View Full Version : missing premier channels in EPG / channel listing

15-12-2006, 06:26 PM
Hi there,
does anyone know how the Humax names the Premier channels that are ppv/****?
in the samsung i think they were listed sgs blah blah. Are they listed as unknown 1,2,3 blah blah...?
can't find them t-rex even though i know they must be there. can find the usual prem 1,2,3, etc.


PS humax vaci 5300 running official 2.08 firmware.

15-12-2006, 06:55 PM
Hi m8,

I asked more or less the same question for the HDCI2000.
Please see below. This might help.


15-12-2006, 07:52 PM
thanks for that mate. heh an obvious floor in the Humax. Why they should do this when other stb's cope more than well enough with PPV channels. I notice i also couldn't get all the Kiosques on the humax. Sure i used to have them years ago?
Anyways really greatful for your help. You saved me a lot of reading just to find out for sure that i need a channel list.

out of interest have you added yours ok?


voith driver
15-12-2006, 10:27 PM
hi netjunkie,
not so sure what you mean on the flaw, if you use the posted channel settings the erotic are called erm erotic, and even blue movie, ppv are listed 1 to 7, and with a patched 5400 the portals come into play, but even so, these settings will still work on your 5300.
don't know if that helps

15-12-2006, 10:49 PM
damn i knew i spelt flaw wrongly. i just meant that it's quite a proceedure including needing a null modem cable to upload those channel settings for a non techie or non hobbist type.

But lucky i know what i'm doing / or at least i can figure it out and i have the cable. thanks people for the info etc.

thanks again,

PS can i edit the .fdf file so i only include the channel list for hotbird and astra. don't have a motorised system.

23-12-2006, 01:38 AM
can some one refresh me on portals access for humax 5400, as can not find them

23-12-2006, 05:10 AM
Sport films ,XXX press yelow films through out the week press epg