View Full Version : How to add new satellite positions onto HDCI2000

12-12-2006, 01:33 AM
Hi All,

I have a motorised dish and Humax HDCI 2000. Before tonight I had used my 5 'user defined' positions to add some other satellite positions but since downloading BigMan V2.2 I have lost the 'user defined' positions option (although I have also gained some very very much valued positions which were not in the original set-up - thank you BigMan!!).

However, I still want to put back the missing satellite positions not in the Bigman's listing. For example, I used to have 53deg East and other 'obscure' positions but these are now gone. How can I add these other satellite positions I require onto the BigmanV2.2 while not loosing any of the positions in the BigMan's listing?



12-12-2006, 10:11 AM
It is not possible to do on the rec.The right proccess is if you want it to do like this:first you have to do on the rec. is the default setting,then by your self(with your rec.) you have to search all the channels and the sattelites that you prefer;then you have to upload your list from the rec. on the comp.and from a Bigmans list you have to copy and paste the channels that you missing on your list.It's the only way to do!But you have to have so much patience!:mad: :)

12-12-2006, 10:04 PM
wolf, i will do that right away....many thanks

13-12-2006, 02:36 AM
seems like it wont take any of the extra 5 channels that i wanted to add to the list - perhaps there is a maximum number of sat one can paste? or maybe i need to unable something?

13-12-2006, 09:24 AM
You can put the max of 25 sattelites and 4000 tv channels!
P.S.If you have a problem with adding channels in the channel list,then you have to take a look in HELP section of the program formula1.01.(don't forget to put the right frequencies on the transponder list,and to change it in the channel option).It's a little bit complicated but you have to do it,because it's the only way to have the complete list channel!

14-12-2006, 07:16 PM
Hi wolf, i currently have 28 satellites on the list - so slightly more than you expected...? I want to add 5 more to get 33 or even more if it is possible.
I have no problem with channel list as i can scan then in or simply input their frequencies from kinggofsat.
Any further ideas are welcome and would be highly appreciated. thx