine up when i first had it and i now have 20+ satellites on it.

27-03-2007, 02:29 PM
I've had mine for about 4 days now, its taken a bit of time to set up, but with a bit of reading and a bit of help from Minty (cheers mate!) I'm quite pleased with the box so far. Ive managed to get the latest firmware loaded with the latest stealth update in a diablo cam, and a good channel list, so I have got about 7 satellites set up so far. I use a dreambox normally, but wanted HD channels, so this for me is the best option. Its still quite a new box, so I'm sure there will be further improvements to the software. It does run quite warm, but thats not really a problem.


31-03-2007, 01:32 AM
Slow Slow Slow channel change apart from that good

02-04-2007, 04:51 PM
Im waiting for more HD receivers to come out then ill think of buying one.

16-04-2007, 06:20 PM
hi..have one 2000hdci...big cheet...very bad reciver for the price ..homecaste is bether..very fast and easy...to work...jocker