View Full Version : Quirky settings/channel list probs with Gold Emu?

15-12-2006, 03:10 PM
Remember I said I will scan it all from scratch? I tried... I have Gold 4.0 in my Sammy and I even tried putting original 124 FW in and still got the same results!:confused: I am talking only about 28'5 and 28.2E at the moment, as I am stuck there, trying hard... but...:frown:

It pulls most on Astra2/Eurobird1 and then can't see them from 11895 MTV Trax and Mti onwards into higher frequencies... :confused:

I went manually from one transponder to another and at Channels 372 - 374 [funnilly enough it calls them User 371 - 373:D, the Asian/Oriental channels] it couldn't see them on transponder 11623 H. So, I put the PID searching to YES and gave it the parameters and it found them.

However, later on, with the same trick, it just couldn't see some. And I am not talking about the BBCi ones it couldn't see with the 118 FW, the ones one had to put in manually via the editor, together with some Premiere etc. channels].

Ergo, I pulled them [the very high frequency transpoders] in, although not all, and now Sammy sees nothing there. Not a sausage! FTA included. When I tried rescanning some manually it told me that it's "out of range", which is ridiculous, as it pulled them in the first time - it's just that it can NOT see them afterwards...

Anyone else with similar findings? Seems like there are bugs in the both 124 and 133 based settings/channel lists [the ones MAHDI calls stable in his Readme] but it looks different from where I am. And I tried so many times without any proper results, working on it now for long hours, trying it all, from Manual search in various ways, to Automatic, SMART, Network search and any old trick in the book. I through it all at Sammy [barr putting FW 100, for instance] and it still wouldn't play ball.

I didn't edit anything yet via a SetEdit editor, that's my last resort. But even Cuorino's good settings done via importing it from King*sat couldn't open quite a few channels...

WTF is going on, I wonder...?!?!?!?!? On to 26'E and onwards West... Wish me luck...

16-12-2006, 04:46 AM
This is what i found. Hope it helps

Auto scan:
346 TV on Astra 2
494 TV on Eurobird

Scanning astra 2 was fine on the whole and pretty quick

11895 MTV channels etc came in fine.

Asian/oriental channels on 11623 H weren't picked up during auto-scan although that frequency was stored in the receiver but a manual scan picked them up all with the correct names

Had to manually scan from transponders from 12441 onwards all other frequencies beginning with 12 were picked up

Auto scanning Eurobird took forever from 12529 frequency onwards...probably to do with the funny symbol rates it was searching for but gain no overall problems

Had to manually scan 12524 transponder.

16-12-2006, 01:06 PM
Yes, thanx, m8! Will relate to my experiences later on, when I get to those 2...;)


19-12-2006, 03:05 AM
what I have found is :- I put gold 4.0 in my sammy o i have 501 loader and sorry to hear of the problems that some 500 m8y’s have had
I did a auto scan on all the sats I can see first (I can’t see astra 2 or Eurobird iv got a pine tree in the way and im reluctant to cut it down ) but I get astra 1 19*e to 30*w
I find telstar12 and scan no problem I get what I want I save the sat position and channels sammy says ok I go to another sat scan get what I want save sammy says ok but when I go back in my channel list to any channel on telstar12 the dish want move so I go into menu and manually send the dish there I see what I want I again save sat position sammy says ok
If I am on 19* and want 30* the dish go’s there if im on telstar12 and want any other sat no problem but it will not come back in fact it stays on what ever sat I am on it just will not move until I go into the menu and move it from there
Every thing else is brilliant thanks mahdi
I even tried 4.1 and just the same