View Full Version : software for DCW servers

12-12-2006, 08:10 AM
Dear M8s
Is there a software for catching DCWs from servers and then feed them to H5400 for online opening channels like the sofware we have for AES or NewCamd servers ? Thanks

14-12-2006, 02:07 PM
check your pm

15-12-2006, 12:40 AM
may i have the same pm please???
thx in advance

15-12-2006, 06:41 AM
Thank you Marco for your reply , but I'm looking for a software that is able to get DCW from a user defined server and then send the information to the hummy online , the function would be similar to what sharemax5.5 does but for DCW servers ( sharemax does not support DCW , it supports other formats like Newcamd ) .

15-12-2006, 12:07 PM
Thank you Marco for your reply , but I'm looking for a software that is able to get DCW from a user defined server and then send the information to the hummy online , the function would be similar to what sharemax5.5 does but for DCW servers ( sharemax does not support DCW , it supports other formats like Newcamd ) .

i dont think there is a server which can catch th DCW keys & sending it to

humax like : AES Direkt or sharemax , this feature is only available for DVB cards

with v_plug "v_dcw" file , have a look here


15-12-2006, 09:23 PM
I've been looking for this kind of software too, but it seems it does not exist ... it's a pity because it's only a little variant of many others like aes direkt. It would be even simpler because it only has to grab DCWs from a web server (urls and patterns in v_dcw_sharing.ini) and send them straight to hummy (no need for any other kind of processing).
There are public and very reliable web servers out there providing DCWs for DOR*EL TV and for PRIV*TE SP*CE (both on hb) that works like a charm with dvb cards + vplug.
Let's hope that someone of the humax sw developers read this thread.

16-12-2006, 06:55 AM
I hope to have this kind of software for hummy in near future and as gianni253 mentioned it's not a complicated program , it would be similar to AES Direkt .