View Full Version : 5400 Video Bitrate Display - Incorrect?

17-12-2006, 12:08 PM
Wth regard to technical broadcast information, does anyone know why the video bitrate display on the Humax 5400 is (seems to be?) incorrect?

As far as I can see, the info. for resolution and audio bitrate is fine, but video bitrates are wrong e.g. max bitrate shown seems to be 1875 kbps, even when high quality channels such as Das Ertse are checked (according to a net bitrate site, this channel averages 6000 kbps)
Is it possible to get accurate video bitrate readouts on the 5400?


17-12-2006, 03:37 PM
The bitrates are correct 1875 kbps is the max your get on SD

6000 kbps would be DVD quality :)


18-12-2006, 12:43 AM
The bitrates are correct 1875 kbps is the max your get on SD

6000 kbps would be DVD quality :)


Are you sure?


I have probably misunderstood something, but 1875 kbps, as a maximum, seems very low - I know that SD digital broadcasting is generally quite poor, but is it all sub-DVD quality? :confused:

18-12-2006, 02:48 PM
I know all the charts rate them higher TQ channels are rated
1.5mb/s to 5mb/s when in reality they are only around 700

I have never seen anything above 1875 kbps and thats
definitely right, watch anything on sat on a big screen
and you soon see the bitrate difference compared to dvd