View Full Version : Cyfr*+ down

14-12-2006, 11:34 AM
Nano change again

14-12-2006, 12:21 PM
yes ,

caid 0100, provid 000065, ecm 05dd, nano 5104 parameters missing

cartoon network should still work fine , still uses 5105 even when
other channels moved to 5108 and now to 5104 .

14-12-2006, 12:46 PM
confirm new nano in use on C+Fr , Cyfra+ , C+NL
that is 5104
lets see how this will go

14-12-2006, 01:06 PM
I'm curious if K3-team will make an update because s*ca2 was open on FTA-receivers, so maybe the card has been hacked.
yep, let's see how this will go :D

14-12-2006, 01:12 PM
oh damn don't say that! :frown:

/me sad.


14-12-2006, 01:19 PM
Yeah, maybe the end for K3 card? :-( :-(

fred fickle
15-12-2006, 06:01 PM
Yeah, maybe the end for K3 card? :-( :-(

OH no the doom merchants are out again, PATIENCE GUYZ:cool:

15-12-2006, 06:11 PM
they were fast on change 5105 to 5108, we will see how they will react on this change...
K3 support lasted longer than I expected already, tbh.
It took them about one month the other time, meanwhile the card was doomed all over the place lol.

15-12-2006, 09:36 PM
I wonder when will people stop spending so much money on cards that last that long. Stop supporting them by buying their cards, it'll save you money, and the hacks will eventually be available on most receivers.

15-12-2006, 11:58 PM
Nah mate, rather shell out a tenner a month for a pirate card that hang about waiting for 6 months for a weeks viewing ;)

17-12-2006, 12:37 AM
Nah mate, rather shell out a tenner a month for a pirate card that hang about waiting for 6 months for a weeks viewing ;)

I agree.

Unless you have just invested in a K3 card, most will say it represented good value for meney and we can still be hopeful of further viewing. £10 a month or so for good quality TV and PPV compares very favourably with £40 a month on sly for rubbish.

Don't know why we should believe that not paying will lead to public hacks. Even if it was true providers will change something very quickly the moment anything goes public. Seems therefore to be the only way these days to watch these packages. :cool:

17-12-2006, 01:04 AM
I agree.

Unless you have just invested in a K3 card, most will say it represented good value for meney and we can still be hopeful of further viewing. £10 a month or so for good quality TV and PPV compares very favourably with £40 a month on sly for rubbish.

Don't know why we should believe that not paying will lead to public hacks. Even if it was true providers will change something very quickly the moment anything goes public. Seems therefore to be the only way these days to watch these packages. :cool:

I agree.

17-12-2006, 01:26 AM
:mad: Unfortunatly I am among those who have just invested in k3 2 weeks ago.

17-12-2006, 01:46 AM
I never watched Cyfra as I'm n a fixed Astra1 setup but I sooooo hope C+NL and FR come back!

Both top top packages.

17-12-2006, 10:32 AM
It looks like the operators are running out of options, there is only so many nanos they can use - I guess the next will be a frequent key change.

The K3 was supposed to have all nanos covered, so how comes these are not built into the card already ?

17-12-2006, 09:07 PM
It looks like the operators are running out of options, there is only so many nanos they can use - I guess the next will be a frequent key change.
At the moment they don't need another option, unfortunately for us. A bit early to predict next actions...
Sly Italy started alternating nano's before swithing off seca. During ecm's with known nano we could watch a few seconds even with titanium1, next ecms it went off again. Think it was hacked by aston on titancard though. I have never seen other keychanges than the monthly ones in seca1 and seca2 on any provider, it's the nature of the system and afaik it's a constant that can/will not be changed without serious consequences to subscribers (for example people who rely on monthly updates in other peoples boxes, missed key-updates and long waiting time for update, ...). As far as it would be possible, I don't think it will ever happen.

The K3 was supposed to have all nanos covered, so how comes these are not built into the card already ?
I don't think it's possible to do that in advance in emulations. From what we've seen so far I think K3 team is capable "only" of hacking the nano when it happens, but that's just my guess. They might have a full rom dump with all nano's and maybe they work out only the nano in use to save them very hard work, still guessing since we don't know anything about K3 team methods of hacking.
When D+ followed Sly Italy (or vica versa, don't remember well) in changing nano commands, it still took programmers quite some time and investigations to get the same nano working, meaning the same nano doesn't do the exact same things on different providers. Another proof that they can't get things working just like that even having "the nano".

That's my opinion, based on basic (not an expert at all) seca knowledge and events in the past.